Saturday, February 27, 2010

Knock off part 2...

(scroll to previous post to see how it was made)
I put up my ABC canvas today.
It did not look right.

See look how boring. Just a bunch of beige shapes.
So I tried to add some color to the mix.
Now there was just a bunch of beige shapes with a red circle.
I decided to paint the frames.
I absolutely love these frames.
They have a fun paisley pattern on them.
First they were green.
Then linen with a brown wash. (like the picture above)
Then finally they ended up a robins egg blue color with a brown wash.
I added fabric ties at the top to finish them.

In the end I decided that the canvas looked unfinished without a frame.
Lucky I had a big one out in the garage.
It is too big, so there is about an inch boarder between it and the canvas.
I painted it red.
I am loving the red and the blue.
To bad my camera is taking horrible pictures.
It looks much better in person.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Knock off...

Remember this post?

Well this past week I was at my sister's and finally attempted to make this.
Here is mine.
I was a bit worried (and I think everyone else was too) that is wouldn't turn out.
I had a hard time getting the vinyl to stick to the canvas.
Then I was worried that the stencil wouldn't seal and the paint would bleed.
But it worked.
I wish I had the time to put a frame around it.
When I was buying the canvas I couldn't remember if the original was square or rectangle.
I went with the rectangle so my circles are a little oval.
I also did mine brown instead of black
I still like it though.
I made this for about a tenth of the price of the original.
Not bad. Quite good actually :)
Now I need to find a spot for it.
The decorating is my favorite part.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I did it...

I finished phase 1 of South Beach Diet!
I know there were a few slip ups here and there...dang Girl Scout Cookies.
But I am proud of myself for sticking to it so well.
Here are my number for phase 1
Day 1-169.8 I can't belive I let it get this high.
Day 14-161.9
Total loss of
7.9 pounds
Not bad. I am actually very happy with it.
Here comes the hard part I think.
Phase 2
I can start adding fruit and some carbs back in.
I just need to remember to do this part smart,
and not go overboard with getting to get some carbs again.
I want to get down to 155. That is what I weighed when I got married.
150 would be great... I guess I'll just see how ambitious I get.
Wish me luck.
{at least} 7 pounds to go...
Rather than bog down this blog with diet and
weight loss stuff I will be transferring all the diet posts with recipes to here
(It is a blog that I started after I have Laine to try and get motivated.)
*I forgot to make this blog un-private yesterday. It is open to all now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I look like my mom, no wait dad, no my brother...

nope. I look like me Delaine Jo.



I have been wanting to put these pictures up here for awhile. I think it is fun to compare looks.
I would have done it sooner but every time I get out the camera Laine makes her smile face (bottom right corner), she wiggles away or grabs the camera.

Days 11, 12,13 and 14

Day 11
A small bowl of cottage cheese
v8 juice
I am so bored of eggs. I think the thing I am looking forward to the most is fruit for breakfast.

Snack-Cheese stick

Oopsie roll sandwich-ham cilantro mayo and lettuce

A friend of mine emailed me the recipe for the oopsie roll. She is also doing a low carb kind of diet and said this was a great substitute for a sandwich. They were a little different and I wasn't sure how they were going to taste after I learned the only ingredients are eggs, cream cheese and a pinch of cream of tarter. I think I should probably try to make them again to perfect the roll, they were pretty flat. But it was nice to put meat between "bread" and have a sandwich.

3 pieces of sugar free candy

Chef Salad
Everyone else had spaghetti

Day 12
Cottage cheese I am all out of eggs because of the oopsie rolls


Chipotle Chicken salad- I love that place :)

2 Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies.... Definitely worth the sugar. I just hope I don't regret it later

Cottage cheese with sliced up pears

I have decided to slowly slide into phase 2 of the south beach diet. I am still going to have low carb lunches and dinners but I need to not have eggs for breakfast anymore. I am going to add in fruit, oatmeal for breakfast, some whole grains, and pita bread. I am still going to do no sugar. (except for the occasional girl scout cookie) And I get to have popcorn!

Day 13
Serving size of oatmeal sweetened with splenda and cinnamon

celery with peanut butter

BLT Wrap- 3 pieces of bacon, mayo and tomato wrapped in lettuce

stick of cheese

Grilled chicken, tomato, green onion, cucumber, avocado on a bed of lettuce

2 thin mints one samoa :)

Day 14


1 serving size whole grain Cheerios's , milk, sweetened with splenda


Lunch- cottage cheese with a sliced pear

snack-cheese stick

dinner- ham, pickle, lettuce, onion, cheese, tomato, mayo sandwich on Nature's Own Sandwich rounds- these are way yummy, whole grain, no sugar or HFCS, and only 100 calories

Desert/snack-single serving size popcorn

Thursday, February 18, 2010

South Beach Days 8,9,10...

Day 8
Breakfast- none

Obviously I had a busy morning. I wasn't even hungry though.

Lunch-I was in a hurry so I had sugar free jello and some nuts

Cheese Stick

White Chicken Chile- This was SO yummy!! I actually think I will make it again this week. I have been kind of bored of salad after salad. It was great to have a bowl of warm food.

Desert- 3 pieces of sugar free candy

Day 9
2 scrambled eggs w/ garlic and basil
2 pieces of bacon
v8 juice


Lunch-left over White Chicken Chile-even better the second day

Snack-one dove sugar free truffle


Ok this is kinda a weird one. Were had been out working in the yard all afternoon and I didn't want or have the energy to cook. So we grilled up some hot dogs for everyone. I had mine like regular except I wrapped it in lettuce instead of a bun. I am surprised that even though I am not eating the bread I am still satisfied. It taste just the same with out the carbs.

I found sugar free mouse from Jell-o chocolate flavored. The SB book I have says only sugar free jello. The mouse is pretty new so I don't know where it fits in to the diet. But still no sugar so I'll take it. And yes... it was good :0

As I have looked back over the days food I am surprised at how little I have ate. Here is the shocker though... I am not hungry... I am not thinking about what I can't have... it is nice not to be thinking about food all day. I have always wanted to live the the whole "Eat to live. Not live to eat" phrase. The last few days have felt this way. I am eating when I am hungry and not just because I have nothing else to do. Although I guess I would be lying if I didn't say I missed fruit. Apples, oranges and pears oh my!( that is a subtle Wizard of Oz comment if you didn't get it)

Day 10
2 eggs
1 piece bacon
v8 juice
Easy Summer salad-cottage cheese tomato cucumber
Stick of cheese
(everyone else had twice baked potatoes)
So tonight we had people over for dinner. They were bringing the desert. I decided that I would either have half a potato or desert. The desert was a white cake, whip cream with strawberries. I chose the desert. It was good and tried to talk myself into not feeling guilty for eating it. I was right to feel guilty. At 2:30 in the morning I started to feel yucky by 2:45 I threw up yuck! And it was all the cake I ate. I guess my body didn't like the four and sugar.

Monday, February 15, 2010

South Beach Round up...

I am still doing my diet. It is going great. I decided that I won't bore the world with my daily meal updates anymore. So I'll just post one big menu blog at the end of the week. I have seen some success! Down 5 pounds. 10 to go!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines day and other ramblings...

Happy Valentines Day.

Jer and I got out the camera this morning. We needed a newer family picture of us. Thank goodness for the self timer. Plus Sunday is just about the only day of the week we all look decent at the same time. I also wanted to take a picture of just the 2 of us. As you can see the kids had other plans... I love my life :)

My husband knows me all to well. I always say I want flowers but he knows me better. Season 5 of the Office will last much longer and bring me more joy than flowers ever will. I love you Jeremiah!

We decide that is was sad to watch our kids play in the dirt and rocks in the back yard and got a little grass. When I say a little I mean a little. We are renting this house and the landscaping is all desert-scape. In the back yard there is a corner that had a garden in it so it was just dirt. We bought $50 worth of sod and supplies and viola... instant back yard fun. It is nice to look out the back window and see green.

I need some advice. My camera has been taking worst and worst pictures. They are grainy and the lighting is all off. It is just a point and shoot nothing fancy. I am wondering if all my settings are off. Seeing as how a little boy I know loves to take pictures. Or it is time for a new camera? Plus if it is time for a new camera what should I get?

Day seven...

Scrambled eggs, salsa and a slice of bacon

Cheese stick

Chicken Salad on a bed of lettuce

Oh yes... I am a cheater today.

I had 1 1/2 pieces of See's candy. It was good and I don't feel guilty :0)

Bun less hamburger-lettuce, onion, pickle, tomato, cheese

No desert- I figured that since I had some candy I should skip a desert

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day six...

bacon, green onion, mushroom and tomato omelet

Cheese stick

Cesar Salad

We were at the mall and had a sample of some See's candy- mine was sugar free. Dark Chocolate covered almonds... it was so good.

handful of nuts and sugar free jello

Grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce w/ avocado-ranch dressing. Not horrible but would have been better if my avocado was not so ripe.

Sugar free fudgesicle- these never get old :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 5...

... I didn't have any. opps. I hit the ground running this morning. We had doctors appointments and a few errands to run.

Handful of mixed nuts and a cheese stick

Tuna salad wrapped in romaine lettuce

sugar free jello

Chef's salad- I made the kids homemade mac and cheese. I didn't even sneak a bite, thought about it, but I didn't. Since I am only cooking for myself 4 nights a week these meals aren't to fancy. I am going to try some fun new recipes next week.

Sugar free fudgesicle

Note to self- eat breakfast! Skipping this meal made me hungry and want to snack all day. I definitely had more mixed nuts then I should have today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day four...

(Sorry you bore you all with these. I just feel like it helps me stay on track. Feel free to skip them)

ham, green onion, mushroom and cheese omelet
v8 juice

Celery with cream cheese

Lunch: Chipotle Wooo Whoooo!

I knew we would be out for the afternoon and was trying to figure out what I could have without breaking the diet. So I had a salad.

Romain Lettuce, pinto beans, chicken salsa, cheese and a little bit of sour cream.

Snack: nuts

Kabobs- This recipes calls for honey you aren't supposed to have honey or any sugar. I am going to make it anyway :)

(I made roasted potatoes on the side for my husband and kids)

Sugar free fudgesicle

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day three...

omelet with mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, 1 strip of bacon and 1 tablespoon of cheese
v8 juice

This was a yummy breakfast but I am going to be so sick of eggs. I am missing fruit :(
oranges, pears and banana are calling my name. Luckily in phase 2 I can have fruit again!

I am not in a snacky mood- no snack this morning

Ham, tomato and Lettuce wraps with cilantro mayo. (I loves me some yummy cilantro)
Cottage Cheese

sugar free jello and a handful of nuts-made up for not eating a snack this morning ;)

Grilled Chicken on a green salad. I added an avocado and cilantro, it was good

I think I failed to mention that you are supposed to have desert. I have found a few recipes to try but for today a sugar free fudgesicle hit the spot. Plus you can have sugar free candy. I definitely have been sampling a few of those the last few days. The last time I did this diet I don't remember having a ton of sugar free candy options. But this time I have found some good candy. Dove truffles, peppermint patties and jolly ranchers. Good for my sweet tooth.

I am flattered...

Thank you Shannon for giving me this. I love to read your blog. You have such a strong testimony of the gospel, take beautiful pictures, and have such sweet kids. I am glad we can be blog buddies :)

Now for the 7 things about me..

  1. I am a talk radio junkie. I listen to KFYI almost everyday. Rush, Hannity, Broomhead just to name a few of the shows I listen to. Maybe that makes me boring. But I like to be informed. I don't always agree with everything but I still like to listen.

  2. When I was little I wished I was Laura Ingalls from Little House in the Big Woods. Heck I still wish I could be her.

  3. I can not sleep in socks. It makes me feel all claustrophobic.

  4. I wish I could go to school to be an Interior Decorator. I would love to know the rules of design. How to make things go together, what colors compliment each other and all that fun stuff. If I knew I could make money at it I think I would.
  5. I love to do puzzles. They are nice and relaxing. To bad I haven't done one in years for fear of tiny hands messing it up and eating the pieces.

  6. I love to sing church hymns at church. I am always disappointed when people don't sing loud. I have a horrible singing voice but it doesn't stop me. I love the feeling music brings.

  7. I rearrange my house all the time. Not always the furniture but stuff on the walls, shelves cabinets. I like changes like that. I wonder what that says about my personality...

Wow, coming up with 7 things was hard. That took me days. I tried to post things I haven't posted on my blog before. I have come to the conclusion that a) I am not that interesting or b) I share too much on my blog because if you read my blog regularly you already know all the "interesting"things.

Now to nominate 7 people:

Jill, my sister. She is so crafty and witty.

Jami. She has had a difficult couple of years and has faced her trials head on in a courageous attitude. Love this girls spirit.

Erin. Funny girl, in a good way, and she take amazing pictures.

My Mom. I would love to see her "interesting" things.

Kim. I love her honesty about things. I am so excited for her twins :)

These two are private blogs...sorry to the rest of the world who doesn't get to read them.

Brittany. Another funny girl. I love all her kids and how she handles them.

Amy. She is crafty. Love her projects and can't wait to see her new little girl.

-Copy the award and place it on your blog

-Link to the person who nominated you this award

-Tell 7 interesting things about yourself

-Nominate 7 bloggers and post links to their blog

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2...

Scrambles eggs with chopped up ham, a little cheese and salsa- you will notice that breakfasts in phase one are super predictable, they all include eggs
V8 Juice

Snack-Cheese stick

Tuna salad Lettuce wraps- the highlighted recipe for the tuna, I didn't use as much mayo more like 2 tablespoon, wrapped in romaine lettuce
cottage cheese

Sugar Free Jello

Mesquite marinated BBQ Chicken (you can find the marinade as any store)
Stuffed spinach mushrooms
Green Salad
This is a dinner I make all the time because it is yummy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day one...

scrambled eggs with garlic and basil seasoning {yummy}
2 pieces of bacon
-south beach calls for Canadian bacon but all I had was regular bacon.

Cheese stick and water

Easy Summer Salad - This was pretty good. Instead of feta cheese I used cottage cheese.

Afternoon Snack:
Nuts- almonds, walnuts and a few peanuts

We interrupt this diet for this reason.....

See that triangle looking blob on the right side {left if you are looking straight on}
it is pneumonia.

Yep, little Bode James has a pneumonia.

Friday night Bode was sounding a little horse. Saturday he had a tight cough and a fever. We decided to not go to church on Sunday because of Saturday's fever. He was acting fine all day. Sunday we went over to diner at the Brooks's house. He was his happy little self but with in an hour or so he was slowing down and his fever came back. We came home, got some tylenol and he slept all night. This morning he was feeling better. I was having him take it easy all day. He seemed a little under the weather but still he seemed alright. Then is was quiet time this afternoon and he fell asleep. He never sleeps in the day unless he feels yucky. So when he got up I took his temperature, it was 103.9. That was that. I called up Rena to watch Laine and we were off to urgent care. After a thorough check up and xrays the diagnosis is a pneumonia. Poor kid. He was feeling much better after we left the urgent care. He has some medicine and we will check up with our regular doctor on Wednesday. Hopefully it will clear up quickly and that Laine Jo will stay healthy. Prayers for my little duder.

With all this going down this evening it was to much for me to make my planned dinner. A taco from Taco Bell is on the South Beach Diet, right? Other then my dinner I did quiet well today. On to day 2...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


is a four letter word.
I am starting the South Beach Diet on Monday. The last time I did this diet, the spring before I got pregnant with Laine, I lost 10 lbs in 14 days. This was around the time we were moving from up north down to the valley. Between moving, Jer in the academy and all that stress I never got to finish the whole program. This time I am determined to do it.
This diet is broken up into Phases. There are three of them. The first phase is the most strict, but the most effective. There is a long list of the foods you can't have. So for the next 14 days is it good bye bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, sugar and fruit. Plus whole bunch of other stuff. I will have to admit I am not the most creative cook. Last time I just got all my recipes out of the book. Many of them are complicated and expensive. Luckily for me this time I found this great SBD recipe blog. They all sound so yummy and I am excited to try them all. You eat a lot of veggies, lean meats, eggs, cheese and nuts. Also you can have sugar free candy, jello and fudgesicles (yay).
I have been working on my 14 day menu and shopping list, going to take some "before" pictures and get my gym plan ready. I am going to update all my progress here (sorry if that bores you). I figure it is a good way to be held accountable.
Anybody want to join me?

Friday, February 5, 2010

As of today...

we have been married 1825 days.
I have loved every day with my dear sweet husband.
We have lived in 5 houses,
had 6 cars,
1 cat,
1 dog,
1 boy and 1 girl.
I wouldn't change one of my days with my husband.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks everybody...

for your comments on my blog.
I appreciate them. I would be lying if I said I didn't. I love to open my blog up and see a new comment. It can make my day sometimes. Sorry if I don't make it around to your blogs to leave comments too. I really try. I like to get comments and I like to leave comments for you too. I just wanted to say thanks to all my blog friends :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This sweet boy wanted to make Valentines for his cousins and grandparents.

All you need is a tons of stickers...

And what you end up with is a unique bunch of Valentines.

All you have to do is sign them. It is pretty hard work. I think the tongue out really helps.

Since October Bode has very into holidays. After Christmas he kept telling me that "rooserts" is coming. I could not figure out what that was. So a week or so ago we were walking through Michaels and we saw all the Easter decorations. He turns to me and says "See Mom, rooserts is coming" :) I had a good little chuckle over that one. I told him yes Easter is coming but first it will be Valentines day. I told him on Valentines day you give your friends and family cards and you tell them you love them. Ever since then he has wanted to make everyone Balentines. Lucky for us we got a package in the mail from Great Grandma Joncas. It was full of Valentines stickers. Perfect for making Valentines.

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