Friday, April 27, 2012

Go to sleep...

please children! There will be a time in your life where you wish someone would force you to sleep.

Piper has reverted back to a newborn sleep pattern. She is up every few hours and wants to eat. She is 6 months old and I feel like she should be sleeping better. She is exhausting right now. In the past my other have cried it out. It took a few night but they figured out how to get back to sleep on their own. This little girl in much more suborn. We have done the cry it out approach but she doesn't go back to sleep. It is more like cry and cry and cry until I have to cave because it has been hours and I need sleep! I have tried solid food before bed, rice cereal in the bottle, a bath to calm her down but nothing has worked. Hopefully she will decide to sleep longer than 2 hours soon. I might just loose my mind.

Then there is this girl. She just has a really hard time going to sleep. She will do anything possible to prolong the actual sleeping. 

Finally this boy. He is the best. He goes to sleep when he is supposed to, stays in bed and loves his sleep. The only minor problem is that he likes to get up early to have snacks, watch tv and play the Wii.

The view from here...

Jer and I went to a Suns game this week. Jeremiah loves basketball. I like it. Either way it was fun ditch the kids for an evening and spent time with my favorite person. Although I doubt he will be taking me to many more games. Boys like those things more than girls or maybe just me. We did win chocolate milk though.

In other Jeremiah news, he got PRK. It is a different kind of lasik eye surgery. Jeremiah was legally blind in both eyes. He had to wear glasses or contacts to function. The last year or so Jeremiah has had problems with his eyes. He was wearing contacts for to long and his eye were very irritated. We were going to the doctor all the time to get new drops to fight the dry, red, scratchy eyes. Well I think it was 2 weeks ago that he decided that he was just done. He scheduled a lasik consultation. He did this about a year after we were married too but at the time it was over $5,000 to get his eyes done. Six years later it is now about half the price and we decided it was worth the debt. So this past Friday he got the surgery done on his eyes. He said he wasn't really prepared for the pain. PRK is more invasive than traditional lasik so there are more lasers used, longer healing time and more pain. His eyes were too bad to do regular lasik. But it has been a few days and he can already see major improvement. His vision is as good as it was with his glasses on. It should improve over the next 3 weeks and he should be good to go. As for the pain we are all glad he gets pain medication. He got up to use the restroom the other night and it made him laugh. He could actually see the toilet. Too funny! I am glad he won't have to deal with contacts anymore. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Match-e, match-e...

I love my two little girls.  I am glad that they will grow up together. They will fight over clothes, bathroom time, space in their shared room and countless other things. One day they will, hopefully, grow up  and realize that their best friend was there the whole time. They will become more than sisters they will be friends. If I am holding Piper, Laine will come up to me and ask me to hold her too. I pick her up and hold them both. Laine will hold my cheek and Piper's and tell me "you got two girls, right mom". Oh, how I love both my two girls. Laine also love to match things. She was very excited about all of the girl's matching purple glitter toes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The life and times of Bode James...

 Bode's 20 Birthday questions... only a month late.

 1. What is your favorite color? red
2. What is your favorite toy? A stuffed animal, me doggy.
3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon!
4. What is your favorite tv show? Cool Dog
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Sandwiches
6. What is your favorite outfit? A blue shirt
7. What is your favorite game? Mario Cart or Tball
8. What is your favorite snack? Graham Crackers and Milk  
9. What is your favorite animal? A dog
10. What is your favorite song? ABC's
11. What is your favorite book? Dick and Jane
12. Who is your best friend? Jalen, Braton, Braden, Noah S
13. What is your favorite cereal? Captain Crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Jump on the tramp with the sprinklers on
15. What is your favorite drink? Chocolate milk and juice!
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Fishy blanky
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? cereal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? macaroni and cheese
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A police officer

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Twirling toes...

Piper has a little quirk about her. 
Whenever she is sitting down, laying down or  has her feet free she twirls her toes.
It is a small thing but a sweet little thing all the same. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

one, two, three...

Little Piper P. She is a sweet little thing. Constantly drooling as you can see by this picture. She let out a majorly loud toot during Relief Society today. It was in the middle of a particularly quiet moment during the lesson too. It was SO loud! She was rolling around on a blanket on the floor and just let it rip. Everyone around us could barely contain their laughter. 

We had a sweet afternoon together. She fell asleep on my and we took a little nap. For the last 45 min she has been crying in her room because she doesn't want to go to sleep. She just fell asleep. I wish someone would force me to go to sleep.

Bode had his first taste of nutella today. I think it is safe to say he liked it. I was planning on making cookies today but after my little nap this afternoon the time got away from me. So instead I cut up strawberries and put a dollop on nutella on the side for a Sunday treat. He was really bummed about not getting cookies and was whining about only getting strawberries for a treat. I told him to try it and just see if he liked it. He sat down and stared eating. He finished his and started licking the bowl then he proceeded to gather the other bowls and lick them clean too. Again, I think it is safe to say he liked it... alot.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The world is her canvas...

Oh this girl! She is an artist. She has recently found the joy of markers, pencils and crayons. She can find them after I have hidden them and go to town. She will color anywhere! The walls, the floor, my brand new shoes!!, paper, books or her body. If it will be still she will draw on it. (watch out Piper, she is coming for you)  Bode has been like this but he always used paper and only wrote on the wall one time. He more likes to glue things together and make crazy paper things. Not Laine. She loves to draw. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers come in very handy these days.

Little P...

This little girl is growing so fast. I was getting her dressed the other day and pulled out this onsie. She wore it a lot during her first month of life. I don't think it would even fit over her head now. She is almost 6 months old. Being the third baby it seems that the time is going by at an even faster pace. With Bode I wanted him to hit all his milestones and I was always to happy if he did something early. I thought Laine left the baby phase fast but I was wrong. I blink and another month has gone by. I can't even imagine how fast it will be if we have another one. It will probably come out talking. No matter how much I complain I can't stop time. I will just have to be happy with the moments we have right now.

  • Piper can hold her bottle by herself. She was never good at having me feed her a bottle. She preferred to look around constantly. That made keeping a bottle in her mouth hard. 
  • She can roll all over the house. She isn't scooting forward yet but still manages to roll all over and get wherever she wants to go. She get her legs stuck under the couch and tables all the time. That does not put her in a good mood. Lucky for her she wears her helmet. It prevents her from bonking her head on the fireplace, table corners and tile floor. Maybe every baby should have a helmet. Cuts down on the bruises. 
  • She is constantly flexing her legs and twirling her toes/foot in circles. I need to take video of it before she stops. So cute!
  • We have started solid foods. She does not like oatmeal or green beans. Loves rice cereal unless it is to thick. I think she likes carrots the best. Just wait Piper, next week I'll start giving you fruit. 
  • She isn't the best sleeper at night. Still getting up a few times. But she is a good napper. Sometimes she takes a 4 hour nap during the day or 2, 2 hour naps.
  • Over all she is a happy little thing. She has had some bad days. We keeping thinking she is teething. She get swollen gums, drools nonstop and chews on everything but nothing ever pops through in her mouth.
She is such a sweet baby and we are all in love with this sweet girl!


We started out our Easter activities by attending out city's hunt. It was a zoo! I am so glad my neighbor and her kids came with us as well because I could not have done it myself. There were a ton of people but in the end the kids got to fill their baskets with eggs, play on a bounce house and basically enjoy the day. I am not sure we will do it again though. I don't like waiting in a line that long unless I am at Disneyland. 

This was the 4 year old hunt. We fibbed Laine's age because we didn't want to have to go out there more than we needed to.I told Bode, Conner and Corbin  the secret to getting the most eggs during the hunt was to run as fast as they could to the other side of the field and get those eggs first. I told them to not stop and get the eggs right on front of us. Boy did they ever follow my advice. The announcer said go and they just took off! It paid off though, their baskets were full.

Here we are all fresh and ready to go. We weren't so happy looking towards the end. It was getting hot and we all were getting cranky. I ended up carrying Laine all the way to the car. If you ever want to get a bunch of people smiling, pointing and talking to you, strap a baby with a helmet to your body. Then add a hot 3 year old and you get the sympathy looks to.

Later in the evening the Easter bunny dropped off his magic jelly eggs. The kids planted them and were hopeful that gigantic lollipops would grow in their place.

Those magic jelly eggs worked! There were 3 huge lolly pops outside where the seeds were planted.

The rest of the day looked like this for Bode. He was sick.

That didn't slow us girls down though. We got all dressed and went to church. I made the little dress 3 years ago for Laine. I pulled it out a few weeks ago and remembered I had some of the material left over. I had enough to make Laine a dress to match. 

 “I believe that none of us can conceive the full import of what Christ did for us in Gethsemane, but I am grateful every day of my life for His atoning sacrifice in our behalf.

“At the last moment, He could have turned back. But He did not. He passed beneath all things that He might save all things. In doing so, He gave us life beyond this mortal existence. He reclaimed us from the Fall of Adam.
“To the depths of my very soul, I am grateful to Him. He taught us how to live. He taught us how to die. He secured our salvation.”
-President Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Plagiocephaly ...

Plagiocephaly is a condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull.

All my little babies had a small flat spot on the back of their heads. With each one I would roll up a sock or something so that they wouldn't be able to turn their neck the way of the flat spot. Bode and Laine's flat spot corrected themselves. Little miss Piper did not like the sock and would squirm her little body to get away from it. At her 4 month appointment I told the Doctor I thought she should be get her a helmet to fix it. One look at that flat head and she agree with me. So off to a specialist we went. 

The helmet is more common these days for a few reasons. One being that babies sleep on their backs now as apposed to their bellies like they did years ago. And two it used to be thought of as a cosmetic procedure. Now studies have shown that the flat spot causes the whole head to me off causing migraines and sinus problems. Having a baby lay on their back isn't the only factor causing a flat spot. Their position in the uterus, the way they travel through the birth canal and a just the way they grow cause the flat spot. 

Piper has an obvious flat spot on the back right of her head, it also bulges on the back left and her right ear isn't in line with the other one.  

They measure and scan her head and the helmet was fitted just for her. She has gradually been wearing it and by the end of this week she will be wearing is for 23 hours a day. She will wear it for probably 2 months or up to a year. It just depends on how fast she grow and how she responds the helmet.

This was the first day. She was a bit annoyed at it. But she has been wearing it more and it doesn't seem to bother her so much anymore. It was rather plain though, so we decided to spruce it up a bit.

She is such a cutie with or without a helmet.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Then and Now...

Every house we have ever lived in I thought was the cutest house. I loved how each one of them were decorated. As I look back at old pictures of each of them I laugh. My decorating eye has changed and gotten better over the years. I really like that way our house looked when we first moved in here. In the short 2 years we have lived here I have already changed so much. I thought it was great back then but it is much better now.




Even though I love our house right now, I am 100% sure I will look back at these pictures and think differently. I have pictures of more rooms in this house that I want to post but that will be over the next few days or even weeks. Seems as though I can't keep one room clean enough long enough to take a picture. 

7 weeks have come and gone...

This was me 7 weeks ago...

Here I am now...

click on the link to see :)

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