Saturday, December 15, 2012


Be near me lord Jesus
 I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever and love me I pray.
 Bless all the dear children
 In Thy tender care
 And take us to Heaven to live with
 Thee there.

My heart hangs heavy in my chest today. Yesterdays events were so senseless and tragic. My thoughts are turned to the parents that lost their children, brothers and sisters who lost a sibling and families who lost loved ones. Children who were eagerly awaiting Christmas, just learning to read, children who's lives were cut too short. There are not words that can be said to repair the damage that has been done. There is only a long road of acceptance, anger, forgiveness and peace.

I am so grateful that I got to kiss this sweet children last night and pull the covers up over their little sleeping bodies. I am grateful that my husband came home from work last night, crawled into bed and gave me a hug. 

I read this article this morning. It is worth a full read...

We must remember to

  1. 1. 
    Search inward;
  2. 2. 
    Reach outward; and
  3. 3. 
    Look heavenward.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Harry Potter...

A few months ago I was flipping through tv and Harry Potter was on tv. I stopped to watch it. Bode covered his eyes with his hands and told me what I have told him many times " I can't watch the movie till I read the book!!". So that was that. I asked if he wanted to start reading the books with me. He was on bored. We started reading about a month ago. The last week or so he has become really interested in the story. He begs me to read and then to not stop. In the evening they get in pjs, they get out some toys and I read. Bode doesn't play long. He makes his way to the couch, where I am, he sits by me and rests his head on my shoulder and I read. He was so excited today when he realized that there are more then one book. He told me that we need to do this for everyone. Makes me happy. I want my kids to love book but more importantly I love this time we are spending together. Just like so many things, I know it won't last. He will read better at he grows and wont want me to read to him. They just grow so fast. Time stops for just a moment as we read Harry Potter together.   

Dear Santa...

The kids wrote their letters to Santa this week. Lainey's list was quite reasonable. She asked for a pink scooter, a leap pad and a watch. Bode's list was a bit long. But he mostly wants a huge RC car, Skylander giants and a watch. They both agreed to ask Santa for a purse for Piper. 

Light parade...

We met up with friends to watch the APS electric light parade. The kids loved it. We got there at 4:00 and the parade started at 7:00. W ate pizza and the kids played. The closer to the start of the parade the more and more crowded it got. There were so many people there! Borderline claustrophobic for me. Infer managed to secure a good spot to watch to it was fine. The parade wasn't spectacular but I love taking my kids to things like this. Everything is magical through their eyes. I love creating happy moments for them.  

No quiet time for mom...

Sweet little chubby fingers underneath the bathroom door. 

It's beginning to look a lot like...

December is here and we are enjoying the holiday spirit. 
The kids decorated the tree. I then redecorated the tree :)
We also have a special visitor in our home throughout Christmas...


We have decided that Piper's first word is Laine.  But it sounds more like Nea-naaa.. Every time we call for Laine, Piper chimes in calling her too. Sisterly love.


After thanksgiving my parents stuck around to play. We dropped Piper off and grandmama Rena's and drove the rest of us up to Flagstaff to watch the Blue Ridge High School football game. They lost but it was still fun. I hopped up to cheer once and when I set back down Bode asked me why I did that. I told him the player did a good thing so I cheered for him. He then asked me if I would cheer for him like that when he plays football. Sweet boy! Of course I will cheer for you. 

Laine liked the cheerleaders. I'm not sure about the game though. She did get really excited when she saw the football fly through the sky once. She yelled "I saw it" and then went back to playing on grandma's phone. 


Thanksgiving was a good one this year. Everyone but Jill :( was able to make it. 
It was a no fuss day. Paper plates, hang out and play kind of day. I did take on the turkey this year. When thanksgiving has been here in the past my mom still cooked the turkey. I decided to try my hand at it this year. I did Our Best Bites recipe which involved brining it for 24 hours. I love having family around and I love having the cousins play together the most!

Hey mom...

You're cooking? Can I help? I'll just stand right here, that is very helpful, right?

Brooks, babies and breakfast...

I got to go out to breakfast with these fine ladies the day before thanksgiving. Lee had a small baby shower at my house, which I didn't take any pictures of, so we decided to have a breakfast shower for Kim. Lee and Kim are both due this month. Two new little Brooks babies. Not only will they be so close in age but it is two little boys. So fun! Love these all these women!

Curly hair...

Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter her hair really starts to grow and it's curly! I love it. She is just the cutest little thing. 

Big belly...

Piper's big belly makes her pretty darn cute. It does get in the way a bit though. 
She got her belly all stuck in her chair. She didn't mind. She just waited for someone to come free her. 

Hide and seek...

Laine was the winner of hide and seek this particular day. 
She was so quiet. Bode just kept running by the suit case.  She finally stuck her finger out and wigged the suitcase just enough to let her little secret out. 

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