Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pull over I see a yard sale...

* Jer pointed out that I forgot to say that we got a set of full size sealy pillow top mattress too. So $150 for the bed $100 for the mattress. Anyway you put it we got a deal.

Last week while my parents were in town we spend Saturday morning driving around to yard sales. They were pretty hit and miss. I had found some ties for Bode but wasn't haveing much luck. I am always looking for a good piece of furniture that I can turn into something beautiful. We pulled around the corner and I immediately saw this beautiful foot-board. We stopped and I asked about the bed. She showed me the whole bed and told me it was barely used. I didn't even want to ask the price because it was really nice. I was shocked when she told me she wanted $300 for it but would take a good offer. I got her name and number and walked back to the car trying to figure out how I could get it. Jer came and looked at it and said I could have it, yeah!! I offered $250. This sweet lady could probably have seen in my eyes how much I wanted this bed and she said $250 sounded great.

Oh yes just to finish off the story. Make sure that when you buy a bed it is the right size. I asked the lady what size it was and she said full/queen. Meaning the rails would get wider to accommodate for the wider queen mattress. Well yes they did get wider but the rails were only for a full size length too. So after some handy work by my sweet handyman. We now have custom queen length rails for our bed.

I love this bed. It is beautiful. Thank you Jeremiah for letting me get it!!!

The curse of Lee's wedding...

Now don't get me wrong. Lee's wedding was wonderful. Lee and Aaron will live a long and happy life together. But it was a little cursed for the Joncas's.
Curse one:
Lee's bridal shower in Peoria.
Jeremiah got rearended in his squad car. (also this has happened to him again but that is a different story) It wasn't a horrible accident. The kid to hit him was like "are you going to give me a ticket?" Duh! Hit a cop car get a ticket! He got to come home early that night. I am glad he is fine.

Curse two:

Lee's bridal shower in Gilbert.

This was a shower for her from her good friend Hannah. I drove over and had to leave a little early to run and errand on the east side of town. I was driving down Gilbert road when I heard a funny noise. So I turned down my radio and then yes there is was again. I thought for a second and then it hit me... I have a flat tire!!!

So I pulled over and yes there is was way, way flat. So I called Jer and he being the super husband that we is, dropped everything got off work and rushed to my rescue...uuu not so much. His exact words were I can't help you. You are going to have to change it yourself. Really when I called I didn't think he would be able to help me. I was in Gilbert and he was working.

So I called Tim, my DPS brother and he called the Gilbert PD. About 5 minutes a police officer showed up to help me. By then I had called my sisters and my mom, got out the car jack and all the stuff to change the tire. For the record I know how to change a tire. I just didn't trust myself enough to drive on it. So the officer walked around for a bit, kinda looked like he knew what he was doing. Then when he thought I wasn't looking he radioed in for some help. Another officer showed up a few minutes later and the tire was change with in 5 minutes. I was so grateful!!

During this time I was supposed to be dropping off some vinyl to and old family friend. We were going to meet at the Applebee's. Well she didn't have a cell phone and obviously I was going to be late. So I called my mom, who called her mom, who told my mom she didn't have a cell phone, so my mom called Applebee's and a worker came out to get her to tell her that Tricia was on the phone, so she talked to my mom who told her the story, then she came and found me and my flat tire and finally got her vinyl :)

From the picture you can tell I ran over a huge piece of metal. And now 4 tires and $800 dollars poorer we have new tires.

Curse Three:

Lee's shower in Pinetop.

I had come up a few days before and Jer was coming up after he was done working. Well when the shower was all over I looked at my phone and there was a picture of a flat tire! Jer's car got one on the way up the mountain. Bummer!!! So again $200 poorer and we have 2 new tires. ( we had just replaced 2 of them not to long ago and were planning on getting the other ones later)

Curse Four:

Lee's wedding.

The week before the wedding we all had some form of the flu. So when Jer came down with it Friday night I figure it was just the flu. He was so sick the morning of the wedding but managed to keep it together for the sealing, barely. He was pretty pale and I was sure he was going to...well... you know blow chunks all over. I kept telling him to leave and we would all understand.

After the sealing we went back to the hotel and he thought he could sleep it off and make it to the reception. But when I called him he said there was no way he could make it. So I was on my own. I was chasing Bode and managed to stop for a minute to look at my phone. Jer text-ed me to tell me that he was at the urgent care and was waiting to be seen by the doctor.

So I rushed out of there to go be with him. They ran a few tests and they told us we needed to go the ER. Ok it had been such a long day. I walked out to the parking lot called my sister to pickup my kids and I lost it. Thank you again Jill for coming a getting my kids.

We went to the ER and were seen pretty quickly. Jer was very, very dehydrated and his ulcer was acting up. He has had ulcers since he was a teenager and every so often he has a complication. We where there until 1:00 in the morning.

My Dad, brothers, and brother in law where able to come give Jer a blessing. It was so wonderful to feel the peace of the priesthood that night. Thanks guys.

After this go with the ulcer Jer was told to go see a specialist. He did today. He is going to get an outpatient procedure done next month to check if the medicine they gave is working. We pray that it is.

Thank goodness we were able to make it to the reception in Peoria with out any "curse" activity.

Merrill Family fun...

When we all get together we love to go up into the woods for cook outs. Yummy food and good company make it all so much fun. We have been working hard to get Bode out of pull ups and just into underwear, except at night, that might take along time. But while we where up in the woods I didn't want to have to deal with accidents. So we stuck with the pull-up. But Bode really surprised me! He decided to, on more than one occasion, drops his pants and use the great out doors as his potty.

Caught in the act

I wish it wasn't so fuzzy becasue the look on his face is priceless. He was so proud that he remembered to go potty. Even if it was right where everyone in playing. This picture is double funny to me becasue my little niece Abbey in the background. She has a bit of a problem. Her little crack is always showing. It makes me laugh.

Thanks John for snapping these pictures for me!

4 month stats...

Laine is now 4 months old

14 lbs 15 oz
24 3/4"

We are loving this little girl. She is such a joy to us. Laine is doing all the fun little things babies do. Her favorite activities are:
Rolling over
swatting as toys
laughing at her brother
eating cereal
scooting froward
grabbing her feet
and crying
Laine is really a good baby. Her 4 month shots really took it out of her though. We are kind of feeling like she must be teething becasue she has had many consecutive days of non stop crying or fussing. The last few days have been much better (for both of us) thank goodness. I love to see how much their little minds grow each day. They wake up ready to learn something new everyday. We have been working hard to settle into a routine. She and Bode are doing really well at it. I love having routines. It make the morning, nap times and night time so much easier. I say it everytime and I will continue to say it every time... she is growing up way to fast!

In the quiet of the night...

It is 3:00 you know where your three year old is? Now I do. Last night around three in the morning I woke up because the bathroom light was on. I reached over to see if it was Jer but it wasn't. I was a little freaked out because I was groggy and couldn't understand why the bathroom light was on. So I peaked in and there was Bode peeing on the potty. I asked him what are you doing and he simply replied "I peein' mom" Like it was something he does every night. Maybe he does? Who knows?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daddy's little girl...

This morning Bode and I went to the movies. That left Daddy and daughter to fend for themselves. Jer was going to have to take Laine to the eye doctor with him. I was in a rush and didn't have time to get Laine already. I left out the outfit that she should wear for the day. After the movie we met Jer and Laine at the Lowes to pick up stuff for a fun project. When I got in the car to nurse Laine I was pleasantly surprised to see a little bow on her head. Jer found the bow box choose a coordinating bow and stuck it on her head. He even put it in the right spot. I love my husband. He knows that no matter what I wouldn't have left the house until Laine had a bow. Thanks Jer for doing such a small but important thing for me. I love you! So does little Laine Jo!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Funny words...

You know all those funny almost words you have to type in the word verification area of the comment box? Yeah you know the ones I am talking about. Well sometimes they crack me up. They are almost words. Here are a few I thought were funny.
I think if you say them in a "red-neck" voice they are totally are real words.

"I am throun my brother a birthday party" "Didesem run by here just a minute ago?"

"He went poo-poo on the potie"


" I was born in Tannesse"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Dad...

I wasn't sure if I should post this or not. But I decided to anyway. I hope you don't mind Dad.

My Mom and Dad's ward got a new Bishop... it is my Dad. We were all home this last weekend for Lee and Aaron's wedding and were able to be there when everything took place. I grew up in that ward and was curious to see who the Bishop would be after Bishop Shumway was released to be the Stake President. President Shumway had been doing double duty for about a month before the new Bishop was called and I am sure there was a lot of speculation about who the new guy would be. President Shumway is a spiritual giant. I know that my Mom and I have joked in the past we feel sorry for the guy that has to fill his shoes when he leaves. My Dad will be able to fill those shoes.

The Sunday before Lee's wedding we were all making Oreo truffles in the kitchen (yummy). We were all covered in melted chocolate and my Dad came out and he said he felt like he should tell us something and we all should know that a new Bishop was called and it was him. Ok now my Dad is a bit of a joker. He can keep a straight face through anything, so naturally I thought he was joking. He assured us he wasn't.

It was such a wonderful week. Lee was sealed to her eternal companion. Someone that I know will take care of her. And all of my siblings where able to attend. I loved being able to sit in the sealing room and see all of my family there. It was such a nice feeling to know that my family is so supportive of each other. Then we were all able to be at church on Sunday for my Dad to be set apart. I don't think proud it the right word. But that is the only word I can think of right now. I think that you see your parents at just that; parents. They raise you, feed you cloth you and I don't think you get to see them for the person they really are until you are an adult. I love my Dad. He is a great person. I know that he will be blessed in this calling. I loved growing up a "Merrill".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Jeremiah turned 26 years old yesterday. We met when I was 20 and he was 21. It is hard to believe that time goes by so fast. I love my sweet husband. He is so good to me. He is such a wonderful father. This time last year we were living in the casita and Jer was in the academy. It was stressful. We didn't so to much, but I do remember I took a pregnancy test that day and found out we were pregnant with Laine. Jer's face was so bright and happy at that moment. I will never forget it. I love you Jer!! You have made my life so full of love, laughter and happiness. Thank you!

Big Brother...

Bode notices Laine more and more everyday. This was too cute. She thought he was so funny yesterday. Hopefully one day they will be good friends.

yawn... I am sleepy...

Some days it is hard to be a mommy. Today is my day. I feel like I have nothing going in the right direction today or maybe I need to go back to bed and get up on the other side. Today I need to remember that:
Bode is three and doesn't need to sleep in.
-Bode is a good sleeper, always has been. But these days he gets up so early and demands food. For some reason this really makes me so frustrated with him right first thing in the morning. He is a growing boy and I love the little stink.
It is ok my house is messy. It can be clean later.
-We have just gotten home after being gone for 7+ days. My house is a wreck. This always puts me in a grumpy mood. Will there ever be a point in my life when I can not be so fanatic about keeping my house clean? I am not talking about just letting it go and start growing a mold farm, but just that shoes on the floor or a few dishes on the counter won't drive me crazy? Jer is always good to remind me that the house can wait and to enjoy the small moments with my family. I need to let that sink in a little more.
I need to patient with Laine.
-I have been nursing Laine and have actually really enjoyed it much more that I thought I would. With Bode it was so much more of a struggle. He was always crying and hungry. Well Laine is now 4 months old and I have decided to start to wean her. I have been so drained the last few weeks with nursing her. I am always hungry, have stalled on losing weight, I can't leave her, and Jer can't help comfort her. All these things have made me unhappy with myself and with my little family. As I type these things I sound so selfish. But I know that if I feel better about myself then I will be better prepared to take care of my family. The most frustrating thing it that she hates sucking on a bottle. It takes like and hour for her so get down a few ounces. I never believed in "nipple confusion" until now. Bode just went back and forth like it was no big deal. However Laine doesn't do as well. It is comical and frustrating at the same time. Her little tongue just can't latch onto the bottle. It makes my heart break to watcher her struggle with it. But she eventually, after a big fight, will take the bottle. I guess we will see how this goes.

I was blog hopping one day and came across this thought. It goes something like this. We make lots of goals. Big ones and small ones. It can be hard to accomplish these goals. It can be daunting to start a goal like "I am going to lose 20lbs". To get to the end of that goal it takes small and persistent efforts to make the goal become a reality. So to make the goal become a reality and not just something you say do this. Get a blank piece of paper every morning and write down your goals for the day. Because you can't lose 20lbs in a day , all the laundry won't be done in one day and all those other big things you want to do but are to big to accomplish in try. I am horrible at follow through, but I am going to try this out for a week and see how it works out for me. I am a "list" person so I am hoping that it will help me out. Hopefully it will work for me.

Monday, May 18, 2009


They did it!! Lee and Aaron got married last Saturday in the Snowflake Temple.
It was a beautiful ceremony.
They both looked so happy.
It was a great experience to see everyone one of my sibling and their spouses in the temple.
I love my family and am so grateful for the temple and the blessings it brings to families.
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Brooks!!
For some seriously beautiful pictures of Lee and Aaron check this out:

Thursday, May 7, 2009


A few weeks ago Lee and I were trying to get a tan. Well Lee was tanning. I was just reflecting the sun off my white body. Bode was inside and noticed use outside. He came out and asked "what you doin' mom?". A few minutes later he cam outside stripped down to his undies with a towel and laid out with us. It was funny. He didn't last long though. Just a few minutes later he was all wrapped up in his towel sitting in the shade. He must have thought we were crazy. And to tell you the truth I didn't last to long either. I am still very, very white.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bald spot, success, busy...

Laine has hair. It was a shock to me. Bode was born with a tiny amount or hair. It quickly fell out and turned into old man hair with a mullet. We shaved it all off and it grew in nice. Laine doesn't have a ton of hair but enough to know that she is a girl, to me anyway. She does have a wicked bald spot though. It is a big one. A few weeks ago it was very smooth. Now it hads little tiny spikes of new growth.

I hesitate to write anything about potty training down. It seems every time I say anything about it Bode takes a big step in the wrong direction. Just the same we have been having great success that last few weeks. He doesn't wear a pull-up at home at all any more! We are all happy about that. Number one hasn't been an issue for awhile. He caught on to that rather quickly. Number 2 was a whole other story. He was having accidents nearly everyday. Yuck. Not a fun thing. But Jer bought a bunch of fun sized candy bars and bribed Bode with them. It worked. He tells me "I poo on the potty I get a chocolate". He gets up and puts on underwear every morning and goes number 1&2 all day long and only wears pull-ups at night and in public. He has gone potty in the stores and at other people's homes. But he gets excited and forgets that he knows how. Any suggestions on how to get him out of a pull up outside of the house? Or is is more like a bring a few extra sets of clothes thing?I don't condone peeing in the front yard. But when you got to go, you got to go. So sorry in advance if he is playing in your yard and this is what he does.
This it after the first time he number 2-ed in the potty. He was so proud. Not going to lie...we were to.
Do you ever feel like fore weeks you have nothing going on. Then all of the sudden you don't have time to even sit down? My life goes in these little cycles. Nothing then bam! I like my calm nothing to do life. But sometimes it is nice to be busy. I don't like the way my house goes when I am busy though. It turns into a huge mess. Laundry everywhere, toys 2 inches deep, and dirty bathrooms. I am amazed that women can work outside of the home and still manage to keep a tidy home. I wish I was more like that. Can someone tell me the secret of keeping your house clean? I spent yesterday cleaning my house and yay it is done. So if anyone was planning on dropping by now is the time. Not tomorrow because I am sure it will be messy again.
I was reading though some old posts of mine the other day and wow I have a bunch of weird typo's. Like it is supposed to say "the" but there is a "he" instead. That really annoys me, but I am to lazy to go back and fix them all. Sorry.
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