Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Volleyball 2007

Even though I gripe and complain about volleyball taking so much of my time I really love all of these girls. Wish us luck the next two weekends. We have regionals and State!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blink and you'll miss it!!

Crazy. I was looking at my past posts and I realized I have been doing this for a whole year! I have really enjoyed blogging. It is like a digital journal for my little family. Always...
Our life continues to be quite busy. I went to the eye doctor today and found out I should have been wearing glasses a while ago. Jeremiah made me an appointment because I have been complaining about it. Driving at night had become scary for me and squinting to read everything was getting old. So I am glad that is out of the way. I get them next week Yeah!!
Volleyball is almost over. It is bitter sweet becasue I love it, but it takes so much time. I don't want it to end becasue it will be Lee's last year. Bummer. But I have really enjoyed getting to know the younger girls and next year will be fun too. I am so ready to get things back in order around my house. I keep thinking I will do that later, but later passes and my chore is still there, and I have no time. But still it is bitter sweet all the same.
It is getting cold up here. Today when I drove home around 2:30 it was a whopping 57 degrees! I still love it though. Time for winter cloths!!
Jeremiah finally sold the jeep. We were stressed with it not being sold and getting the new car, but things have a way of working out. Sorry no pictures of the new car, I am to lazy to get up and take a picture. But I did take 5 girls to a volleyball tournament in it this past weekend, witch we won bytheway. And it was quite comfy for all of them and really fun to drive them down to the valley in.
Here are some pictures that Rena took of the little Bode man. He is eating his first Sunday cone and lovin' every minute of it!!!

He got the whole thing in his mouth!

This was a brain freeze moment.
Hope everything is going great for everyone!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

BUsy, busy, busy!!!

So boy have we been busy!! It feels like in the last few weeks Jer and I have not had a moment to catch our breath.
Volleyball is in full swing. So that means Tuesday, Thursday games. And a few tournaments on the weekends. Plus practice every day until 6:oo. Plus the preschool that I worked at this summer needed a sub this week so my days have been really busy. I get up at 6:00 to be at work by 7:00. At the preschool until 10:45, then I would normally pick up Danner the little boy I watch three days a week, but not this week. I have had errands to run every day so I don't make it home until after practice, like 6:00! That is ok though, it is nice to feel like I have important things to do, and have reasons to get out of my jammies.
Jer is getting everything in order to get his appraisal licence by the end of this year. That will hopefully be great for us. Other than that I have one word X-Box. (wait is that one word or two?)
Bode is my little stinker as always. He almost has a full mouth of teeth. It seems to strange to not see gums, or a toothless smile. Makes me realize that he is a toddler!!! Wow time is flying so fast.
Well anyway our fun news is that we bought a new car. A 2001 Chevy Tahoe. It is so nice to drive. We have been talking and waiting to get a car seriously since July. So this car came up and was to good to pass up. It is definitely a family car. It has three rows of seats to fill up someday. We went down to the valley to pick it up this last weekend. (Thank you Rena, Steve and Heather for watching the little stinker!!) Thanks Jer for sacrificing your jeep to get a new car for me!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy Fall!!

Fall is here! Yea! I love this season.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hooray for Motherhood!!

Key Mom Stats:
2 billion in the World (82.5 million in the U.S.)
First-time Moms: Average age of new moms is 25, vs. 21 in 1970
Kids: Modern moms average 2 kids (1950s: 3.5 kids; 1700s: 7-10 kids)
4.3 babies are born each second

Baby Chores

Diaper Changes: 7,300 by baby's 2nd birthday
Diaper Changing Speed: Moms take 2 minutes, 5 seconds (adds up to 3 40-hour work weeks each year!) , vs. 1 minute, 36 seconds for dads
Giving Attention: Preschooler requires mom's attention once every 4 minutes or 210 times / day
Taking Care: Preschooler moms spend 2.7 hrs / day on primary childcare, vs. 1.2 hours for dads

Household Chores

Chores: Women average 3.2 hrs / day, vs. 1.3 hrs / day for men
Laundry: 88% is done by moms, totaling 330 loads of laundry & 5,300 articles of clothing each year
Least Favorite Chore: Vacuuming the stairs

Mommy Records
Most Kids: Mrs. Vassilyev of Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765
Oldest Mom: Rosanna Dalla Corte gave birth to a baby boy when she was 63 years old in Italy in 1994
Heaviest Newborn: Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to a 22 lb 8 oz boy in Italy in 1955

Mother's Day
1st Mother's Day: May 10, 1908; Founded by Anna Jarvis; made a national holiday in 1914 by President Wilson
Busiest Phone Day: 68% of people plan to call Mom on Mother's Day, totaling 122.5 million phone calls
Card Giving: 50% of households give Mother's Day cards, totaling some 152 million cards

Misc Mommy & Baby Facts
Most popular birth month: July
Most popular birth day: Tuesday
Most popular birthday: October 5
30 Pounds: Average weight gain during pregnancy
Baby Gender Gap: 105 boys born for every 100 girls
First Year Baby Costs: $7,000 of baby items before 1st birthday
Cost of Raising a Child: Middle-income families spend $242,070 to raise a kid to 18 (not incl. college!)

Most Popular Names of 21st Century Baby Girls: Emily, Madison, Hannah Baby Boys: Jacob, Michael, Joshua
Research suggests that moms who give birth later in life, live longer, and having kids may make you smarter.
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