Wednesday, October 10, 2007

BUsy, busy, busy!!!

So boy have we been busy!! It feels like in the last few weeks Jer and I have not had a moment to catch our breath.
Volleyball is in full swing. So that means Tuesday, Thursday games. And a few tournaments on the weekends. Plus practice every day until 6:oo. Plus the preschool that I worked at this summer needed a sub this week so my days have been really busy. I get up at 6:00 to be at work by 7:00. At the preschool until 10:45, then I would normally pick up Danner the little boy I watch three days a week, but not this week. I have had errands to run every day so I don't make it home until after practice, like 6:00! That is ok though, it is nice to feel like I have important things to do, and have reasons to get out of my jammies.
Jer is getting everything in order to get his appraisal licence by the end of this year. That will hopefully be great for us. Other than that I have one word X-Box. (wait is that one word or two?)
Bode is my little stinker as always. He almost has a full mouth of teeth. It seems to strange to not see gums, or a toothless smile. Makes me realize that he is a toddler!!! Wow time is flying so fast.
Well anyway our fun news is that we bought a new car. A 2001 Chevy Tahoe. It is so nice to drive. We have been talking and waiting to get a car seriously since July. So this car came up and was to good to pass up. It is definitely a family car. It has three rows of seats to fill up someday. We went down to the valley to pick it up this last weekend. (Thank you Rena, Steve and Heather for watching the little stinker!!) Thanks Jer for sacrificing your jeep to get a new car for me!!


  1. Yay for the new car! Thats always exciting!

  2. Hey Heidi! We used our cleaner last night and it stunk our house up like wet dog! :) Thanks a lot....

    I love your new car. You know, new cars are in our blood (not necessarily new, but definatley new to us cars.)How fun, are you going out to look at it in the driveway just to see it? Ive totally done that...

    See you on Saturday, if we come! ;)

  3. Yay a new car! I know that you have been wanting one for a while. That's great. Good "family" investment.

  4. Love new cars! Can't wait to see it! Hope you have a less busy week! :)

  5. You have been busy! I keep telling myself that I have been too busy to update as well, but in reality compared to you, Jill, and Brittany, I am just a lazy pregnant mom! Good job on playing it smart with waiting to find just the right deal and car! It has payed off for you guys. Bode is getting big, is he talking much?

  6. yay.. a Tahoe!! Awesome! I love those things. Congrats. Post a pic when you get the chance.

  7. It's so fun to get a new car. I always drive way too much when I get one because I love being in something that is so new to me!

    About having a reason to get out of your jammies... I don't necessarily love being busy, but when I do sit at home all day in my jammies, I don't feel good either! So I guess it is a good thing to have an excuse to get up and get lots of things done.

  8. I am so jealous of your new car. We have been looking for one for a while, but haven't found one yet. I can't wait to see it!


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