Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Camp "in"...

A few weeks ago Bode wanted to go camping.
It was just way to hot.
So we decided to go camp-in.
We camped inside the house.
Bode was so very excited! He got everything ready.

He made invitations and left them on the floor so we could find them.

He got out what he figured were everyone jammies.

Then he made a great spot for us to have a camp.
Bode and Daddy had such a fun time sleeping out in the loft.
Well Bode slept all night on the floor, Dad crept into the bedroom about 4 in the morning.
We are going to have to have another camp in adventure soon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big girls do big girl things...

Laine figured out how to ride her bike last week. It was like a dagger to my heart, not really but come on! She is growing up so fast. Her being able to ride a bike really means she isn't a baby anymore. It puts her in a whole new category. She isn't a wobbly toddler anymore. She is a running, bike riding, talking, pony tail wearing little girl. We are so proud of her riding a bike. She caught on to it really fast. We have only had that little bike for about a month. (It was a super sweet Goodwill find. It was brand new and only $7.99) It just reminds me that I need to enjoy these little milestones. Before I know it they will be in school and I will miss their little moments.

What's that smell...

The other evening Bode and I were picking up the toys getting ready to go to bed. He turned to me and here is our conversation:

B: Mom, what's that smell?
M: I don't know. What does it smell like?
B: It is a comfy smell. I like it.
M: What do you mean? What is a comfy smell?
B: It smells comfy in here. I like it. It feels good. It smells comfy like Grama Trish's house.

I am still not 100% sure what a comfy smell is but I liked his interpretation of it. I think that since the weather has changed a bit down here (hallelujah) it smells crisp like fall. We always travel up to Pinetop during the fall. It does smell comfy up there. So cool and crisp. I also think my mom and dad's house does have a comfy feeling to it. My parents have lived in their house for 30+ years. (click on the link to see the changes that happen when you live in a home for 30 years) I never moved, except from room to room in the house. Growing up I always felt that their house was a sanctuary from the world. A place where I didn't have to worry about what I was wearing, if I had friends, you know all the drama things that high school brings on. It was just home, and I loved it. I hope that no matter how many times Jeremiah and I have to move our family we will always strive to have a "comfy" home. Thanks Mom and Dad :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We going up to the mountains yet...

That is the question I heard over and over until we actually got in the car to go to Pinetop last weekend.
Little Boder was so excited to go up to Grandpa Dave's and Grandma Trish's house.
We were going up to go to my little sisters baby shower and to get a pumpkin out of Grandma Trish's pumpkin patch.

Bode said this was the hugest pumpkin of them all.
Actually it is a big pumpkin, congrats mom, you grow some great pumpkins this year.

I love these 2 little kids!

I also love my silly little family.

Bode has been such a good big brother these days. (well some days...)
He has become very protective of her.

Now for the real reason we made the trip up to Pinetop was for my little sister, Lee's, baby shower. Actually we called it a sprinkle because we didn't invite a ton of people. It turned out just prefect.
Lee is well on her way to welcoming this new little girl in to her and Aaron's life. I am excited for them to become parents. Although it makes me feel old.
Your little sister isn't supposed to be married and be having a baby!

Pete and Brittany came up as well. It is always fun to visit with family.
I also love when the cousins are able to play together.
I didn't get a picture of the much loved "Gogan" aka Megan.
Bode talks about her for days after we visit with the Tucson Merrill's

Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us come up and play!

Friday, October 15, 2010


my poor little blog. It has been neglected. I just have been changing priorities a bit. You see, my name is Heidi, (hi Heidi) and I have a problem. I can sit down on the computer and waste so much time. Just looking at my email turns into blog hopping then to facebook then back to email and so forth. About a month ago I decided that I needed to not be a slave to the computer. I would get annoyed that my kids wanted my attention every time I sat down at the computer. I would ignore or push them away. That isn't right. I realized that I am busy at home. Between caring for their physical needs, cleaning the house, laundry and cooking that I rarely just sit down and have face time with them. So when I sat down at the computer they weren't trying to get on the computer or annoy me they were screaming "pay attention to me!!!" So I have really been trying to not be on here as much. I am by no means perfect, I still check email, blog hop and facebook. But I try to only get on the computer twice a day and then turn it off when I don't need it. I can really feel a difference with my stress level during the day. I am not frusterated with my kids competing for my attention between me and the computer. I actually feel guilty that they even had to try to do that. Oh children, please forgive your mother :)

One big reason for me making this change was this article. For some reason my mind kept returning to this article. I would pick up a magazine to read and for some reason it was always the June 2010 Ensign. I was joking to Jeremiah about this phenomenon and he said well maybe you are supposed to learn something out of there you haven't learned it yet.  Well I did.

I also have been struggling with my relationship with Bode and Laine. They had been so whiny, clingy, hiper and trying my patients every day. I would be frusterated every night putting them to bed. 7:30 was the best time of my day. Then after they were in bed I would feel horrible because all I did all day was just go through the motions waiting for nap time and quiet time so I could have me time. Jeremiah bought me this book for my birthday. I really wanted it but put it on the back shelf and never read it. But I pick it up one day and it was like a light finally getting turn on! Sure I can change a diaper and feed them meals but what they need most is for me to show them love. I feel like I learned so much reading the book. If I fill my children's "love tank" with love then they are happy. I won't go into great detail about the 5 Love Languages because it is worth buying the book and reading for yourself. But there are 5 ways people feel love. Touch, Service, Gifts, Time and Words of Affirmation. Everyone needs these to feel secure and loved. Everyone needs these in different order. Like for Bode he needs quality time and words of affirmation. When I remember these things and try hard to make time for him and tell him positive things he is so much easier to work with and we have a better day. Laine is still a bit of a mystery for me. But I know that when I am not nagging on Bode, she can feel the difference. She can feel that there is less tension in our home and relaxes too. Taking the time during the day to play and talk with my children has really make our house feel so good these days. They also have the 5 love languages for marriage, I want to read that one next.

Another book I have been reading is Covenant Hearts. It was really hard to read at first. Kind of wordy but once I figure out the writing style I really enjoyed it. I feel like Jeremiah and I have a good marriage. We have our ups and downs. But every night I go to bed with a full heart, very grateful I married such a wonderful friend, husband and father. One thing that stuck out to me the most was a quote by Marjorie Pay Hinckley. I can't remember the exact context of the quote, but she was asked what her advise to newly married couples is and she said "Lower your expectations". My first thought was oh, how sad. It seemed so negative. But really it is so very true. Our country has such a high divorce rate. Couples live together to "test" a relationship. If it doesn't work out then no big deal, we break up, get divorced and move on. I think so many people feel like marriage should be easy. Full of romantic gestures, gourmet dinners, fancy dates, hot sex (yes I said that). But it isn't. It is hard. There is a lot of give and take, compromises, arguments, macaroni and cheese dinners but along with the hard things there are happy moments, and moments of pure contentment. Jeremiah and I often joke that we "expect nothing so when something does happen we are pleasantly surprised". I love Sister Hinckley's advise. Lower your expectations of things and just let life happen.

I have also been trying to watch less tv. My husband may laugh at this one. I do watch a lot of tv. My husband works nights. After the kids are asleep I get peace and quiet to watch my shows. But I have been so very unimpressed with so many shows that I used to love to watch. We switched cable providers when we moved. I was sure to write down all my shows so that I wouldn't miss one when the new dvr came. Well, the new shows started and slowly I have been canceling series from my oh so important dvr list. So many shows seemed to inappropriate and I was uncomfortable watching them. So they are gone. And I don't miss any of them. Ok I will admit that I was a little sad to loose Glee. But after this past weeks episode and the previews of the next weeks episode I am glad I don't watch it anymore. I am the one that chooses what kind of things we let in our home, I was letting in the wrong things. I will however still download some songs for itunes. I do love the music.

Ok, congratulations on making it this far though this journaling type post. You will be rewarded in the next week or so with fun pictures and stories of what we have been up to since the last time I blogged :)

Oh, this was my 600th post! Wow!

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