Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The day she turned...

This is the day that Piper turned from a sweet little baby to a big terrible 2. We went to see Planes. The kids loved it. Piper however was a mess. She is just to the point where she wants to talk and do more than he little self can. She has learned how to express herself in a less than pleasing manner. Fits. 2 year old fits.

Besides all the fits, we just love her. She is learning so many new words and funny things. She like to mimic things we do. My new favorite word of hers is purple. But it sounds more like "puuupooo".

Little shadows...

I love how they just follow each other around.
They just go from one room to the next following each other.

Daddy is home...

We do not get to have Jeremiah on Sunday afternoons very often. He get to come to church with us but then he has to go to work. The last few weeks he has had some training and classes that have made it possible to have Sunday's off. We have sure enjoyed having him home.

Out for fro-yo...

We recently have found that we love frozen yogurt. 
There is a little shop really close to us that the kids love. They get to put all the little add ons that their little heart desire. To beat the heat the last few weeks of summer we hit this place up quite a few times.

They all just look do grown up.

The crib

Jeremiah and I bought our crib a few months before Bode was born. We  put it together in our tiny little apartment. We have moved it from house to house, 8 times. It has seen better days. We've glued it back together a few times. Bode gnawed little teeth markes all beaver style in a few places. Laine loved sleeping in it. She was so sad to have it taken down. When we put it back up for Piper she thought we put it back up for her. But after 3 kids it has seen better days. I put Piper down for a nap one day and it just broke. The bars on the bottom broke. She kept calling "uh, oh" from the room.

So I went back and forth for a bit about putting her in a big girl bed or finding a new crib. We went for a new crib. I was so not ready for her to be a free roaming kid. I also think that one day we may add another kid to that crib. Not any time soon but its sturdy enough for 2 kids to go through it,


Bode has started football again this year. 
He has improved so much this year. 
He is finally understanding the game, running the right direction, catching the ball and getting flags.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Its too hot...

September it here. I always stupidly think that it will start to cool off. Nope. There is at least one more month of horrid, horrid heat. We all have our own way of coping with it. I choose to not go outside. Piper chooses to strip down naked. 


Little Laine Jo has finally started playing a sport. She was so excited to start! She could barely contain her excitement all day. She told everyone we met all day that she was going to soccer practice today! It took her a bit to figure it out but she caught on quick! 

The creature that lives in our house...

I won't lie here. I am a ca person.
They are low maintenance. 
They make no noise. 
They poop in a box not all over the yard .
And you don't have to take them on walks all the time.
I do love dogs too. I'm sure that one day we will have a dog but for now I am happy with our little kitty. 
Isn't it funny that we let animals live in our house and we consider them part of the family?

Ward camp-out...

Last week was our wards camp out. I think its the first one we have gone to since we've been married. Not that we never wanted to go before it had just never worked out that we could go. This year Jeremiah took the day off so we could go. Yay!
The big kids were to busy playing for me to get a picture so all I have is Piper pictures.
She would not keep her shoes on. She had an instant messy camp face the second we go there. She also learned that she could climb out of her pack n play. So there was no nap.

They all made up for it on the way home though.

Bode know that my only beef with camping is that there is no toilet. The very first thing he did was make one for me. Sweet boy. Although this one didn't get used, I appreciated the thought.

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