Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Our big event was Legoland.
It got two thumbs up from our little family.
The price was great, short lines and small crowds.
Bode and Laine could ride all the rides and they loved them all.

Bode was a bit shy getting his picture taken. He loved Legoland the most.
It was right up his alley. Legos, Star Wars and Hero factory.
He kept saying,"this day is awesome!!".

I have about 50 pictures of Laine. She took every photo opportunity and used it to her advantage. She would find something she liked and would ask me to take a picture of her.
My only minor complaint is that the park is very boy. Lego's are very boy and the girl department is lacking. That being said, we happened to be in the right spot at the right time to go for a walk to the princess throne with the only princess in the park. Laine thought this was pretty cool.
The days that we were there she would keep giving us thumbs up to know that she was having a good time.

We did two days at the park. We rode rides, played at the water park and toured the aquarium.

Piper was a great little park go-er. She wasn't fussy. She just hung around in the stroller or got carried around in the egro. She took naps and peopled watched. We love this mellow little baby.

Even Jer and I had a fun time and found things we liked.
I am grateful to my husband for planning these trips. They are expensive and my first reaction is no, it cost to much. But we always make great memories and have so much fun. 

Legoland was fun. We drove back late after 3 fun filled days in California.  

An adventure...

We didn't go on a vacation last year. 
This year we had planned on going to Arkansas to visit my sister.  We ended up not being able to go. I don't feel like with my calling I could be gone for that amount of time and Jer ended up not being able to take the time off. So we had 4 days and decided to go to San Diego.

Our kids were great little travelers. We stopped once for lunch in Yuma and then again to get gas and to go potty. The kids just talked, played and kept themselves entertained for the ride. We got to out hotel, changed into our suits and were off to the beach.

I don't think I will ever forget the look and feel of the first time both of my kids saw the ocean. They are in awe. I love the excitement that they have to see something new. Bode was a little older than Laine when he saw the ocean. He was a bit shy at first but then he loved it. Laine was ready to dive in the second she saw the waves. They dug in the sand and chased the waves. Good memories.

Little Piper Pea was a trooper this whole trip. She like the ocean but did not like the sand. She is all about putting things in her mouth. Sand in the mouth is not good.

The beach we went to was nice. It wasn't big or crowded. It was nice and clean, plus it had this awesome park that over looked the ocean. I loved it. I don't think I could tire of taking them to a beach with this view!

We got pizza from this so, so yummy little pizza place just a block from the beach. I love all pizza but this was the best I've ever had. Jer is not as big of a pizza fan as I am and he gave it two big thumbs up. Pizza Port at Solana beach, I will be back.

I think I can...

Piper is 8 and a half months old. She can crawl all over and recently has started pulling herself up on the stairs. The other day I was out and Jeremiah texted me this picture.
Makes me so happy and sad at the same time. She is getting to big so fast!

Sheep's Crossing...

We moved. 
And while I was feverishly packing up the house, the kids were bored.
I was setting up play dates every day because they were literally unpacking boxes as I packed them. So I asked my mom to watch the big kids for a few days so I could get things done. I think it is very safe to say that they had fun.  

Laine is my little character. I guess one night she was upset at the dinner table. She ended up throwing a fit and dramatically running to the bedroom and throwing herself on the bed. A little time passed and my mom went to check on her. She was found packing her bags and told my mom she was going home. Silly girl.

Bode is full of ideas these days. His great idea in Pinetop was to have a car wash. They set up signs and even made a dollar. Deedo, my parents long time neighbor, brought over her grand daughters little push bike to get washed. They were both so pleased to have a car wash.
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