Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grandpa Brewer...

Is this not one of the neatest pictures ever. I love it. It is of my Grandpa Brewer. He was quite a character. You can't tell in this picture but he was missing a few fingers and an eye. He lost them when he was young holding some explosives that went off. He would always make up stories about how he lost them. Like "I didn't eat my veggies so they fell off" or " Ants ate them off in my sleep". (I am kinda freaked out by ants.) He was a very good hunter. All through his house were elk heads, fish, turkey and other animals he had shot. He would call me "boy" I am sure he called everyone this but he would say "get over here boy" and I would crawl up on his lap. Because of him I loved parched corn. Mmmm. It is yummy stuff. It is corn kernels dried on the husk in the sun. Then you cook them on the stove in butter until they pop. I haven't had any in years, but I can remember the taste and it reminds me of my Grandpa Brewer.

I am so glad The Office is back on...

Aren't you?
It's me. I'm the bobblehead!


I am a cat person. I do love dogs but cats are so easy and low maintenance. I miss having Stat around. But I am relieved that he isn't here making me worry about the safety of my kids. Plus my house is much cleaner with out a dog. Less dirt and no hair that is a plus. I miss having a pet though. I have almost always had one. Growing us we had Morris. He was the best cat ever. He would come curl up in your bed when you were sick. We had him for years and years. Other pets would come and go but he managed to stick around for I think, correct me if I am wrong someone, 17 years. He got sick and died my junior year of high school. It was really a sad day. I want a cat. Not just any cat. I want a cute little orange kitten.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first day of fall...

I had been trying to decide if it was to early to put up all my fun autumn decorations. But seeing as today is the first day of fall I think it is ok. So yesterday Bode and I (with a little help from Lee) got out all the fall decorations. It was a bit of a mess. I love decorating for the seasons and it put me in a good mood all day. Now all I need is an apple cinnamon candle.

Bode was a big help. A few years ago at a yard sale I came across a tons of holiday window clings. A bunch of Halloween, Christmas, Easter and miscellaneous holiday ones. I like for things to look a certain way and that particular look doesn't involve a three year old touch. But I let him go crazy with the window decorating. He had so much fun pealing them off and putting them back on. Even this morning he was rearranging them. As we were putting them on the windows he turned to me and said "this is the best day mom". :)

This was one of my favorite things that happened yesterday. I was going around putting things up and I thought I was going crazy. I couldn't find all my stuff. It just wasn't in the box. So I asked Bode and he got all happy and ran to his room. He told me he decorated.

He was so proud.

It is starting to feel like fall in our house.... kind of... I think it will when my AC isn't coming on all day long.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Let's play a game...

It is called

"Find the Three Year Old"

Oh, yes. There he is. Sleeping at the foot of the bed. Bode was having a rough day last week. He was so not into quiet time this particular afternoon. I kept having to tell him to go to his room. Well then I noticed it was all quiet. So I went to his room,wasn't there. The bathroom, nope not there. My bed room, nope not that I could see. So I nearly get panicky becasue I couldn't find him. So I go back to my room to see if Jer has seen him. As I walk by the bed to talk to Jer I see Bode's little head barely poking out of the covers at the foot of the bed. He was sound asleep.

This has been a good week at our house. We have had some fun all together. Jer and I even got to go on a day date. I love spending time with him. We are both feeling very grateful these days to have his job. We both loved living in Pinetop and I wished that maybe it could have worked out for us. But if we hadn't made the career change then I can't even imagine the boat we wold be in now. I am thankful to my husband for having the courage to do what he knew was right for our family.

Laine cut her first tooth on Monday and now that it has poked through, she is a happy camper. She is a hoot. She prefers to only eat table scraps and doesn't really like baby food anymore. She is still pulling herself up on everything. She is getting stronger and I can't imagine it will be long before she is letting go and standing by herself.

Bode is loving preschool. He is all full of stories and chats my ear off the whole way home in the car. On Wednesday we were driving and we asked him if he liked all the other kids in his class. He said he like them and then tried to tell us all their names. I asked him who is favorite one is and he thought for a second and says "My favorite is my Laine Jo". :) I picked him up from preschool yesterday and he was the first one to go. All the kids were saying "Goodbye Bode" " See you later" And one kid shouts out "I'll see you in Heaven Bode". That made me laugh.

Well after a fun relaxing week with our little family, my house is a zoo. If for some crazy reason something happened to me today and someone had to come over and get my kids or something, please don't judge. Hopefully I can get my act together today and get it a bit more under control.

Oh yes and before I forget I made these last night for part of dinner and YUM! I think they will become a regular side dish at our table.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I want to win...

I love Shabby Apple dresses. But I don't see myself spending $100 bucks on one dress. Yikes! But just the same I love them!! So whenever I see a Shabby Apple Giveaway I throw my name in the pot. There is one going on at 30days. Click on the link for a chance to win a beautiful, modest dress.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

THis face too...

Bode had a similar "face" also. I love this age. Around 6+ months they are just so fun.

This face...

Oh little Laine is getting more and more fun each day! She is getting braver on letting go of things when she stands up. And has even stood by her self for a few seconds. Man, I do not want to have to chase her around at 9 months. I think she just wants to get up and play with Bode. He likes having her around, most of the time. They play really well together. If her wants her he will ask me to go get her for me. I pick her up and he tells me where to put her so they can play.
Her newest trick. Her smile. We love it! She gets all shakey and squeezes her face all up to make this face.

The video's show off the face so much better.

She has been battleing a yucky rash on her chest for the last month or so. It would come and go. She is a drooler so I figured it was more like a drool rash. But it wasn't going away with home remidies so I broke down and took her to the doctor. We figured out that it is baby exzima. I was like duh! Why didn't I think of that! Bode had the same thing when he was her age. So she now has some cream to help clear it up. You can see the yucky exzima on her chest in this video. Plus her cute little smile face.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For sale...

Woo! WHoo! 2 down 1 to go! I still have the fridge to sell. Any takers?

$300.00 for the fridge.

If your are interested or know anybody who is let me know!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Raise your hand if...

you are engaged, know an engaged person, are a bride, were a bride, mother of the bride or just want to be a bride. Then you need to go here.

My friend Chris from Paxman Photography if holding a giveaway for 2 tickets to Arizona Bridal Week. These VIB {Very Important Bride} passes are valued at $75. The VIB passes get you and a male guest a free gift and special VIB activities. Fun!

Click on the Paxman logo to enter in his giveaway.

If you remember about a week ago I posted about my friend Jami who's husband recently passed away. Paxman Photography is participating in a raffle in Jami and their son's benefit. Basically you donate $10 and are entered to win a portrait(family, senior session, engagement...) session with Chris.

Click on the logo above to learn more about the raffle and to donate.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What did he say...

Bode, Bode, Bode. What should we do with you? He makes us laugh all the time. Here are a few of his newest thing. Sorry if these are to "in the gutter" for you.

- Bode walks out of the bathroom in his underwear and shirt. He walk in a circle and says, " Mom...(thoughtful pause) Mom, my wiener is big."

-Bode was sitting on my lap. Again in a shirt and underwear. I notice that is undies are a little, shall we say moist. I ask him,"Bode did you pee pee you underwear a little?". He replied, "NO!... (thoughtful pause) um ... yes".

-We bought Dad a Superman balloon for doing such a good job at work. I cut out a picture of Jeremiah's head and places it over Superman's face. Later I was trying to get Bode to say Super-Dad. But he turned to me and says, "No, not Super-Dad. Super-MOM!"

- I sent Jeremiah a funny face picture of me. He showed Bode. Jer asked him who it was and he said mom. Then he said "No, that a monster!"

- I asked Bode if he wanted to go to Target or Wal-Mart. He replied, "Oh mom, Target. Wal-Mart is old, Target in new. I like Target".

I go campn' to...

Jeremiah's younger brother was able to come visit us from Utah a few weeks ago. The last time we was his Bode was just about Laine's age. We enjoyed have him here. Bode had such a fun time with his "munkle".

One of the many adventures Jer and his brother has while he was down was camping. Jer and his brother were going to go alone, but at the last moment they decided Bode could tag along. He was so excited to go camping to. They also went fishing. Bode caught his first fish.

Bode was super excited about catching a fish!

Trev said fish are bigger in Utah. I think most fish are bigger than this one.

Jer and his brother went wake boarding, fishing, camping and to the movies. Jer now really wants a boat. They were fishing on the shore at night and went they turned on their head lamps they saw all the scorpions. I would have left then but they stayed. They did take off running when the baby rattle snake decided to fish with them. Trev even went on a ride along. All and all I think they had a good time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day...

Yay! Today was Bode's first day of preschool. He was so excited to go. I think he was most excited to wear his new "pack-back". His little three year old mind has grown bored of just hanging out with mom. So we were lucky to find a preschool for him to go to. So twice a week he gets so go to school. He came home all chatty with me today. He said "I grow bigger... I sing songs... I color... superman to the rescue (?)... I get gel in my hair". I am very happy we can let him go to preschool. He is a social little kid and I think he is going to have such a good time interacting with an adult other than me and playing with other kids. Oh yes and the added bonus that I am going to get some kid free time. Preschool is right during nap time for Liane. So holy cow I got a ton of stuff done. That is nice!
Bode is very proud of his "pack-back". We went to Ross to get it. The way there we where talking in the car about what kinds he would get. He was insistent that he got a "saformers" (transformers) back pack. Ross can be pretty hit and miss so I was trying to talk him into whatever would be there. We got there and went straight back to the children's area. He saw the back pack from about 30 feet away and took off screaming "SAFORMERS PACK-BACK!!!". It was the only one. He has been wanting to use it for about a week. This morning when I told him we were going to school he got it down and stuffed it with stuff. Crayons, shoes, toys, a comb and paper.

It is hard to believe that he is three.
(He is trying to hold up three fingers in the picture)
We love this little boy.


Now that this little 7 month old baby is on the move, and when I say on the move I mean she can go anywhere she wants, she has been getting her fair share of bumps and bruises. She is now a pro crawler and can pull herself up on anything that stays still. With all her busy movement she has accumulated a lot of little bruises. This is the worst one so far.
She was with me on my bed just having a fun old time when she thought it looked like fun to try and pull herself up on the foot board. Well she got one hand up there and the other one slipped between the mattress and the foot board. Smack! She hit her cheek so hard! She was pretty upset about it for quite awhile. Just when I thought the tears were over she would pull out the bottom lip and cry all over again. These pictures where from Sunday. The flash really dulls down the bruise. It really looks like a big sharpie like across her cheek.

She has such a pretty little profile.

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