Thursday, September 10, 2009

This face...

Oh little Laine is getting more and more fun each day! She is getting braver on letting go of things when she stands up. And has even stood by her self for a few seconds. Man, I do not want to have to chase her around at 9 months. I think she just wants to get up and play with Bode. He likes having her around, most of the time. They play really well together. If her wants her he will ask me to go get her for me. I pick her up and he tells me where to put her so they can play.
Her newest trick. Her smile. We love it! She gets all shakey and squeezes her face all up to make this face.

The video's show off the face so much better.

She has been battleing a yucky rash on her chest for the last month or so. It would come and go. She is a drooler so I figured it was more like a drool rash. But it wasn't going away with home remidies so I broke down and took her to the doctor. We figured out that it is baby exzima. I was like duh! Why didn't I think of that! Bode had the same thing when he was her age. So she now has some cream to help clear it up. You can see the yucky exzima on her chest in this video. Plus her cute little smile face.


  1. I just can't get enough of this age! She's such a cutie pie:)

  2. It must be hard work to smile. She makes me laugh.

  3. Your kids are SO cute!!! I love those videos!


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