Monday, March 30, 2009


Sometimes I feel so lucky. I love my two little kids. I had to wake Laine up this morning and she just had the biggest smile on her face. If warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for entrusting Jeremiah and I with these two special spirits.

Bode did a strange thing last night. He crawled up on my lap and fell asleep. He hasn't fallen asleep in my arms since he was a year old. He is so big.

Laine is filling out really well. We love this little girl. She must have noticed Bode's cut on his head and decided to match. I think her bracelet scratched her face. I finally took off her little pink bracelet. We put it on her in the hospital. It was to big for her then and went clear up to her armpit. I had to take it off because it was getting squished by the rolls on her wrist. Little babies grow so fast :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So much to do...

Every mother must feel this way some days.
I definitely feel it today.
I have to clean and disinfect my whole house today.
Hopefully that will get all the yucky sickness out of my house this week.
If I get it all done before tonight I can reward myself with a new episode of "Lost".
It is going to be a long day.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Two crazy kids...

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Look at those planes fly...

not so much.

We had big plans to go to the air show today with Jason and Natalie. We thought it would be fun for the boys to see all the planes. But it didn't work out quite like we planned. There were so many people! The traffic to the air show was backed up for miles. So we pulled off behind a retirement community into the desert to try and watch the show from a distance. But two three year olds have a very short attention span. Calli was not amused. Chic-fil-a play place was a much better option.

Thanks Davis's for a fun day! Next time we will have to plan a little bit better.

Two month stats...

Laine Jo is now two months old.

12lbs 8oz
22 1/12 inches long
Bode was exactly one pound bigger and one inch longer at two months.

She is really a sweet little baby. Until about 5 in the evening. Then she turns into a crying machine. She has what I am guessing to be colic in the evening. Not horrible if you don't mind a screaming baby. She just wants to nurse or be rocked all evening. We have tried mylicon drops and "Gripe Water" with hit and miss success. She has rough evenings but has been going to sleep around 9 and only waking up once to eat at night until about 6. So she may have bad nights, but we are getting enough sleep so that really helps.

I am not sure about this...

Bode saw Laine chillin' on the couch today. She turns to me and says "Laine Jo on the couch Mom?" I said yes. So he crawled up there and stared at her for awhile. Then held her hand. Something he feels is a very nice thing to do becasue of Wall-e. He always says to me "I hold hands Mom" if he can tell I am angry or he wants to play with someone. Then he turned to her and says "I hold you?" so with a little help from Mom, Bode got to hold Laine. Not becasue I wanted him to but becasue he wanted to.

One year older and wiser to...

We celebrated Bode's birthday last Saturday. I am still in shock that he is three years old. By the time that wears off he will be four and it will start all over again. He had a fun day I hope. We started off with a pancake breakfast at I.H.O.P. He was really excited to get a pancake with a face on it. Then we came home to open presents. He got some good stuff this year. Jer and I come across some of the after Christmas sales and got all his stuff for $20 bucks! He is funny and assumes that every present that he opens should be a Thomas Toy. Lucky for him all his Grandparents know that and he got some great Thomas toys from everyone. Thank you!
We spent the rest of the day just hanging around the house. But for dinner Bode got a special treat. We drove down to Jeremiah's area and had dinner and blew out candles with him for Bode's special day. I think this was the best part of Bode's day. To see his Daddy at work and see his "wooo wooo" car.

Waiting in the In-and-Out parking lot for dad.

In the "wooo wooo" car.

Judge me all you want, but yes that is a Little Debbie cake those candles are stuck in. I had intended to get cupcakes but when we got to the store to get them both kids were asleep. I had these already and they worked just fine. Plus we are in the back of the Tahoe at 9:30 at night. It will be a good memory to reflect on someday. We just really wanted to be altogether and that is how it all worked out.

Look at his face. He cracks me up!

Happy Birthday Bode!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is what I daydream about...

I can't wait until I can decorate Laine's little room. I am a big Pottery Barn Kids fan, just not a fan of their prices. I think when I do get to do her room I will be stealing a lot of their ideas. And a few other ideas I have picked up along the way...
Aren't these little piggy banks cute? Hobby Lobby sells ceramic ones that you paint for a fraction of the price the Pottery Barn sells them for.

One day when we have our own house I am putting some of this white chair rail up. I love the height of it. I was never a big fan of white but I love this look. I especially love the shelf along the top if it.

These little push boards would be easy too. Just cover up some square cork board with cute fabric and there you have a whole wall just ready to fill up with little kids art work.

I am not going to pretend that I am some kind of artist but these would be so easy to do. I am dying to try to paint one of these. I think I will start with the little flowers. You could even do them on wood rather than canvas because canvas can get pricey. I really, really want to try the top one with all the houses. I love all the little details. Plus I like the white dresser underneath it with the pink polka dot handles.

Oh all the pillows. I am head over heals for all the owls and bird silhouette. Darn if only I had the money to do all these things.

More wall decor. These would be fun to. Just some scrapbook paper, square canvases and some mod-podge. Oh and a bit of creativity would go a long way to.

Definitely a green room for Laine.

More ideas on my list of wishes...

A weekly menu planner. I can't decide which one I like better.

I think I am years and years away from getting any type of bedroom set for Jer and my room. So I think until then it is going to be pretty eclectic. I love the idea of and old door for a headboard and a bunch of different types of patterns for the bed linens.
Clip board wall organization.
And last but not least a chalk board door. You can buy them already built in or buy chalk paint. Martha Stewart has a line of chalk paint that can be tinted different colors if you aren't fond of black.

Well that is all. I don't know where all of these pictures came from. When I come across something I like I copy it in a folder on my desktop. I am not pretending these are any of my own ideas.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to you...

Bode is three years old today.
I can't believe it.
We love this little boy more and more everyday.

The day we came home from the Hospital.
One year old. Don't worry he wasn't always that dirty.
We were camping.
Two years old.

Three years old.
Maybe the last picture of him without a scar on his forehead.

  • He has a fear of the dark. He always asks for the door to be open when he goes to bed or takes a nap, even if it is light outside. He says "Door open?" every time I walk out of the room.
  • He likes to dance. When the song "Take a Chance" by ABBA comes on my blog, the rhythm catches his ear and he dances the whole time. When it is done he asks me to play it again.
  • He likes to sit on the counter when I cook. He says "I up here mom!" pointing at the counter and demanding to get up there.
  • He can unbuckle himself in the car. He knows right when I turn off the car he can unbuckle his seat. He also likes to get out of the car with no help.
  • He loves to play in the dirt.
  • He is talking up a storm these days. He asks me "whats that" all the time. He wants to know the words for everything.
  • He has a good memory. He knows that if we go right on the 303 we are going to Quinns house. If we go left we are going to Rena's. He knows that if we are going down Greenway we are going to Target. He knows that if we are on Olive than there are train tracks out his window. If I go in anyone of these directions then he will tell me where we are going and tell me to turn "this way" and point. (backseat driver, he gets that from his daddy)
  • He loves to take showers and baths. If he hears the water go on then you can almost bet that he will be there, buck naked, with in seconds.
  • He can unlock all the doors in our house with "keys" more commonly known and coins. He has even unlocked bathroom door and hopped in the shower with Lee.

This list could go on and on. But you would probably get bored. We love this little Duder-Dude. And we are excited to see what this new year brings.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pay it forward...

This little thing has been flying around the blogs lately. I decided to jump on the wagon and do it to. Here are the rules.

Be one of the first three people to comment on THIS post and you will receive something unbelievably homemade/handmade (same thing?) from me in the next year. THEN...are you have to do the same thing on YOUR blog for three others.

PS I am feeling very crafty these days :) I am thinking cute blocks with vinyl maybe?

PPS I didn't want to post this this morning to take away from yesterdays post. So scroll down and check out Bode's rough day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We had a fun afternoon...

in the Emergency Room.
Bode's birthday is this Saturday so we decided to drive up to the Anthem Outlets to buy his summer wardrobe. We went to Oshkosh and Carter's then decided to let Bode play on the playground in the common area of the mall. We had been sitting down for about 10 minutes, Bode was just running around with all the kids having a good old time. Then he decided to go down the slide. He was running full speed at the gym equipment and tripped about 4 feet from the first step, he flew like Superman and smacked his head on the corner of the metal step. He got up and was crying. Jer got up and ran over to him. Bode turned around and there was blood running down his face. This gash in his forehead is deep! There was a lady with her daughters standing pretty close to Bode, she was freaking out! Like full on screaming. I didn't even do that. We put a burp cloth over it and hurried to the car. Jer called Nathan and found an Urgent Care right close to the mall. We walked in and showed them his cut and they said they couldn't treat it there because it was so deep. They directed us to "Mendy's" the Pediatric ER at John C. Lincoln Hospital. Bode is a little stud. You could tell that his head hurt but he was playing it off pretty good. I was afraid he might have had a concussion becasue he was acting like he wanted to sleep. So I kept telling him to stay awake. I was saying this kinda funny I guess becasue he kept laughing at me and telling me to say it again.
At the ER they took us back really fast. The doctor we saw was a bit weird. But he was nice. They cleaned out his cut and used glue to fix him up. No stitches. They said that since the cut was following the natural line of the muscles in his face he didn't need stitches. Because when he makes faces or talks the edges of the cut stay together not split so that was good. It shouldn't take too long to heal. It should take about a week for the glue to wear off and until then he can't really get it wet. So if you see us and notice a stinky smell it isn't me. It is my stinky Bode. Bode did really good. We think he liked all the attention. He laid really still when they were working on him and was really happy to get a Popsicle when it was all done. So now for Bode's birthday instead of new summer clothes, he got a $100 dollar ER visit for some fancy glue. I guess new summer clothes will have to wait for now. We are hoping it doesn't scar too bad, if it does then he can just tell everyone his Superman story.
We went home and he was back to his normal rambunciouse self. I had to remind him to not play to rough or it would hurt. I don't think he believes me. I am so grateful that we had insurance!! I don't know what we would have done if we had to pay out of pocket for something like this. I am also very thankful for a great husband who can remain calm in a situation like this. Three different people asked how I was doing. I will have to say that I did good. I didn't freak out. It is scary to see your little baby hurt. I am so relieved he is ok. We almost made it 3 years without an emergency like this. I guess he is a boy and I can expect to have more days like this in my future.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Little Laine Jo...

Laine was blessed on Sunday. We were so lucky to have everyone be there. I love my family and am so grateful that they are so supportive.

I was kind of worried that she would be fussy during the whole thing. (every mothers' fear I am sure) But she was good. To bad Bode was such a stinker. He was way to excited to have all his cousins around. Jeremiah gave her a sweet and thoughtful blessing. I am blessed to have married a man like him. He is a wonderful father and husband.

We all came back to our house for lunch and to visit. It is always fun to have people over. Thank you everyone for coming!

I love Laine's little dress. I am not a fancy person. So I searched the Internet for a plain and simple white dress. This one was perfect. My Mom dressed her in it on Sunday morning.

She wore a bow in her hair. It fell off in the car on the way there. Lee ran to the car to get it and I went the church library to find a little glue. It was just sticky enough to last through Church. I found these little satin shoes at Target. They were just the right accessory to finish her dress.
The white blanket she was all wrapped up in was made for Bode when he was born by Jeremiah's Grandmother, Lillian. Bode was blessed in it and now so was Laine. It is beautiful. All our children will be blessed in the blanked that was made by their Great-Grandmother Joncas.

Our little family.

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