Saturday, March 21, 2009

Two month stats...

Laine Jo is now two months old.

12lbs 8oz
22 1/12 inches long
Bode was exactly one pound bigger and one inch longer at two months.

She is really a sweet little baby. Until about 5 in the evening. Then she turns into a crying machine. She has what I am guessing to be colic in the evening. Not horrible if you don't mind a screaming baby. She just wants to nurse or be rocked all evening. We have tried mylicon drops and "Gripe Water" with hit and miss success. She has rough evenings but has been going to sleep around 9 and only waking up once to eat at night until about 6. So she may have bad nights, but we are getting enough sleep so that really helps.


  1. Man, I wish I remembered better about your colic. If it was and evening thing I don't remember but I do remember all that puking up all the time. Then there was the passing out thing. You might want to be on the look out for that. otherwise you were a model baby.

  2. Hey Heidi!! Brooklee had colic for the first three months of her life and it was awful. However, I was told a few tricks that totally helped her. First, try running some bath water and putting her where she can hear it. Something about the sound of running water, quieted Brooklee instantly. I would place Brooklee in her car seat and set her right by the tub. Worked everytime. Second, try running the vaccuum. A little weird I know. But this too helped Brooklee most nights. Fianlly, set her near the dryer. Something to do with these noises calms little ones with colic. I too bought the "gripe water" and colic tablets but neither ones were quite as successful as the water, dryer and vacuum. Let me know how it goes. Hang in there....this too shall pass!!! (She is adorable by the way)

  3. Oh my gosh.. Laine looks JUST LIKE YOU. YOu have the same exact eyes. How crazy is that. I have no little clones.. just good mixtures of me & Brad. wow.

    I love that she is wearing the dress. so cute. I really am relieved you could take those off my hands.


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