Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008...

We had a great Thanksgiving this year. The only down fall was that Jeremiah had to work. So Bode and I were flying solo. We headed over to my sister's house with Lee Thanksgiving morning to celebrate it with family. I was pretty sad to have to leave Jeremiah. We have celebrated every Thanksgiving holiday together for the past 4 years. The good thing is that he will have 6 days off this upcoming week and he doesn't have to work Christmas Eve or Christmas day! He did get to get a little tradition in though, playing football in the morning. Later my Dad was kind enough to drive clear across the valley with me so that I could bring Jer a bit of Thanksgiving food.
Jill, my Mom, Lee and me.
I didn't get out my camera enough and missed taking pictures of everyone. I always do that.All the kids oh so ready for food!

Lee and me.

Me, Lee and Jill

Grandpa and Grandma with the ever growing bunch of Grand kids.

Jer and I at his precinct. Isn't he handsome in his uniform? Look at my belly! It looks like a basketball under there. It is amazing that it can get so big, plus I still have a ways to go. I am going to be huge!!

Bode had so much fun playing with his cousins. This is the only way I could get a picture, by forcing him.

Jill and John did such a great job hosting Thanksgiving. A few weeks ago I was with Jill and John. We were at Hobby Lobby and Jill was getting cute paper plates for Thanksgiving dinner. John made the funny comment that he didn't want a picnic Thanksgiving this year. So they went all out with a beautiful table. Granted there is nothing wrong with paper plates, it was fun to be a bit fancy and use china. It was wonderful to have good company, good food and to be surrounded by family. Thank you Papa Family it was beautiful!!
Here is the kid table. We put brown paper on the table and there were crayons wrapped up in the napkins so they could decorate their table. The kids and I made a turkey out of Quinn's Halloween pumpkin by sticking glittery leaves in the back and calling them feathers.
Now on to Christmas! I can not believe that it is just days away from December. We are heading up to the mountains this upcoming week to go get a tree. It is time to take down my fall decorations and put up Christmas stuff. I am really excited to put up my Nativity. It is the first year we have had one in our home. I really have wanted to Willow Tree scene. But it is way out of my price range. When Christmas rolls around I always think I will just buy one piece, but never do. A couple weeks ago Hobby Lobby had all their Nativity sets half off. Jer was with me and agreed that we could get one. Bode loves it. On the way home he wanted to see every piece. He held each one and told me they were cute. I am loving the holidays so much more now that I am older. I am less concerned with the gifts and more focused on my little family, extended family and what the season really means. It is fun to start traditions with my little family.

Monday, November 24, 2008

30 weeks...

I had my doctors appointment today. Everything is going great. On a personal note, I have gained 19 pounds, yea for me. By all the measurements she is going to be a big girl. No big surprise for us though. Bode was 8lbs 4 ounces. And that was getting induced 2 1/2 weeks early. So this little girl is already about 4 pounds. So technically I am am 30 weeks but measuring closer to 32 weeks. Rather than having a 10 pound baby I will get induced in the middle of January. Woo hoo! We also got to get a 3D ultrasound. They tried right when we got there but she was not very cooperative. So after we met with the doctor they squeezed us in to try again. It was a bit more successful the second time. It was fun to see her yawn and move around on the screen. Bode liked seeing his "dider" on the screen. We did ask him if he was glad he was getting a sister and he said no. Jer asked him if he wanted a brother and he said ya. To bad Bode, you are definitely getting a little sister.
*Just a disclaimer: I am not wearing crazy pink maternity pants. They just happen to match the shirt I was wearing. And I won't leave the house in them.

They printed off about 100 pictures from our appointment. These ones where the best. She is for sure going to have some very chubby cheeks and pouty lips. I like her cute little button nose. I think we have a name for her. I won't jinks it though. We have had the name for a while but I wasn't sure. After seeing her face I am almost completly sure what her name will be.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today I am thankful for...

Nursery Art
Bode loves nursery. I have never had to push him through the door screaming and kicking. Something I am grateful for. I am always so impressed by the workers in the nursery. It would be hard to take care of a bunch of toddlers for 2 hours every Sunday. Bode surprises me by singing primary songs that I didn't know he knew. In the beginning Bode's art was a little tiny scribble, probably becasue he is more interested in snack time than coloring. But now he is getting so much better. I need to scan in some more pictures that he does at home. He is starting to draw circles and more shapes, not just random markings. It is great to see a little mind grow.
Just a side story. One that was funny to me and worth writing down. Bode is working on potty training. We are doing really good at home. Still working on number two though. But we have not braved underwear in public or any other potties. In nursery last week Bode told the leader that he needed to pee-pee. So she tried to take him and he got really upset. So much so that he didn't want to go back to nursery for the last 15 minutes or so.
This week I was hoping that he wouldn't do it again. But he did. This time they got Jeremiah to take him. So Jer got him in the bathroom and Bode stripped down naked from the waist down, sat on the potty with no major problems, but no pee-pee. So Jer was going to get him dressed to go back to nursery. Bode refused to put a pull up on. He wanted "unerwears" and nothing else. Jer remembered that there were a pair in the Tahoe so he decided to get them. I would have loved to have seen this mad dash to the car through the church parking lot. He grabbed Bode's shoes and socks. Then sort of wrapped Bode's pants around Bode and proceeded to go get the underwear. Seeing as the pants weren't on his little bum was flashing everyone around. Jer said he saw a lady driving by take a double take and laugh. So in the end Bode got his "unerwears". What a good daddy to remember they were in the car, and to get them for Bode.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today I am thankful that...

We got Stat's paperwork in the mail for the big clip. Hahaha. We are exited for this. Last year he had a scheduled appointment, but he decided to get hit by a car instead. So after a large sum of money to pay for his recovery, any vet visits for Stat we postponed. But we heard about a program to get it done through the Humane Society and yea the papers have finally come!

Yesterday I was thankful for...

Date night with Bode.
Since Jer wasn't home last night I decided to have a "date" with Bode. We drove to 3 different places to try and rent Wall*e. But no one had it. So we stopped at Wal-Mart and bought it instead. Then later in the evening we popped popcorn and watched a movie together. He was such fun and watched the whole movie with me. I probably won't get a ton of "dates" with him, so it was fun for me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today I am thankful for...

I love this show. It is the highlight of my Thursday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Where did my toes go!?!

Today I am thankful for...

stretchy pants.
"sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room. It's for fun."
I have decided that many of my thankful post will be for the simple things. Like today I am thankful for my sweat pants. Granted I like them everyday, but today they are nice. It is nice to not have to deal with maternity pants today. Plus I love saying stretchy pants in my Nacho Libre voice.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today I am thankful for...


What a ray of sunshine in my sometimes dull life. I am so grateful that he is mine and Jeremiah's son. He is such a little terror sometimes. Many times I feel like I am going to pull my hair out getting so frustrated with him. You know when every toy it dumped on the floor, all the clothes are out of the drawers and he is demanding a juice. But at the end of the day when we are sitting reading a book getting ready for bed, I can't help but think how lucky I am to have him. I love him more and more everyday.

While you were out...

So I got up early this morning so that I could get some groceries before the busyness of the day took over. Not that big of deal, Jer was home so I got to go by myself.

I was turning the corner to our house on the way home and noticed a boxer standing in the road. Then I noticed two of my neighbors waving their arms for me to stop. Then I saw my little Bode standing on the curb at the edge of our driveway. No Jeremiah to be seen.

I hurried, stopped my car and hopped out to grab Stat and Bode. My two neighbors were saying they saw Bode in the street! All alone!! So they went out to get him and Stat wouldn't let them come near him. He was growling and making sure they kept away from him. So they were just trying to get Bode out of the road and prevent any cars from coming around the corner, and dodging the protective dog.

When I was walking up the sidewalk to put them inside, Jer was looking panicked coming to the front door. If you were wondering where he was, just like I was at the time, he was, well, in the bathroom. He noticed that it sounded way to quiet and was searching the house for Bode and Stat.

Thank goodness for my two neighbor lady's that noticed Bode in the street. Thank you Stat for being so protective of Bode, and not biting anyone. That would have just been bad.

When all was said and done and everything had settled down. I asked Bode what he was doing in the front yard, he said "take trash out" Sure enough the kitchen trash was outside. He must have thought he was such a big boy taking out the trash.

Needless to say that was not a good way to come home. My heart sunk as a drove around the corner. Good thing nothing really happened. Bode got a good taking too. Jer felt pretty bad and will now be checking the locks before he goes to the bathroom. Stat got a lot of praise.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Jeremiah is thankful for...

his job.

It was a hard decision for us to make. I am glad the he pushed me into it. I know that he was inspired to make the move. For one with the way the market goes, so up and down, it is nice to know that what exactly will be on the next pay check. Second, we are so very grateful to have health insurance. We had a difficult time getting pregnant, Jer assured me that if we moved and got insurance I would get pregnant. I think he was trying really hard to convince me to move to the valley. But sure enough, about a month or so later we were pregnant. I can not believe that was 7 months ago. Not that moving was the magic key, but we believe it was our small little blessing. It is a scary job, but I am thankful he has it too.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today I am thankful for...

Cushion folding chairs at church. I promise to be more creative and think a bit deeper, but not today. My poor pregnant hind end has such a hard time sitting for three hours at church. My sweet husband goes and steals a cushioned chair from the Relief Society room so that I don't have to sit on a hard metal chair. Thank you creator of the cushion chair, that 2 inches of foam really helps.

Yesterday I was thankful for tums..

I know that sounds random. But my mom challenged us to blog about the things we are thankful for. I am a total space case and have not done a single one. So I will start now. I actually sat down yesterday to blog about something I am thankful for, and I couldn't really think of anything. But as I crawled into bed last night and took my nightly dose of tums, I was oh so grateful to have them. This big pregnant belly gives me heartburn every night. Jeremiah is sweet, when he comes to bed after work he always grabs the bottle shakes a few into my hand. (I am thankful for Jeremiah too :) I could probably find a different thing I am thankful for about him everyday)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Family, cousins, blessings and ramblings...

Here is my whole family. It was really great to see everyone this weekend. I love the new relationships that I have with my family members as we get older. If you were comparing pictures and counting cousins there is one extra kid, you are not seeing things. We had a little Papa stow-away sneak into the picture. We all got a kick out of it.

Look at all the Merrill cousins. They have such a great time together. I love that they are all close enough is age to play together. I never thought that I would have kids around the same times as any of my older siblings. Not that there are huge gaps between all of us, but I never thought that it would happen this way. But for the exception of the oldest, Megan who is a great leader to all the littler ones, all the other cousins have someone right in their age bracket. How fun!

We headed over to Queen Creek on Sunday to go to Paisley's blessing. It was such a special day. It is amazing to see the prayers of so many answered. It brought tears to my eyes to see this perfect little girl all dressed in white.

Potty training Bode has been going better than expected. Bode really likes to wear "unerwers". Today we went all day with out any wet messes and he pooped in his pull-up after nap. In the morning he gets up and all by himself strips down, pee-pees on the potty and asks me for his "unerwers"

I am getting really excited to have this little baby. I think that with Bode I was really scared and nervous about the prospect of become parents and having to take care of a child, that was all mine. I was afraid that we didn't get the right things, that the crib was wrong, we didn't buy enough clothes, the diapers wouldn't fit, I wouldn't know what to do with the little tiny thing. The other part was that I didn't know that you could have so much love for someone you didn't know before. This time I am a bit more at peace. I feel so excited for the new little spirit to come into our home. I know newborns are hard, but I am so ready to see what she is going to turn into.

Jeremiah's demeanor is different this time around too. Last time I felt like we bought everything like a month before Bode was born. It really stressed me out to not have all the things around me to prepare for the baby. This time Jer has been really sweet to want to get everything ready sooner. He keeps telling me to write down a list of the this we need to buy. We were talking about Christmas and I was thinking of all the gifts and things that go along with the holiday that you have to spend money on. Things like family, Bode, getting a Christmas tree and Jeremiah reminded me to put the new baby down on my list of people to shop for. It may not sound like a big deal but for me it was nice to know he is thinking of her.

I swear that she is not going to have a name. I can not tell you how many times we have stayed up late at night trying to think of baby girl names. It is really hard. We both go blank on girl names. I know that it is not that big of a deal to not have a name right now, but shouldn't we at least have a few that are at least contenders?

I know that this may seem a bit random, but here is goes anyway. I am a sucker for a good deal, always. I love finding things at yard sales, goodwill, where ever, and as long at there is no lingering smell, I fix them up. I have found a ton of things to decorate my house this way. Plus it is a great way to find gently used kids items. I have been yard sale-ing for a few weekends and have found some great little girl clothes and a bumbo for really good prices. I also and a sucker for hand me downs. I remember one time when I was little I got a big old bag of hand me down clothes from a lady in my parents ward and it was like Christmas in September.

Why am I writing all this down you may ask? Well with the impending arrival of baby girl Joncas (this may be her name if we can't find one, get used to it) I am starting to gather all the needed baby things. But I figured why not see if anyone has any baby things that are taking up space they wouldn't mind handing down.
Ok that is probably enough stuff for one post, by the way 77 days to go...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Adventures in potty training...

We have officially started potty training. Bode has been interested in the toilet about a month or maybe a bit longer. He had spend a little bit of time with his cousins, who are all potty trained, and was very curious about the whole process. About 2 weeks ago Bode and Jer went and bought a potty and "Thomas" underwear. So Bode has been putting them on and experimenting with sitting on the potty. So this week we have been really working on it, not just experimenting. It has been going pretty good. He has caught on to the pee-pee part. I have even caught him going by himself, with out me asking. Yesterday I followed him in the bathroom and he told me to get out! So I did, but left a little crack so I could peer in and see him through the mirror's reflection. He sat there talking to himself for about 2 minutes and then asked me to come in. To my shock had gone number two. To bad not every try was like this. The afternoons are a bit more shaky. He is like any other kids and gets busy and forgets that he is not wearing a diaper. When he does have an accident he tells me "yucky" and "its cold". Hopefully things keep going in this positive direction. Wouldn't be great it I could get him all potty trained before the next one comes? I have 11 weeks to get it done.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get out and vote today!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Is is really November!?!

I can not believe it is November! Time is rushing by so fast. Our Halloween was a good one. My little sister had a volleyball tourney so we got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. The plan was that they would win, only play one game in the afternoon, then we would come home in time to trick-or-treat at a few houses then hand out candy at our house. But that didn't happen. Glendale lost to Scottsdale in 5 edge of your seat games, causing them to have to play in the evening. So we didn't get home until about 9:00 at night. Good thing Bode is young enough to not really know what day Halloween really is. Good thing we went to the trunk-or-treat becasue that ended up being our Halloween for the year.

Bode refused to wear is costume at the trunk-or-treat. So the above picture is the only one I have of him in his costume. This one below is right after the trunk-or-treat. Lee and I managed to pin him down long enough to paint his face. I thought that once we got there he would see the other kids and want his on too. But no. So we walked around to the cars with him getting candy and me carrying around the tiger costume. On Saturday we headed over to the east side of the valley for my niece Abbey's birthday party. The lucky girl shares her birthday with Halloween. The party was all decked out in a princess theme. Girls are fun!

Here is the fancy cake Tim and Connie made. It was great!

The pinata was "manna from heaven" for the kids. They loved it.

All the festive party go-ers. 2 princesses and 3 knights. Bode is stuffing pinata candy in his pocket.
Bode all hopped on on sugar.
27 weeks and 5 days. Here comes the getting big part of pregnancy. The picture on the left shows my ever fuller, un flattering pregnant face in all its swollen glory. Yuck, it will only get worst. I had Lee take a picture and Jer contently place his shoe over the important part. I have gained 12 pounds, not to bad for me. I am getting to where I have to consciously think " do you really need to eat this or do you just want it?" Most of the time I just want it so I resist. ( not all the time) 87 days to go...
Here is my cute Halloween stitchery. I think it turned out good. I need to finish the fall one that I have been working on, Halloween is over.
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