Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today I am thankful for...

Nursery Art
Bode loves nursery. I have never had to push him through the door screaming and kicking. Something I am grateful for. I am always so impressed by the workers in the nursery. It would be hard to take care of a bunch of toddlers for 2 hours every Sunday. Bode surprises me by singing primary songs that I didn't know he knew. In the beginning Bode's art was a little tiny scribble, probably becasue he is more interested in snack time than coloring. But now he is getting so much better. I need to scan in some more pictures that he does at home. He is starting to draw circles and more shapes, not just random markings. It is great to see a little mind grow.
Just a side story. One that was funny to me and worth writing down. Bode is working on potty training. We are doing really good at home. Still working on number two though. But we have not braved underwear in public or any other potties. In nursery last week Bode told the leader that he needed to pee-pee. So she tried to take him and he got really upset. So much so that he didn't want to go back to nursery for the last 15 minutes or so.
This week I was hoping that he wouldn't do it again. But he did. This time they got Jeremiah to take him. So Jer got him in the bathroom and Bode stripped down naked from the waist down, sat on the potty with no major problems, but no pee-pee. So Jer was going to get him dressed to go back to nursery. Bode refused to put a pull up on. He wanted "unerwears" and nothing else. Jer remembered that there were a pair in the Tahoe so he decided to get them. I would have loved to have seen this mad dash to the car through the church parking lot. He grabbed Bode's shoes and socks. Then sort of wrapped Bode's pants around Bode and proceeded to go get the underwear. Seeing as the pants weren't on his little bum was flashing everyone around. Jer said he saw a lady driving by take a double take and laugh. So in the end Bode got his "unerwears". What a good daddy to remember they were in the car, and to get them for Bode.


  1. cute story, I can just picture little Bode sitting on the potty asking for underwares. so cute. I am excited to see you on Thanksgiving. I wish jer could be here too!

  2. How funny! Good luck with the potty training. I wish we had a scanner so I could keep all of Wyatt colorings. I still have them all, but they are sure adding up with nursery and now preschool. I just can't throw any of them away!


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