Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Little Laine Jo...

Laine was blessed on Sunday. We were so lucky to have everyone be there. I love my family and am so grateful that they are so supportive.

I was kind of worried that she would be fussy during the whole thing. (every mothers' fear I am sure) But she was good. To bad Bode was such a stinker. He was way to excited to have all his cousins around. Jeremiah gave her a sweet and thoughtful blessing. I am blessed to have married a man like him. He is a wonderful father and husband.

We all came back to our house for lunch and to visit. It is always fun to have people over. Thank you everyone for coming!

I love Laine's little dress. I am not a fancy person. So I searched the Internet for a plain and simple white dress. This one was perfect. My Mom dressed her in it on Sunday morning.

She wore a bow in her hair. It fell off in the car on the way there. Lee ran to the car to get it and I went the church library to find a little glue. It was just sticky enough to last through Church. I found these little satin shoes at Target. They were just the right accessory to finish her dress.
The white blanket she was all wrapped up in was made for Bode when he was born by Jeremiah's Grandmother, Lillian. Bode was blessed in it and now so was Laine. It is beautiful. All our children will be blessed in the blanked that was made by their Great-Grandmother Joncas.

Our little family.


  1. Laine looks so cute in her dress! I never did get pictures of Payton after her blessing, how sad is that! Sorry the bow didn't stick. Seriously, you don't owe anything for it. I was lame and took forever to ship it, so don't worry about it. Hopefully she'll have enough hair when she fits in that other dress you got her!

  2. We were so sad we missed it!! I thought about you guys! We will be there in ONE week!! I'm SO dang excited! I've talked to Natalie and I think were going to get together Thursday night, not sure what we'll do but we can figure that out! So we'll see you soon!! YA!!

    ps- Christtina is in Maryland right now so she probably won't see your comment, I'll tell her next time I talk to her! ;)


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