Friday, September 18, 2009

Let's play a game...

It is called

"Find the Three Year Old"

Oh, yes. There he is. Sleeping at the foot of the bed. Bode was having a rough day last week. He was so not into quiet time this particular afternoon. I kept having to tell him to go to his room. Well then I noticed it was all quiet. So I went to his room,wasn't there. The bathroom, nope not there. My bed room, nope not that I could see. So I nearly get panicky becasue I couldn't find him. So I go back to my room to see if Jer has seen him. As I walk by the bed to talk to Jer I see Bode's little head barely poking out of the covers at the foot of the bed. He was sound asleep.

This has been a good week at our house. We have had some fun all together. Jer and I even got to go on a day date. I love spending time with him. We are both feeling very grateful these days to have his job. We both loved living in Pinetop and I wished that maybe it could have worked out for us. But if we hadn't made the career change then I can't even imagine the boat we wold be in now. I am thankful to my husband for having the courage to do what he knew was right for our family.

Laine cut her first tooth on Monday and now that it has poked through, she is a happy camper. She is a hoot. She prefers to only eat table scraps and doesn't really like baby food anymore. She is still pulling herself up on everything. She is getting stronger and I can't imagine it will be long before she is letting go and standing by herself.

Bode is loving preschool. He is all full of stories and chats my ear off the whole way home in the car. On Wednesday we were driving and we asked him if he liked all the other kids in his class. He said he like them and then tried to tell us all their names. I asked him who is favorite one is and he thought for a second and says "My favorite is my Laine Jo". :) I picked him up from preschool yesterday and he was the first one to go. All the kids were saying "Goodbye Bode" " See you later" And one kid shouts out "I'll see you in Heaven Bode". That made me laugh.

Well after a fun relaxing week with our little family, my house is a zoo. If for some crazy reason something happened to me today and someone had to come over and get my kids or something, please don't judge. Hopefully I can get my act together today and get it a bit more under control.

Oh yes and before I forget I made these last night for part of dinner and YUM! I think they will become a regular side dish at our table.


  1. I'm so glad Laine popped that tooth! Hopefully our babies stay happy for a bit!
    Those mushrooms look so good...and dangerous. But I love danger. Yum yum!!

  2. Nice Journal entry. Love that Bode's head. The mushrooms are sinful. Directions were fun to read.

  3. Sounds like a great week! I thought Jeremiah looked to big to be three! Loved looking at the mushrooms, yum.

  4. Sounds like you have a fun house! I love that bed. And hey, Nico loves the pioneer woman. I think that is what motivated her to start cooking. Most of the recipes she is cooking for us are out of a basic betty crocker cookbook that I picked up at Sam's Club a couple of weeks ago (that was supposed to be for Hannah.) It gives really clear instruction and good pictures and everything she has made is, as I am sure you have already read, amazing! I want Nico to start a little blog and post the recipes so when she does, we will let ya know. However, I am glad to know that you made enchiladas with a can! Keep on blogging, I love your stuff!

  5. That picture of Bode in the bed with Jer was too cute!


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