Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first day of fall...

I had been trying to decide if it was to early to put up all my fun autumn decorations. But seeing as today is the first day of fall I think it is ok. So yesterday Bode and I (with a little help from Lee) got out all the fall decorations. It was a bit of a mess. I love decorating for the seasons and it put me in a good mood all day. Now all I need is an apple cinnamon candle.

Bode was a big help. A few years ago at a yard sale I came across a tons of holiday window clings. A bunch of Halloween, Christmas, Easter and miscellaneous holiday ones. I like for things to look a certain way and that particular look doesn't involve a three year old touch. But I let him go crazy with the window decorating. He had so much fun pealing them off and putting them back on. Even this morning he was rearranging them. As we were putting them on the windows he turned to me and said "this is the best day mom". :)

This was one of my favorite things that happened yesterday. I was going around putting things up and I thought I was going crazy. I couldn't find all my stuff. It just wasn't in the box. So I asked Bode and he got all happy and ran to his room. He told me he decorated.

He was so proud.

It is starting to feel like fall in our house.... kind of... I think it will when my AC isn't coming on all day long.


  1. How fun. I dont think it's too earlier to start decorating. I wish I had you sense of style and decor. Too cute.

  2. This post is about Bode to me. I remember just loving you little people and considering you "my friends". Don't you feel that way about him especially when he says things like he said.

  3. I put up my decorations too! Kaden loves helping. Even though it is still 90 degrees outside, I can get in the mood for a season change by decorating!


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