Thursday, September 3, 2009

What did he say...

Bode, Bode, Bode. What should we do with you? He makes us laugh all the time. Here are a few of his newest thing. Sorry if these are to "in the gutter" for you.

- Bode walks out of the bathroom in his underwear and shirt. He walk in a circle and says, " Mom...(thoughtful pause) Mom, my wiener is big."

-Bode was sitting on my lap. Again in a shirt and underwear. I notice that is undies are a little, shall we say moist. I ask him,"Bode did you pee pee you underwear a little?". He replied, "NO!... (thoughtful pause) um ... yes".

-We bought Dad a Superman balloon for doing such a good job at work. I cut out a picture of Jeremiah's head and places it over Superman's face. Later I was trying to get Bode to say Super-Dad. But he turned to me and says, "No, not Super-Dad. Super-MOM!"

- I sent Jeremiah a funny face picture of me. He showed Bode. Jer asked him who it was and he said mom. Then he said "No, that a monster!"

- I asked Bode if he wanted to go to Target or Wal-Mart. He replied, "Oh mom, Target. Wal-Mart is old, Target in new. I like Target".


  1. HAHA!!! I got a great laugh out of these!!! It is so funny the things that run through kids heads!

  2. What a goof, kids say the funniest stuff.

  3. Oh my heck I want to meet this cute kid!!! How fun! He is hilarious!!!

  4. Boys are hilarious! Super Mom. Love it!


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