Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day...

Yay! Today was Bode's first day of preschool. He was so excited to go. I think he was most excited to wear his new "pack-back". His little three year old mind has grown bored of just hanging out with mom. So we were lucky to find a preschool for him to go to. So twice a week he gets so go to school. He came home all chatty with me today. He said "I grow bigger... I sing songs... I color... superman to the rescue (?)... I get gel in my hair". I am very happy we can let him go to preschool. He is a social little kid and I think he is going to have such a good time interacting with an adult other than me and playing with other kids. Oh yes and the added bonus that I am going to get some kid free time. Preschool is right during nap time for Liane. So holy cow I got a ton of stuff done. That is nice!
Bode is very proud of his "pack-back". We went to Ross to get it. The way there we where talking in the car about what kinds he would get. He was insistent that he got a "saformers" (transformers) back pack. Ross can be pretty hit and miss so I was trying to talk him into whatever would be there. We got there and went straight back to the children's area. He saw the back pack from about 30 feet away and took off screaming "SAFORMERS PACK-BACK!!!". It was the only one. He has been wanting to use it for about a week. This morning when I told him we were going to school he got it down and stuffed it with stuff. Crayons, shoes, toys, a comb and paper.

It is hard to believe that he is three.
(He is trying to hold up three fingers in the picture)
We love this little boy.


  1. I cannot believe he's that old already!

  2. the word i had to type for varification was "enemies" just thought you would like to know...

  3. Oh I wish we lived closer and parks and bode could be in the same class. :) happy first day of having a kid in school!

  4. he is too cute! yay for school! can't wait to get brayden in preschool! :D

  5. he is too cute! yay for school! can't wait to get brayden in preschool! :D

  6. Very cute! I want that door, I am SOOOO going to paint my door red.

  7. It is so sad to see our little boy's growing up so fast. I know he will love it and it will be so nice for you to get some alone time! Enjoy!!!

  8. It makes me sad that our boys are growing up! He looks so big in those pictures!! Good luck Bode!


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