Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Now that this little 7 month old baby is on the move, and when I say on the move I mean she can go anywhere she wants, she has been getting her fair share of bumps and bruises. She is now a pro crawler and can pull herself up on anything that stays still. With all her busy movement she has accumulated a lot of little bruises. This is the worst one so far.
She was with me on my bed just having a fun old time when she thought it looked like fun to try and pull herself up on the foot board. Well she got one hand up there and the other one slipped between the mattress and the foot board. Smack! She hit her cheek so hard! She was pretty upset about it for quite awhile. Just when I thought the tears were over she would pull out the bottom lip and cry all over again. These pictures where from Sunday. The flash really dulls down the bruise. It really looks like a big sharpie like across her cheek.

She has such a pretty little profile.


  1. Let me tell you....Brody has had like a permabruise on his forehead! Once it finally starts to fade he bumps or falls and it comes right back in the same exact spot!

  2. Poor baby :( I love how different little girls are from boys. So dramatic and sensitive, reliving the trama over and over! But she does have a stinkin cute profile!


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