Monday, August 31, 2009

Who are these people...

These are a bunch of pictures that were on my mom's computer. I wanted to have them. So in to particular order...

Jer on his mission in Washington state.

Me outside the Teller House in Silverton, CO.

At EAC. We had just gone to a football game and were going to go to a dance. We stopped by the dance for all on 10 seconds, got a refund on the tickets, it was lame. Then we used the money to get Filberto's and then went to the park to swing on the swings. Fun night.

This was in Yellowstone. I am not a big fan of fishing but was just doing what every one else was doing. We had only been there a little while. I had casted like 2 times and pulled out this big fish. These 2 men were standing close to us and they came running over. They had been fishing all day and hadn't caught a thing. I guess I am a pro fisher. Maybe I should give my husband some tips...

or not. This is a pretty good fish. If I remember correctly Jer's family lived in this neighborhood with a lake. He and his friends fished all the time.

This was Jer and his brother David in high school. Funny side story. The very first time I remember seeing Jeremiah, he and his friends were at one of my volleyball games. They really stood out because they had all painted themselves purple and gold. I remember thinking "how embarrassing". I still don't like it when people paint up their faces.

This is me and my dorm-mates from my first semester at EAC. Shaunni (Coons), Trina (Gilespie), me, and Karli (Flake).

Jeremiah and Joel

Nobody can look good in such a dorky hat.

Nice pose.

Getting ready for prom my senior year.

Basketball stud.

I love volleyball.

He was such a cute baby.

When Laine gets a little bit bigger I want to compare me and her.

This is us now.

I like us.


  1. So cute! I can't wait to see those pictures again after you have been married for 10 years. Somehow mine and my Jeremiah's dating and highschool pictures don't seem quite as fresh as yours.

  2. Too cute! Thats a fun post, just going back in time a little of the two of you! Laine totally looks like u in your little red n white dress! Your family is way way cute!

  3. Cute post. Its always fun to look back over the years.

  4. I like you too!

    ...oh I just saw someone else wrote that, I am so not original...

  5. I loved looking at those pictures! You guys are such a fun little couple now family!! It is amazing how everything works out!

  6. I love old pictures! But I agree with Christy, they aren't old enough yet! I do see a lot of Laine in your baby pic. So fun!!

  7. Love the post, and your humble comment that you love volleyball. Don't be afraid to say you are quite the stud yourself! Girl, you got hops!!

  8. Did Jer go to Blue Ridge as well???? Or.... were those the colors at EAC? Because I had NO idea that he had known you that long. Anyway, Loved those pictures and didn't know that you played volleyball. I love the sport as well-- although I am no where near as good as you :) That looked like a really good hit! And you got good air, too!


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