Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's that smell...

The other evening Bode and I were picking up the toys getting ready to go to bed. He turned to me and here is our conversation:

B: Mom, what's that smell?
M: I don't know. What does it smell like?
B: It is a comfy smell. I like it.
M: What do you mean? What is a comfy smell?
B: It smells comfy in here. I like it. It feels good. It smells comfy like Grama Trish's house.

I am still not 100% sure what a comfy smell is but I liked his interpretation of it. I think that since the weather has changed a bit down here (hallelujah) it smells crisp like fall. We always travel up to Pinetop during the fall. It does smell comfy up there. So cool and crisp. I also think my mom and dad's house does have a comfy feeling to it. My parents have lived in their house for 30+ years. (click on the link to see the changes that happen when you live in a home for 30 years) I never moved, except from room to room in the house. Growing up I always felt that their house was a sanctuary from the world. A place where I didn't have to worry about what I was wearing, if I had friends, you know all the drama things that high school brings on. It was just home, and I loved it. I hope that no matter how many times Jeremiah and I have to move our family we will always strive to have a "comfy" home. Thanks Mom and Dad :)


  1. This is a sweet post. I love how you call it your parent's forever house... that's what we've always called our next house. We haven't moved in nearly 7 years because we want to pick the perfect forever house.

    You and your Mom decorate alike.. maybe that reminds Bode of her house too. ;)

    Great post, Heidi.

  2. What a great kid! I agree the fall air is very comfy feeling.


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