Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bald spot, success, busy...

Laine has hair. It was a shock to me. Bode was born with a tiny amount or hair. It quickly fell out and turned into old man hair with a mullet. We shaved it all off and it grew in nice. Laine doesn't have a ton of hair but enough to know that she is a girl, to me anyway. She does have a wicked bald spot though. It is a big one. A few weeks ago it was very smooth. Now it hads little tiny spikes of new growth.

I hesitate to write anything about potty training down. It seems every time I say anything about it Bode takes a big step in the wrong direction. Just the same we have been having great success that last few weeks. He doesn't wear a pull-up at home at all any more! We are all happy about that. Number one hasn't been an issue for awhile. He caught on to that rather quickly. Number 2 was a whole other story. He was having accidents nearly everyday. Yuck. Not a fun thing. But Jer bought a bunch of fun sized candy bars and bribed Bode with them. It worked. He tells me "I poo on the potty I get a chocolate". He gets up and puts on underwear every morning and goes number 1&2 all day long and only wears pull-ups at night and in public. He has gone potty in the stores and at other people's homes. But he gets excited and forgets that he knows how. Any suggestions on how to get him out of a pull up outside of the house? Or is is more like a bring a few extra sets of clothes thing?I don't condone peeing in the front yard. But when you got to go, you got to go. So sorry in advance if he is playing in your yard and this is what he does.
This it after the first time he number 2-ed in the potty. He was so proud. Not going to lie...we were to.
Do you ever feel like fore weeks you have nothing going on. Then all of the sudden you don't have time to even sit down? My life goes in these little cycles. Nothing then bam! I like my calm nothing to do life. But sometimes it is nice to be busy. I don't like the way my house goes when I am busy though. It turns into a huge mess. Laundry everywhere, toys 2 inches deep, and dirty bathrooms. I am amazed that women can work outside of the home and still manage to keep a tidy home. I wish I was more like that. Can someone tell me the secret of keeping your house clean? I spent yesterday cleaning my house and yay it is done. So if anyone was planning on dropping by now is the time. Not tomorrow because I am sure it will be messy again.
I was reading though some old posts of mine the other day and wow I have a bunch of weird typo's. Like it is supposed to say "the" but there is a "he" instead. That really annoys me, but I am to lazy to go back and fix them all. Sorry.


  1. We just took an extra change of cloths everywhere...until they had the hang of it.

    It sounds like he's doing great though...in no time at all he'll have it down like a pro!

  2. No advice on the potty training, haven't had to go through that yet, but as far as the messy home and how do mothers work AND keep a clean home goes... just remember if they aren't home because they are working and their kids are in daycare all day, there's no one home to make a mess for those 8 or so hours of the day, which means less clean up! When I was working it was so easy to keep our house clean! Now it's such a chore! This is a problem since ward members tend to just 'show up'. Yikes.

  3. potty training is by far one of the most frustrating parts of parenting young kids, I think, anyway. I Love how he pees in the yard.. my son does that too. He even goes in the parking lot at walmart.. no warning.. we look back and there is MJ peeing with no shame. lol.

    I agree with the cleaning spurts... I had to do it today and I wasn't a happy camper, either. don't know how to stay caught up.. so good luck honey.

  4. Potty Training... Heck... Any free advice on how to get a date? hahaha. Seriously, I think the bribe thing is the way to go. And then you just have to start pressing your luck. He will catch on eventually. It is rare that the kid catches on quickly and doesn't have problems.
    And the mullet description of your son. HAHAHA!! I was like him-- I was a cue ball til I was 2. Good thing you can at least tell Laine is a girl. :)

  5. Definately take a change of clothes EVERYWHERE you go. And if he can do it at home, he can do it anywhere! I ended up throwing alot of Levi's real underwear away cause of accidents. But I always took Wal-mart bags with me too just in case the underwear got peed in or weren't TOO bad and dirty from poop. I am almost there with Logan. The biggest mistake is going back. Once in undies, STAY in undies! I hope that helps.

  6. I still take a change of clothes for both kids and he has been potty trained for almost a year...better safe! And YES I think little boys can pee (almost) anywhere they want out side as long as its not in there pants. Loved watching your baby girl!


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