Thursday, December 6, 2012

Harry Potter...

A few months ago I was flipping through tv and Harry Potter was on tv. I stopped to watch it. Bode covered his eyes with his hands and told me what I have told him many times " I can't watch the movie till I read the book!!". So that was that. I asked if he wanted to start reading the books with me. He was on bored. We started reading about a month ago. The last week or so he has become really interested in the story. He begs me to read and then to not stop. In the evening they get in pjs, they get out some toys and I read. Bode doesn't play long. He makes his way to the couch, where I am, he sits by me and rests his head on my shoulder and I read. He was so excited today when he realized that there are more then one book. He told me that we need to do this for everyone. Makes me happy. I want my kids to love book but more importantly I love this time we are spending together. Just like so many things, I know it won't last. He will read better at he grows and wont want me to read to him. They just grow so fast. Time stops for just a moment as we read Harry Potter together.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love reading to the kids. I always have one snuggle up to me while the others color, build or keep occupied. My favorite is when my 13 year old puts his arm around me while I read. HMMMMMM.....


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