Sunday, April 15, 2012

one, two, three...

Little Piper P. She is a sweet little thing. Constantly drooling as you can see by this picture. She let out a majorly loud toot during Relief Society today. It was in the middle of a particularly quiet moment during the lesson too. It was SO loud! She was rolling around on a blanket on the floor and just let it rip. Everyone around us could barely contain their laughter. 

We had a sweet afternoon together. She fell asleep on my and we took a little nap. For the last 45 min she has been crying in her room because she doesn't want to go to sleep. She just fell asleep. I wish someone would force me to go to sleep.

Bode had his first taste of nutella today. I think it is safe to say he liked it. I was planning on making cookies today but after my little nap this afternoon the time got away from me. So instead I cut up strawberries and put a dollop on nutella on the side for a Sunday treat. He was really bummed about not getting cookies and was whining about only getting strawberries for a treat. I told him to try it and just see if he liked it. He sat down and stared eating. He finished his and started licking the bowl then he proceeded to gather the other bowls and lick them clean too. Again, I think it is safe to say he liked it... alot.


  1. I knew when I moved I would miss out on some really good stuff my never imagined it would be as juicy as a baby toot. Darn, I miss everything.


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