Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am flattered...

Thank you Shannon for giving me this. I love to read your blog. You have such a strong testimony of the gospel, take beautiful pictures, and have such sweet kids. I am glad we can be blog buddies :)

Now for the 7 things about me..

  1. I am a talk radio junkie. I listen to KFYI almost everyday. Rush, Hannity, Broomhead just to name a few of the shows I listen to. Maybe that makes me boring. But I like to be informed. I don't always agree with everything but I still like to listen.

  2. When I was little I wished I was Laura Ingalls from Little House in the Big Woods. Heck I still wish I could be her.

  3. I can not sleep in socks. It makes me feel all claustrophobic.

  4. I wish I could go to school to be an Interior Decorator. I would love to know the rules of design. How to make things go together, what colors compliment each other and all that fun stuff. If I knew I could make money at it I think I would.
  5. I love to do puzzles. They are nice and relaxing. To bad I haven't done one in years for fear of tiny hands messing it up and eating the pieces.

  6. I love to sing church hymns at church. I am always disappointed when people don't sing loud. I have a horrible singing voice but it doesn't stop me. I love the feeling music brings.

  7. I rearrange my house all the time. Not always the furniture but stuff on the walls, shelves cabinets. I like changes like that. I wonder what that says about my personality...

Wow, coming up with 7 things was hard. That took me days. I tried to post things I haven't posted on my blog before. I have come to the conclusion that a) I am not that interesting or b) I share too much on my blog because if you read my blog regularly you already know all the "interesting"things.

Now to nominate 7 people:

Jill, my sister. She is so crafty and witty.

Jami. She has had a difficult couple of years and has faced her trials head on in a courageous attitude. Love this girls spirit.

Erin. Funny girl, in a good way, and she take amazing pictures.

My Mom. I would love to see her "interesting" things.

Kim. I love her honesty about things. I am so excited for her twins :)

These two are private blogs...sorry to the rest of the world who doesn't get to read them.

Brittany. Another funny girl. I love all her kids and how she handles them.

Amy. She is crafty. Love her projects and can't wait to see her new little girl.

-Copy the award and place it on your blog

-Link to the person who nominated you this award

-Tell 7 interesting things about yourself

-Nominate 7 bloggers and post links to their blog


  1. I listen to talk radio too! So funny, Danielle is always asking if we can listen to music!

  2. Aww thanks! I will have to get to some nominations!

  3. you are sweet. i feel boring as well. yours is one of my favorite blogs because you are totally cute and always always make life interesting... even if you are telling about your diet.. it interests!! it will take me FOREVER to come up with 7 things! I'll try my best.


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