Thursday, February 18, 2010

South Beach Days 8,9,10...

Day 8
Breakfast- none

Obviously I had a busy morning. I wasn't even hungry though.

Lunch-I was in a hurry so I had sugar free jello and some nuts

Cheese Stick

White Chicken Chile- This was SO yummy!! I actually think I will make it again this week. I have been kind of bored of salad after salad. It was great to have a bowl of warm food.

Desert- 3 pieces of sugar free candy

Day 9
2 scrambled eggs w/ garlic and basil
2 pieces of bacon
v8 juice


Lunch-left over White Chicken Chile-even better the second day

Snack-one dove sugar free truffle


Ok this is kinda a weird one. Were had been out working in the yard all afternoon and I didn't want or have the energy to cook. So we grilled up some hot dogs for everyone. I had mine like regular except I wrapped it in lettuce instead of a bun. I am surprised that even though I am not eating the bread I am still satisfied. It taste just the same with out the carbs.

I found sugar free mouse from Jell-o chocolate flavored. The SB book I have says only sugar free jello. The mouse is pretty new so I don't know where it fits in to the diet. But still no sugar so I'll take it. And yes... it was good :0

As I have looked back over the days food I am surprised at how little I have ate. Here is the shocker though... I am not hungry... I am not thinking about what I can't have... it is nice not to be thinking about food all day. I have always wanted to live the the whole "Eat to live. Not live to eat" phrase. The last few days have felt this way. I am eating when I am hungry and not just because I have nothing else to do. Although I guess I would be lying if I didn't say I missed fruit. Apples, oranges and pears oh my!( that is a subtle Wizard of Oz comment if you didn't get it)

Day 10
2 eggs
1 piece bacon
v8 juice
Easy Summer salad-cottage cheese tomato cucumber
Stick of cheese
(everyone else had twice baked potatoes)
So tonight we had people over for dinner. They were bringing the desert. I decided that I would either have half a potato or desert. The desert was a white cake, whip cream with strawberries. I chose the desert. It was good and tried to talk myself into not feeling guilty for eating it. I was right to feel guilty. At 2:30 in the morning I started to feel yucky by 2:45 I threw up yuck! And it was all the cake I ate. I guess my body didn't like the four and sugar.


  1. do you mind if i get the recipe for the white chicken chili? I am always looking for healthy alternatives for my family and that just sounds DIVINE.

  2. good job, Heidi. Keep up the good work. We had the chili and it is a keeper.

  3. Awesome Heidi, you're doing great!


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