Monday, February 15, 2010

South Beach Round up...

I am still doing my diet. It is going great. I decided that I won't bore the world with my daily meal updates anymore. So I'll just post one big menu blog at the end of the week. I have seen some success! Down 5 pounds. 10 to go!


  1. Great job on ditching that fat :-)
    Here's hoping the rest leaves just as quickly.

  2. Good job Heidi! 10 more pounds? You are going to blow away.

    My word varification was; flatin
    How appropriate.

  3. Woohoo Heidi! That is awesome! :) Can't wait til I can start losing all the baby weight + some! hehe....Hope all is grand!

  4. Hey, I liked the daily menu. You have inspired me. I am working on my own ten to lose! You gave me some good meal ideas.


    p.s. Annie was thrilled with your comment!

  5. wow!! that is amazing!! congrats!! while you went down I just gained. YUCK!


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