Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This sweet boy wanted to make Valentines for his cousins and grandparents.

All you need is a tons of stickers...

And what you end up with is a unique bunch of Valentines.

All you have to do is sign them. It is pretty hard work. I think the tongue out really helps.

Since October Bode has very into holidays. After Christmas he kept telling me that "rooserts" is coming. I could not figure out what that was. So a week or so ago we were walking through Michaels and we saw all the Easter decorations. He turns to me and says "See Mom, rooserts is coming" :) I had a good little chuckle over that one. I told him yes Easter is coming but first it will be Valentines day. I told him on Valentines day you give your friends and family cards and you tell them you love them. Ever since then he has wanted to make everyone Balentines. Lucky for us we got a package in the mail from Great Grandma Joncas. It was full of Valentines stickers. Perfect for making Valentines.


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