Friday, January 29, 2010


That is the word/noise that sums up my emotions for the past few weeks.

So many things going through my mind.

Some good,



thought provoking,

down right crappy,

and sad.

You guys ever feel that way? Of course we all do. But when you are feeling that way don't you feel like the only one? So the other day I was really feeling this way and I was driving to drop Bode off to meet up with Jer so they could go to Chuck-e-Cheese. It was a gloomy day, kind of rainy, perfect for my glum mood. Bode kept telling my to look up and see the rainbow. I was driving so I kept telling him I will in a second, but I am driving and can't right now. He was just so insistent I look at the "bootiful rainbow". After about the third time of him telling me to look at it I did. It was breath taking. A double rainbow stretching across the whole sky. You could see where is started and follow it across the sky and see the other end. All I had to do was look up.

Isn't that how life is sometimes? I had put myself in this awful mood and was to self centered to even look up to my three year olds pleas to look up at the rainbow. So I have been thinking of these things since then.

  • How many times in our lives have we ignored the simple pleas and promptings of the Holy Ghost? Or have been so self involved we forget to "look up"? Things that are so simple mean the most. We have so many things that point us in the right direction and if we are willing to do those things we will have the peace that comes with living the gospel.

  • It reminded me of the things that really matter. I can get very stressed out sometimes. Like when the house is messy, bathrooms are dirty, laundry everywhere etc... Those stupid things get in the way of me being a mom. So today I let a lot of things in the house slide because I played with my kids. We went to the park, twice. They got to empty the cupboards and play fort. And they got to take a long bubble bath. It was a fun day. I love my job. The days are long but the years have gone by so fast. Bode will be 4 soon and Laine is 1. There will always be laundry but they will only be little for so long.

  • A rainbow always bring s sense of calm and security for me. It is like Heavenly Father telling you that this to will pass and that he hasn't forgotten about you.

Oh dear, these late night posts get very rambly, very fast. Hopefully is all makes a little sense. I just needed to sit and put my thoughts down in one place.


  1. You're so awesome! Thanks for the inspiring thoughts, and for visiting me the other day!

  2. Thanks I needed to read that for myself! I am the same way of letting the daily tasks get in the way of me spending time and enjoying the time I have with my kids. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. I have definitely been there more than once as well! What a beautiful rainbow and beautiful thoughts!!!

  4. I love your post! Your honesty is great and so true! We have so much in common, beside the ages of our kids ;) Your a great example to hangin in there and having faith. I have those days too and it is a relief to know He is still there and things will get better. That rainbow was lovely!!! Awesome shot! :)

  5. Heidi I love your blog! You really have so many talents, I am amazed. This post definatly hit spot on for me as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It's a good thing we have kiddos to keep us grounded and remind us to have fun and mellow out!

    Thanks for the reminder!


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