Monday, December 29, 2008
News from the baby front...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Festivities...
We had a family get together at our house a few days before Christmas. We had a White Elephant Party with all the members of my family. Well all except Pete and Britt and their little girls. They were missed. Everyone trekked across the valley half way to California to party at out house. We ate some Mexican food, played a couple of games, ate a lot of yummy sweets and even squeezed in a game of settlers. Thanks to everyone who came, maybe we can make it a new holiday tradition.
This is one of the funny things of the night. I mentioned awhile ago that when we were younger we had a party every year. Every year there was a puzzle. Once you get stuck with the puzzle you are stuck with it the whole time. So this year when it was my Mom's turn she was looking over the presents, shaking a few, and she shook one and thought is was a puzzle. She said "oh no I am not getting stuck with a puzzle this time!" So she grabbed another present and opened it. Ha guess what was inside... a puzzle. I know that this doesn't sounds incredible funny to all of you, but it was to us. Good White Elephant gift Aaron.
I hope everyone had a good evening. I was trying to see how I could meet up with all my family this holiday season and the party was my solution. I am bummed that I can't make it up to Pinetop this year with everyone. No traveling for me right now. I love my family and am so grateful that I was able to see everyone.
Christmas Eve
We had a nice Christmas eve. I got up early to finish up my last minuet Christmas shopping. Then when I got home Jeremiah took off to finish his Christmas shopping. So he and Bode left the house and I got the house to myself, I love that.
Christmas Day
Bode loves to color and draw. This easel was the perfect gift for him.
At first he wasn't to sure about opening everything. He took his time and opened them slowly. But by the end he was tearing into them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It keeps growing and growing and growing...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Preparing for Christmas...
I have a bunch of cleaning to do. We hare having a family party here tomorrow night. And my house is dirty. I really like the motivation to get it really clean. These days I am getting to big to do all the regular deep cleaning I usually do, it has just been bare minimum clean. So I am looking forward to having everything "squeaky" clean before Christmas day. I am quite lucky though. I have two, kinda three, reluctant helpers. Lee, Jer and Bode whoo hoo!
Bode has been a big helper these days. Lets see he helped clean up the bathroom, after he pooped in his pull-up and smeared number 2 everywhere. He loves to get himself at least 10 different things a day. He helped Lee with her scripture studying by ripping out a few pages. My personal favorite was the helping me fold laundry. Folding laundry is one of my least favorite chores. I usually put it off until the clothes are piling up everywhere are we are living our lives around piles of laundry. Last Saturday night I stayed up late folding all the laundry and was to tired to put everything away so I left it. Sunday night Bode, being such a big helper, decided to refold all the clothes. I wasn't watching him and when I came to check on the quiet kid, all my laundry was in a pile under the Christmas tree. I decided that I couldn't yell or get too mad at him. I know he was trying to help me. But it did make me cry. Seriously, I must be 35 weeks pregnant, because I had to call Jer and tell him what happened, with tears running down my face the whole time. Jer was very sweet and listened to my whole ramblings and then called me every so often that evening to make sure I was ok. Poor people who have to deal with me right now. No wait! Poor me for having to be so crazy hormonal. I need to learn to be better at laundry and put it away.
I still have a bunch of Christmas shopping to do. Opps. Better get on that. Hopefully I can clean today, shop tomorrow morning, cook for the party in the afternoon tomorrow and then be able to relax after that. Oh did I mention that I haven't wrapped present either? This I did on purpose becasue Bode has been very curious about the few that are under there. So I just didn't want him to open any before Christmas, but it is just about Christmas so maybe I should wrap them right?
Hopefully I can get everything done today. Wish me luck. And good luck to you with all your last minuet Christmas preparations.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Jeremiah James
What a stud :)
Senior Year
I won't get to mushy on everyone here. But I am so thankful for my husband. He is a great example to me. He is the eternal optimist. He is so good to me. He follows the spirit in all his choices. I am grateful that he is a good provider for us. He is such a wonderful father. I would have 10 kids just so Jer could be their dad. They would all be so lucky to have him at their dad. I love him more today than ever and I am thankful that I get to spend my life with him.
7 days to Christmas??
Bode's buddy.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas memories...
Ok that is probably good enough for now, I may have more later.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pregnancy in the eyes of a man...
Jer has been really sweet to me lately. He is always a thoughtful person, but even more so that last little bit. I can imagine it is not easy to put up with a pregnant lady. Jer is so nice to listen to my complains, rub my back and help when he can. I am glad that he is the father of my kids. I can't imagine a better person for the job. That being said here is a funny story:
When ever Bode toots I tell him that he needs to put it in the potty. Toots for him mean the poo coming and he needs to sit on the potty. So Jer thought it would be funny to well, toot in Bode's face. Yeah gross I know, but it happens. Bode looks up at him and says "put it in the potty dad". Don't you love sweet family memories? (I say very sarcastically)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Its Christmas time in the city...
I love that we finally have a nativity. Bode walks over to it points at all the characters and says " Mommy, Daddy, Baby, and doggy". I guess all the animals at the stable were dogs.
Bode was really excited to put the star on the tree. He was really cute when we decorated it. Every time I put something up he would say "oh thank you mom". I already know that I am going to have to watch the presents like a hawk though. We have two under there right now and yesterday he brought them into me when he came to wake me up. I thought that he walks straight into my room when he wakes up, but no I guess he had been eyeing those presents.
Poor kid...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Isn't that my tree...
Bode was very concerned about all the mud on the ground and out car. He kept calling it the "yucky poops"
These little people are lined up around the fence on the park's Christmas tree. The funny thing is that years ago my mom painted them for a float in the town's parade.
Hello pregnant face.
Next that evening we went to my Mom's ward party. They had a big Jerusalem themed party. Everyone dress up in an assortment of robes and toga like apparel. It was fun. I however didn't dress up. First of all becasue I wasn't planning on going and second I didn't thing the big pregnant belly would look very wearing a tent. I was worried that Bode would just run wild. But he did really good. Again thanks Meg and Mel for being such good cousin and letting Bode play with you. He just stuck with them on the blanket and played. They are going to be good big sister's to their new little brother.