Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Festivities...

Christmas Eve Eve

We had a family get together at our house a few days before Christmas. We had a White Elephant Party with all the members of my family. Well all except Pete and Britt and their little girls. They were missed. Everyone trekked across the valley half way to California to party at out house. We ate some Mexican food, played a couple of games, ate a lot of yummy sweets and even squeezed in a game of settlers. Thanks to everyone who came, maybe we can make it a new holiday tradition.

This is one of the funny things of the night. I mentioned awhile ago that when we were younger we had a party every year. Every year there was a puzzle. Once you get stuck with the puzzle you are stuck with it the whole time. So this year when it was my Mom's turn she was looking over the presents, shaking a few, and she shook one and thought is was a puzzle. She said "oh no I am not getting stuck with a puzzle this time!" So she grabbed another present and opened it. Ha guess what was inside... a puzzle. I know that this doesn't sounds incredible funny to all of you, but it was to us. Good White Elephant gift Aaron.

This was my favorite White Elephant gift of the evening. Tim and Connie had this brilliant idea. From the outside it looked like a box of tampons, felt like tampon and was even sealed. Lee opened it and was like are you serious!! She was a bit perturbed and ripped open the box to see if it really was tampons, stuffed inside was and i-tunes gift card. I did however love the wrapping idea. Jer and his yummy popcorn, no one traded with him that night.

I hope everyone had a good evening. I was trying to see how I could meet up with all my family this holiday season and the party was my solution. I am bummed that I can't make it up to Pinetop this year with everyone. No traveling for me right now. I love my family and am so grateful that I was able to see everyone.

Christmas Eve

We had a nice Christmas eve. I got up early to finish up my last minuet Christmas shopping. Then when I got home Jeremiah took off to finish his Christmas shopping. So he and Bode left the house and I got the house to myself, I love that.

Bode got extra spoiled this holiday season when Grandpa Alex and Louis stopped by to spread some holiday cheer.
After many unsuccessful tries to get a decent family picture with Stat, we stick him outside and finally got one.
Christmas Evening we went over to celebrate with Grandpa Glismann and the rest of Jeremiah's mom's family. I forgot to bring in my camera, oops. I love the holidays and is was neat to spend it with family.

Christmas Day
Bode got up around 7:30. Then is was off to open stockings and presents. It is really fun to have a child old enough to enjoy opening presents. It made this Christmas so much fun.
Bode and Daddy.
Bode loves to color and draw. This easel was the perfect gift for him.

At first he wasn't to sure about opening everything. He took his time and opened them slowly. But by the end he was tearing into them.
After presents we had french toast, bacon and OJ, yummy. Then we got all ready and when to the Brooks' house, then to Grandma Davis's house to eat lunch.
This was the first year the I have not had Christmas in Pinetop. I have missed the snow and my family. But I am so grateful to have such a great group of people down here to call family. This Christmas was wonderful!
Now that it is all over, I can get all the odds and end ready to have this baby. That seems crazy. Jer kept telling me to wait until after Christmas to get all the last odds and ends. Now that time is here, am I ready to do all that stuff? No! It has gone by really fast. But I am defiantly ready to not be pregnant and take of a baby instead.
I also don't want to take down all my Christmas decorations. They have made me so happy everyday and I am not ready to give them up. Normally I am chucking the tree out the front door the day after Christmas. But taking everything down is part of my to do's before the baby comes.

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