Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 days to Christmas??

I am loving the "winter" weather the last few days. It isn't snow, but I will take the rain in its place. Can you believe there are only 7 days until Christmas!?! I can't I am not ready. I love all my decorations and don't want to take them down. I love my tree and will miss the glow of the lights. I guess I will enjoy them now.

Jeremiah is loving his job these days. I am glad. It makes him happy to do something that he feels he is good at. We are also a fan of the three days off. Granted they come in the middle of the week, but we like them just the same. Like I have posted before, Jer has been so sweet these days. Last night we went to Cheesecake Factory and then walked around the mall for a while. Not his favorite activity, but he was a good sport. He actually suggested we go. I love him! Not becasue he takes me to the mall, but becasue he thinks about things that make me happy and does them.

I am getting bigger and bigger. Not to much longer though. I have started the every two week appointments now. Isn't that crazy! I still feel like there is so much to do. This little girl is getting so big. Those little sweet streches are gone, to be replaced with strong swift kicks to, well, everywhere. She gets the hiccups about 5 times a day, those are funny. Every time I look at my reflection I laugh. My belly sticks out so much it is comical. After my next appointment on the 29th, we will see were I am. If I were to go on my own at 36 weeks they wouldn't stop it. If I get to 38 weeks then they will induce me. That seems close. Jer has told me to not worry about any baby stuff until after Christmas, then I can go crazy getting all the odds and ends together.

Um where did my baby go!?! Bode is getting so big. He is talking to us so much. Not just little fragment of words but full on sentences. It makes the days so much easier. He can tell me things and what he wants, wich really eases a lot of communication stress. They other day he got up from his nap we asked him what he wanted to do and he said "I want Wal-Mart, go look at toys". I never look at the toy section when we go to the store. I avoid it like the chicken pox. How does he know that that is where the toys are? I didn't think it was the best idea to go, if he does see toys he normally throws a fit when he can't have one. So that is why I avoid the toy section, like so many other moms I am sure. He did so good though. We just browsed the aisles, he would tell us "that way" when he wanted us to turn. He didn't even cry when we didn't put anything in the basket. He can be so much fun sometimes!!

I was thinking yesterday that I have neglected something in my journaling of our lives. Um our roommate. Lee. We actually really like her living here. I don't know what Bode will do when she moves out. I set the table for us the other night, Lee wasn't home, so I set enough for the three of us. Bode was very concerned. He pointed at the plates, naming who they should belong to. Mom, Dad and Bode. Then he looks around and say "Lee, wheres Lee go". He didn't want us to forget her. They are good friends.

Bode's buddy.


  1. Those are cute pictures!! I know what you mean by where did my baby go? Its soo crazy how fast they grow up. It is actually really sad. Its also crazy that you are almost at your due time for that lil girl! Good luck!

  2. I can't believe that baby is almost here!! It seems like just yesterday we found out you were having her!! Crazy! I love those pictures of Lee, that is how Kernan is with my brother! It's so cute to watch!! Can't wait to see you guys! Just two more days!


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