Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pregnancy in the eyes of a man...

So I decided a while ago that I would document this pregnancy with pictures not matter how big I get. I didn't do too many with Bode and I wish I had. I do have a few pictures with him but not enough. I do have one horrible mug shot looking one that I took a few days before I had him. (I think that I will pull that out soon to laugh at.) Jer has been kind enough to take the majority of the pictures for me. He was in a funny mood today when i asked him to take them today. I guess he felt it was necessary to document all the things that have grown in the last few months...

My feet. Not to bad. They are not incredible swollen yet. At night I can feel my toes rub together, that is when I know they are yucky swollen.

My face. I naturally have a round face to any extra makes it even rounder.

My boobs. I can't believe women pay for things this big. I don't want to know how big they are going to be when the milk comes in. Yuck!

And last but not least... the Belly. It is really, really poking out there. Last week when I was in Pinetop one morning I woke up and I could breath. I definitely think that she "dropped". Not that that really means too much, but I can now breath so much easier! Ahh one small joy in the last phase of pregnancy. (33 weeks)

Jer has been really sweet to me lately. He is always a thoughtful person, but even more so that last little bit. I can imagine it is not easy to put up with a pregnant lady. Jer is so nice to listen to my complains, rub my back and help when he can. I am glad that he is the father of my kids. I can't imagine a better person for the job. That being said here is a funny story:

When ever Bode toots I tell him that he needs to put it in the potty. Toots for him mean the poo coming and he needs to sit on the potty. So Jer thought it would be funny to well, toot in Bode's face. Yeah gross I know, but it happens. Bode looks up at him and says "put it in the potty dad". Don't you love sweet family memories? (I say very sarcastically)


  1. I love that he took a picture of your boobs and you put it on your blog. That is so funny to me. You probably don't feel like it, but you really are looking great, especially for how far along you are.

  2. You are super cute mom! And I love the shot by shot analysis! Awesome!

  3. Haha. Ok I think I have a few of the same boob shots that my husband took when I was pregnant last year. what is it with them and the boobs?

    i agree with erin.. you are so cute.. i don't think your face looks that round either. I saw your cute little face in person.. and let me tell you.. you are the longest, leanest, most gorgeous glowing pregnant woman. SERIOUS! Don't be too hard on yourself. I would have killed to look half as good as you do right now!


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