Saturday, November 20, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day(s) 18, 19...

Day 18...
My little preschool class.
I do enjoy having a preschool class and I am thankful that the Mom's of these little kids entrusted them with me. They each are so different and fun. I am glad to have something to do with my days. It keeps them interesting.

 Day 19...
I am thankful for Yard Sales Craigslist and Goodwill.
I would have to say about 90% of the things in my home have come from these 3 places. I would not have appreciated any of these places before I got married. I didn't like going to yard sales with my mom on the weekends growing up. I was always afraid I would see someone I knew or people would know that things were second hand. When I got married I didn't know I married such a cheapskate. And I say that in the nicest possible way. Along with Jeremiah's "always got to find a deal" attitude and my learning that money needs to stretch as far as possible perspective, I changed my mind. I have decorated my house for a fraction of the cost of retail and I love everything in it. I can look around my house and remember all the places and yard sales things have come from. I am glad that I got over myself and am not to good for yard sales and second hand stores anymore. Here are a few examples of my latest treasures.

Lee and I went to Goodwill yesterday afternoon looking for a bar stool little did I know I would walk out with this. I have been searching for a play kitchen for Laine. This one was at the top of my list in the want column but at the bottom of the list on the price column. You can find it on Amazon used for around $150 and off the kidcraft website it retails for $285. I am grateful for the person who dropped it off at Goodwill so that I could buy it for a total of $22.50!

 Next there was a yard sale in my neighborhood yesterday morning. I drove by it taking the Bode to preschool, then on the way home, then picking them up and dropping them off. Each time I saw this lamp from the road. Each time I wanted to stop but was in to much of a hurry and I thought it would be to much money. When I did get a moment to stop and check the price it was $15. Too much so I offered $10 and she said sure. I had no money on me so I had to run home get the kids lunch and try to scrounge $10 bucks up from somewhere before Lee got to my house to go to the movies. Well I only found $8.92 around the house. I was to crunched for time to go to the bank so I went back hoping that would be enough for them. It was. So I guess it never hurts to ask. When I got home I looked up the lamp on the Internet and found that it came from Pottery Barn and retails for $150.00. So $15 was a steal and $8.92 was even better. Never hurts to ask. Which leads me to my next great find...
 This little red wagon. After buying the kitchen I had to pull around the back so that it could get loaded up at Goodwill. Right in front of me a lady had a uhaul full of things she was donating. I have joked in the past that I wish I could go through the thing people donated before they dropped it off at Goodwill. So Lee and I were in the car and I noticed the red wagon. I was like should I ask her if she is giving it away. Lee was all for it. So I worked up my nerves a little bit, got out of the car and asked if she was donating the wagon. She said yep an asked me if I wanted it. I said yes! So just my asking this lady if I could have her wagon I saved $89.99. Free is always good!
Then there was this bedroom set. I already mentioned the dresser and 2 nightstands but never posted the bed. All 4 pieces were $350 off of craigslist. My stomach was in knots over the price tag. It seemed like so much money! Luckily because of my preschool money and a bit of money saved from one of Jer's off duty jobs I could get it. I am glad I did. The people we bought it from mentioned they bought it new a few years ago from Ashely Furniture. $350 may have been a lot for me to spent but it not only gave Laine a bed but finished off my bedroom set too. It is still for sale at Ashely furniture so I looked up the prices; twin bed $314, Dresser with mirror $288.00. 2 nightstands $240. Retail price $842.  So $350, not to shabby.

If I had bought each one of these items at full price I would have spent $1366.99 without tax. But by being patient and searching for a good deal I spent a total of $381.92. Saving me $985.07.

I have had people ask me before how I find such good deals. Well you have to be looking for them and not be afraid to look through a bunch of crap to find the good stuff. You can't go to Goodwill once and not find anything and never go again. You have to to yard sales, Goodwill and search craigslist consistently to find  the deals. I go to Goodwill 4 or 5 times a month. I don't always leave buying things. I have a mental list of the things I am looking for, if it isn't there I don't need to spend money. Don't be afraid to rummage through stuff or ask for a deal. Happy hunting everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day(s) 16,17...

Day 16...
The park.

Or any park really. The weather has finally decided to be wonderful. We have been enjoying playing outside everyday nearly all day long. The kids especially love walking to the park. They forget to fight with eachother and just run, climb and play.
I am thankful for the park.

Day 17...
I actually asked Jeremiah what he was thankful for and he said "my phone". I was like no that's dumb, but really it isn't. Phones are pretty amazing. I love being able to call me family at anytime anywhere.
I guess it isn't dumb to be thankful for phones :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day(s) 13,14,15...

Day 13

Off duty jobs.

Jeremiah has been putting in some extra hours at work. Well not work but off duty jobs. I am grateful that they are available, especially this time of year. Although I wish the hours weren't so long. Jer has worked a 4 day work schedule for so long I forgot what a 5 day work week was like. I sure do like having three day weekends with him. So do the kids.

Day 14


I love to read. Suspense, drama, comedy, self help. They are all good. I am thankful that we live in a time and a place where we are able to read books. Anybody read anything good lately? I need a new book :)

Day 15

Today I am thankful that I am not single.

On our little street we have 3 single mothers. Two times there have been knocks on our door from these women asking for Jer to help them. I am so grateful that I have a partner that I trust that I can lean on and that he can lean on me. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 12...

Today I am thankful for
my family.

I am very grateful for each one of these people. I love them all!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 10 & 11...

Day 10...

(yesterday) I am thankful
Laine Jo.

I love this little girl. I am so thankful for her sweet little spirit. I am also very grateful that she is feeling better. She is quite the little girl. Even when she was sick she managed to lock Bode in the dryer and turn it on. Luckily I was close enough to hear Bode's frantic screams before any harm was done. She is learning so many things these days. She understands so much and can say a new word every time she opens her mouth. I am thankful she choose our family. What would we do without her!?!

Day 11...
Today I am thankful for our veterans.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 9...

Today I am Thankful for
my husband.

I really am grateful for Jeremiah. I am glad that we decided to get married 5 1/2 years ago. I knew I love him then. I just didn't know that I could love him anymore that I did. The more I know him the more I love him. He lets me be who I am. I am so very thankful he works so hard for me. It makes is possible for me to stay home and be with our children. He is a great handy man and can fix just about anything. Again I am so thankful for him, and I am so glad I married him. Best decision I ever made in my life.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 8...

Today I am thankful for
the "isqueeze"

Jeremiah mentioned one day to his dad that his feet were killing him while working. They had this foot massager that they weren't using and dropped it off a few Sunday's ago. It is wonderful! It is just what we both needed after a long day on your feet. Feel free to take off your shoes and use this baby if you are ever here. It is worth it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 7...

Today I am thankful for

Laine is sick today. She had a low fever this morning that got better after her nap. When she got up she was feeling a bit under the weather but not bad enough for me to think she was seriously not feeling well. We went to dinner at the Brooks's house. Laine played with the toys but she didn't eat any dinner. Then she just wanted to be held. I took her temperature and she was at nearly 103. So we left Bode there and took her to the urgent care. They gave her some Motrin and that brought down her fever. She has some sores on the back of her throat. Just a viral infection that should go away with a round of antibiotics. Today I am glad to live in a modern world with medicine that will help her feel better. Lets just hope she feel better soon.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 6...

Today I am thankful for

Family Time.

I love my little family and the time that we spend together. This morning we, and the rest of Surprise, when to Duncan Doughnuts. We each got a doughnut and sat outside the store and ate them. It was just the 4 of us. We were able to sit and talk with our kids, talk to eachother and just have a pleasant few minutes with eachother. I am just very grateful to have these people. They are each my favorite.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 5...

Today I am thankful for
Yo Gabba Gabba and Jack Black.
(see I told you some of them would be not so serious)

Because with out these two things then I would have missed the spontaneous dancing of Bode James today.
I needed to see something silly. It made me laugh. The dancing in his video was much better before he noticed my camera.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 4...

Today I am thankful for many things...

As I walked through my house this morning getting things ready for the day I was trying to think of somethings to be thankful for. Here is what I came up with:

(starting at the top, left to right)

  • A messy house- These two messes mean my children have been having fun playing together.
  • Laine Jo and her obsession with getting in the fridge- I am constantly pulling Laine out of the fridge. She is always getting in there and bringing me food. I went down stairs to get a picture of the fridge and I walked around the corner and found her just like that. Don't worry, she got disciplined after the picture :)
  • Free Holiday printables- I found a few really cute holiday printables on a blog not to long ago. Sorry I can't remember which one. I printed this one off and it looks very cute on my mantle. I hope there are some cute Christmas ones too.
  • Vinegar and a good scrubbing brush- I have been slowly scrubbing the grout in the kitchen, dining room and entry way. My first thought when I saw this house was that it had nice upgrades but whoever picked out the tile and grout was stuck in the 90's. Light tile and dark grout are very dated. On closer inspection the grout was just filthy! So I have been using vinegar and water to get it clean. It is very stinky but very effective. You can see by the picture. You can also see it in the picture I took of Laine in front of the fridge. It is tedious work but it looks really good once it gets clean.
  • Washer and dryer- I am so grateful to have these babies. They will help me tackle the laundry that has piled up around here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 3...

Today I am thankful for

Bode James Joncas

I will forever be grateful for this little boy. He made me a mommy. For as long as I can remember I wanted to me a mother. I am so thankful that Bode choose our family. He is such a great little guy. He makes me laugh everyday. We have frustrating moments and learning moments together. He made my dream of becoming a mom true. Thank you Bode James!

Here he is the day we brought him home from the hospital. Wasn't that just yesterday!?! Please excuse me while a wipe the tears from my eyes...

Here is is now. A fun spirited 4, soon to be 5, year old.
I think he is going to be devilishly handsome, but as his mother I guess that is how I should feel.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Month of Thanksgiving Day 2...

Today I am thankful for

my home.

Not my house but it looks like a nice one :)

I love our home. Not the actual house its self but the feeling of home that we have. We have lived in 6 different houses in our married life. Each one was transformed into our home. I love taking a blank space and adding my decorating style to make it feel like home. I have always wanted my home to feel welcoming and inviting to all who enter. Not stuffy or unfriendly. I am very lucky to have a husband who is willing to let me spent the time and money to let me turn our house into a home.

Don't forget to vote today!!

Month of Thanksgiving Day 1...

My mom does this every year on her blog.
I have half heartedly done it in the past but this year I am going to do it for real.
Some will be serious others light hearted, but (fingers crossed) I will post everyday this month.

Today (actually this is for yesterday)
I am thankful for
the ability to buy food.

When Jeremiah and I first got married we had very little money. Like most starving college students we had a strict budget. It averaged $30 a week for food. We made that work. We had one fancy meal a week in between all the bologna, mac-n-cheese and ramen meals. We ended up getting on a few of Arizona's food assistance programs when I got pregnant with Bode. That brought our average cost of food up to $50. We thought we were eating like kings then. But we never went hungry. We always had enough. 

Then we had moved, made a little more money and had Bode. Things then again were very tight. Some weeks after paying bills, buying diapers and formula there was barely enough money to buy groceries. But again we were never hungry, we always had enough.

Now we don't have to worry if there will be grocery money. I am thankful for that. It feels good to have full cupboards to feed my family. Of course there are tight weeks, but again we are blessed to have what we need.

I was thinking of this because yesterday we went grocery shopping. It is nice to fill up a grocery cart, take it home and fill up the cupboards :) Also if you aren't already doing this, you need to sign up today! Coupon Sense is awesome. We did it a few years ago and then decided to stop because I just didn't give it enough time and effort to really make it work. This time I decided to take the time and do it for real. We have been doing it for about 2 months and it has made a difference for us. I will just give you one small example of one coupon run I did I think 2 weeks ago. At Albertsons I bought 2 boxes of cereal, 2 boxes of toaster pastries, 1 package of breakfast sausage 3 packages of tic tacs and 3 bottles of vanilla extract. It would have been a total of $28 but I paid 15 cents using my coupons. Sorry for the big plug for coupons but I think it is always good to make your money stretch a far as possible.

Again, I am thankful for our ability to buy food and feed my little family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

By day...

These two beautiful kids are your average little hooligans but by Halloween night...

 They become a real root'n toot'n cowgirl.
And the oh so powerful Iron-man.
(Yes she literally tooted alot in that costume.)
(I am not 100% sure what you call this particular Iron-man. We called him blue Iron man)
 Trick or Treating was so much fun this year. Bode was so excited to go. Laine had no clue at first but she caught on quick and when she did she loved it! They would walk up to the doors together, Bode would say "trick or treat", Laine would hold up her bag, and they would run away while saying "thank you" for Bode and "dee dee" for Laine, which means thank you. I wish the video I took had turned out because it was so cute. Laine's bag was to big for her to carry but she wouldn't let anyone but her touch it. So she just ran door to door dragging it behind her. After the first 2 houses she totally caught on to the whole idea. She ran all night long. I think she wore Bode out!

I know the quality on this picture isn't that great but I means so much to me. Because of Jeremiah's job he isn't home 4 nights a week. For the past 3 years he has worked on Halloween. This was his first year going with us since Bode was Laine's age. I am grateful that he was there. It was so much less stressful with him there to help herd kids around. Both kids started off holding his hands. So sweet.

We told Bode he needed to hold Laine's hand when they walked to the houses to get their treat. He was so good, most of the time, to grab her hand, make sure she got her candy, and then to lead her back to us. Jeremiah told him he needed to protect her. I heard him talking to himself saying "I will protect Laine Jo. I am Bode. No. I am Iron-man. I will protect her."

We walked our neighborhood for about a half and hour then came back home to hand out our treat. I think Bode was just at happy to give the candy at to get it. Laine on the other hand was very happy to just sit and eat her candy.

We also attended our wards Trunk or Treat a few nights before Halloween.
(with out Jeremiah)
I have to say we have one great ward.
The activity committee put on a great party.
Before we left Bode was in the kitchen just jumping up and down saying
"I'm so excited! I'm so excited!!".
He wasn't disappointed.
Both kids played games, ate good chili, and got a ton of candy.

I asked Bode to give me is best Iron-man impression... 

Since Halloween was on a Sunday I had to make Laine a special dress.
I think it turned out quite cute.
But only because there is a cute little girl in it!

We had a great Halloween. Full of trick or treating and pumpkin carving... errr... well...
no pumpkin carving. But nobody missed it.
I just couldn't stand the thought of cutting into the beautiful pumpkin my mom grew.
Plus it looks to good sitting on my mantle.
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