Saturday, January 31, 2009

2 weeks old...

This little girl is only two weeks old and has us wrapped around her finger. Her looks have changed so much. I love her big chubby cheeks! She is a sweet little baby. A good nurser and has had a few nights of nice long sleeping stretches. (those were nice) I love the feeling of family she has brought to us. I won't say she has completed our family, but she has definitely filled a space in our hearts.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lucky Little Boy...

I am so glad to have things getting back to semi-normal around here. My mom left Friday morning, then Saturday morning Bode woke up all congested and snotty nosed. Plus Laine woke up with a runny nose too. Jer may have thought I was a bit of an overreact-er(that may not be a word) but I didn't want Bode coughing in Laine's face. So it worked out that my Dad was just a few hours out of Surprise and was able to pick up Bode to go back to Pinetop with him. I was really sad to see him go, but it was nice to get a bit more rest and let Bode get better before our new little life got put into full swing. We picked up Bode yesterday. We were so happy to see him and he was pretty happy to see us too. Actually it was the first time we have been in a car as our little family. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching Bode!!
Lucky Bode should get a new sibling every week. Then he would be spoiled every day. During the days leading up to Laine's arrival Bode was thoroughly spoiled by all his grandparents. He got to have a sleepover at Grandma Rena's and Grandpa Steve's house. I think he had a blast. How about you?These pictures are so good. I can never get this kid to smile at a camera for me. Especially when he is playing.

Then Bode got to go to the zoo. He had so much fun. I guess he was a bit shy about feeding the animals. He held out his hand to me and said "they bite you" He did end up feeding a bird and apple and let the giraffe nibble some food off his hand.

I am not so sure he likes this little goat.

He was having a lot of fun looking at the animals until he saw the train. Then it was bye bye animals, Hello Train!

I love how he looks so serious about the train. He loves trains so much!

This is a sweet little picture my sister took in the hospital. A little Daddy-Daughter bonding. Laine definitely knows her Daddy's voice. Last night she was crying and Jer started talking to her and she stopped crying and got really calm for him. I am excited to see how their relationship will be different than Jer's and Bode's.

We are really loving this little girl. She has changed so much. I had a frustrating time breast feeding Bode. Not that he wouldn't latch on good, but that he really liked to linger on the boob. I could feed him for 45 mins on each side and he would still whine for more. This time around our pediatrician gave me some really good advice. She said to feed her every 2 hours not matter what. Wake her up and make her eat during the day. Then only let her eat for 10 mins on each side. Then at night let her sleep and only feed her if she asks for it. It has worked really good so far. I had just thought that since Bode wanted to eat for that long he was starving. He was probably using me more as a pacifier that anything else. Well that and the fact the kid is a tank and was using me and taking a bottle. But feeding every 2 hours seems to keep her happy and at night she has has some good long stretches of sleeping which is great. She does have her nights and days mixed up. Her most alert time is from about 8-12. I love Jer's schedule. It works really well so that I can sneak in a morning nap or even sleep in a bit on his day off. So I haven't felt to sleep deprived...yet.
It is nearly the end of the month, did you keep your resolution? I have actually done really well with one of mine, ok with the other one and definitely will be working harder on my last one next
~ Bode's night time routine has been going great. Other than that last crazy week we have done it every day. He even got upset at me the other night when I put him to bed without saying prayers. Success! Now I can cross that off my monthly resolution and think of something else do do in February.
~ Laundry had been better than normal. Maybe that is becasue my mom was here and did it for me. So I guess that this revolution gets to stick around for next month to.
~ Scripture reading. I won't even comment. It definitely stays around for a February resolution.
So I need to come up with one February resolution. I have a few days to think about it. So it better be a good one for me.

Friday, January 23, 2009

One baby, two baby...



They do look a lot alike right now. They both like and liked to tilt their heads to the same direction. They both have the same cute little button nose. Bode was so bruised and red from his labor. Laine came so fast she didn't have time to get any bruises. I still can't believe Laine has hair. Bode was really quite bald. He had some hair but nothing like her. His was just barely on top and a bit of a mullet in the back. You can't tell by her picture but really she does have a good amount of hair on her little head.

This has been quite and enjoyable week for us. It has been a smooth transition far. My Mom went home this morning and Jer has gone back to work. Now it is time to really see if I can handle two kids. I am felling really good though. I had a really hard recovery with Bode. I couldn't even walk around holding him for a few days. But this has been so much better. I do however have to remind myself to not do to much , or I will wear myself out.

I was glad to have my mom here. But I think Bode liked having her here more. He is already missing his "nema'.

Bode has done really well having the new baby here. We haven't seen the jealousy issue yet. I know it is going to come eventually, so I better enjoy the peace now. He gets very concerned when she cries and tells me "baby's cryn', she hungie!" He like is when she is awake and like to get right down in her eye line and smile and talk to her. He is a sweet little boy. Someday I am sure he will be very protective of her.

All good things must come to an end. Jeremiah has gone back to work. I am so glad that he was able to take off so many days. I do know that he would not have been able to stay home one more day. He is not a homebody like me.

What a handsome little devil!

I am glad that I am feeling so good. I do know however that all these hormones going though my body make me have highs and lows. Jer is always good to let me be sad and cry when I need to. He tells me that crying gets out all the bad hormones. It is a strange feeling to be in hospital feeling like you did something amazing. I feel like I accomplished something big. Then the rosy glasses come off and you are in pain, your boobs have grown three times their natural size and your have nasty belly. I know that my biggest post pregnancy issues stem from bad self image. So I have to remind myself that I have 6 weeks to ignore my body and then I can whip myself back into shape. I did however cut and color my hair this week. I may not be able to have any control over my fat butt right now but I can have cute hair. But I am already better off than I was with Bode. I only gained 40 lbs with this little girl. I know for some of you this sounds like a lot but for me it is great! With Bode I gain 65lbs, yuck. So hopefully it will be easier to get myself back into shape. Ok that is probably enough Heidi talk. But is won't be that last. It is good to talk and let your feeling out a bit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I guess all that walking paid off...

She is here!! Our little daughter decided she couldn't wait until the 19th and made her grand arrival on the 17th instead. So here she is...
Delaine Jo Joncas (pronounced da-lay-ne)
7 lbs 13oz 19 1/2 inches

January 17, 2009

3:00 pm

So here is the story...

Friday night I was having some pretty good back pain. I really didn't think to much of it. When Jer got home around 1 am I was not sleeping well because of my back but again I didn't think to much of it. So by about 4 in the morning I thought hey maybe I should be timing how often these are coming. They were about 8-9 min apart. So I just tried to go back to sleep. Then my 6 am they were about 6 min apart. So I got up, still not thinking I was in labor. I kinda just walking around the house, checked my email and checked on Bode. By 7 I figured I should wake up Jer and tell him what was going on. I told him I thought maybe I was having contractions. He took one look at my face and said yep you are let's go to the hospital. I hadn't even packed a bag or anything. I also really wanted to take a shower before we left. Jer was very concerned that I was going to take a shower and do my hair before we left. He said he did not want to make the news becasue he had to deliver a baby in the car. But I did shower and do my hair before we left. Turns out Jer wanted to leave in time so we could hit up QT before we made it to the hospital.

We were shocked to be there.

We got to the hospital at about 9:15. They checked me and hooked me up to the monitor. I was having contractions every 4 mins and dilated to a 4. I was so relieved! I didn't want to have to tun around and go home. So after that we got put into a labor room. Then I got my epidural. My contractions were getting harder and longer so I was really quite ready to get it. But I was really nervous to get it this time. I was nearly in tears when the doctor was putting it in. I am so glad to have Jeremiah. He is so good and knew just what to say and where to hold me to comfort me.

After the epidural my contractions slowed down a lot. I was dilated to a 6 around noon. And had little or no progress after the epidural. So they broke my water and started pitocin. Then I was tired so the nurse rolled me on my side to help things progress. Then I took a nap. Around 2:45 the nurse came in to check me. She opened my legs, barely stuck her finger in, closed my leg and said page the doctor she is right there. So the doctor came in about 6 mins later. They got everything set up and told me to push. I pushed through one contraction and then half way through the second one they told me to stop. I was like why stop now, but I looked down and there she was! I was shocked that she came to fast. She didn't scream right away but she was grunting and looking around. They suctioned her out and she started waling. She came out so fast she really didn't even have a cone head. I was also shocked to see hair on her head.

I can not tell you how grateful I am for my husband. He has been so sweet. I loved watching him with Laine in the hospital. She is getting him wrapped around her finger more and more every second.

Bode got to come visit later in the evening. We have video of him walking in. It is really cute. He walked in looked at her and said. Whao! Then basically lost interest. I loved watching Jer. He is just glowing with pride.

Here is our first family photo. I can't believe we have two kids!

Lanie is doing great. She is a good little nurser. She is very alert, when she is awake she is constantly looking around. I don't have any milk in yet, so we are mixing it up and tossing in a bottle here and there. That makes her much happier. I am doing much better this time around than with Bode. I didn't tear as bad so it has been so much better. But still you can't go through labor with out any pain. Lets just say I am walking like a cowboy.

We got released on Sunday around 4 in the afternoon. It is nice to be home with my little family. We all spend the afternoon playing on our bed. It was great.

Oh yeah... can you believe the Cardinals won and they are going to the Superbowl!?!?!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

4 more days...

Wow, just when you think you can't get any bigger, you do. My belly is popping out so far! We are getting ready for Monday at our house. As long as they have a bed I will get induced at 6 am. Yay! We have spent the week walking around the mall, Anthem, Target and Ross. Just hoping that something would happen. But not yet. Just a side note, check out your local Target. We found the best deals! We got a big fire truck that was originally $20.00 marked down to $3.75. A race track with remotes and cars originally $35.00 marked down to $7.99. Both for Bode's birthday. Then we got Bode 2 pair of shoes for $5.00. And six, ok I know six is a lot, but six pair of baby girl shoes. They are all too cute though. How do you pass up shoes that were originally $14.99-$12.99 marked down to $2.50!?!

We got a few of these in different colors and sizes.

Jeremiah picked out these ones. This little girl hasn't even seen the sun and she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. He picked them up and said, "these are cute, I want them for Sunday's".

Lucky Bode gets to spend the night at Rena's house tonight. He is such a cute little boy. He two nights in a row has slept into 8-8:30 in the morning. Probably becasue he has been a lucky boy and Jer has taken him to the park every day. I love him to death, but boy he has way more energy than I can handle these last few days. I think he will be such a good big brother.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Counting down the days...

I had my last doctor's appointment today. Dilated to about a 2 1/2...ha ha. Again, they just tell you that to make you feel better. So unless she makes her grand appearance before Monday, she will be here in 7 days. I decided that instead of spending the last few days before labor sitting at home being bored, I would get out and do stuff. Well at least for today. I met my sisters at the mall to eat lunch and maybe "walk a baby out". (no such luck)
I like that we all live down here. It was fun to hang out with them. I think it is interesting how sibling relationships change when you get older. When you are young you have to be friends, but now I want to be friends, if that makes sense. Hopefully one day we can have at least one more girl, everyone needs at least one sister.

Bode was fun today. He was super excited to go do something. Although when I asked him if he wanted to go with me today he said "no, I want that one" pointing at Jeremiah. I hope he had fun with me anyway. He got to go to the Disney Store and got to pick out a toy he wanted. He chose Eve and Wall-e figurines. He wouldn't go to sleep tonight with out them. Oh how I love that little boy.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have been such a slacker these days. Poor Bode, he is ready to have his mommy back. I know that postpartum mom won't be too much better, but it is a step back to being normal. For now he has to settle for snuggling on the couch watching movies, reading books and trying to get me on the floor to play with toys.
Nine days until I get induced. Not too bad. Still not soon enough. Maybe she will decide that she is as anxious to see us as we are to see her and come sooner. I for one am ready to get things back to the new normal for us. I feel like I have been neglecting so many things. With Bode, Jeremiah, my house and church I know that it will take some time to get back to normal, but I am so ready. We will just keep waiting...
One new thing that I have found that I love to do is find new recipes. I have never been able to bake. I don't like putting everything together and hoping it turns out after I take it out of the oven. I do like to cook though. So many bloggers have great recipes and it is fun to try them out. I can't remember exactly where I got this one but it tastes great and looks beautiful when it is all cooked. It made more than I thought it would. So I made two "braids" and froze one for dinner some other time.
*Even tonight as we ate dinner Bode turned to me and said "mmm yummy mom, thank you"

Broccoli Braid
2 cups cooked chicken, chopped
11/2 cups broccoli, chopped
1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped
1 garlic clove, pressed
4 oz. (1cup) sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp. dill weed
1/4 tsp. salt
2 pkgs. (8oz. each) crescent roll dough
1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 tbls. slivered almonds

Directions:Preheat oven to 375F. Chop chicken and broccoli using food processor. Finely chop bell pepper add to chicken and broccoli. Add crushed garlic and shredded cheese. Mix gently and add mayonnaise, dill weed, and salt continue to mix. Unroll packages of crescent dough but keep the rolls together in a sheet. Do not separate. Arrange longest sides of dough across width of a rectangle baking sheet. Press the “seams of the dough to close them. seal perforations. Along the longest sides of the sheet, cut dough into strips 1 1/2 inches apart, 3 inches deep so there are 6 inches in the center for the filling. Spread filling evenly over middle of dough. Take the strips of dough across mixture to meet in center and proceed by “braiding” the strips together. Brush egg white over dough and toss almonds over the dough. Bake about 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A ticking time bomb...

That is how I am feeling these days. No baby yet. Oh well, just a few more days to go. I had an appointment on Monday. Bode and Jer got to come with me. Bode remembered that the noise of the heart beat was "baby sisder". I am dilated to a 2, again does that really mean anything? Our doctor asked us if we had any guesses on when she would come, I said my guess was on the 19th when you induce me. Although it would be nice if she decided to come before that. So until then I have just been a neurotic crazy pregnant lady getting everything in order. Cleaning every corner of my house until I can't move or bend over anymore. We even washed the dog. Doesn't he look sad. He actually enjoyed all the attention and smells so much better.

Bode was a good supervisor.

I feel like I haven't taken any pictures of Bode lately. He is turning into such a handsome little boy. He has learned to many words lately. Actually not just words, full on talking to me. It is great. He can now tell me things and our days have gone so much smoother. He is my little buddy.

He is perfecting his camera smile.

Bode got a ton of little cars for Christmas. He loves them. He likes to get them all out and line them up end to end making bumper to bumper traffic all through the house. Bode has taken to dressing himself in various outfits during the day. Hence the stripy socks, backwards shirt and no pant.
He thought he was such a cool kid for putting on Daddy's hoodie all by himself.

Jeremiah has been such a nice husband to me these last few days. Three days in a row I haven't had to get out of bed before 10:30. I have taken long baths and he even bought be bath soaps and toe nail polish to pamper me. He has kept Bode out of my way and done lots of chores for me. I love him so much and am so grateful for him. Thanks Jer for treating me like a queen!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday ramblings...

I am not that bad of a I?

Bode had taken to telling me "quiet" or "quit it" to me periodically though out the day. Since I am were he learns 90% of his vocabulary I have been racking my brain to figure out when I was using those words towards him. He doesn't just say them he yells or speaks them very harshly. So I have been really watching myself lately. So yesterday I put him down for a nap and a little while later Stat started to bark in the backyard. Every time he barked I heard Bode yell "quiet!" or "quit it!". So I guess I am not a bad parent, just a bad dog owner and Bode has picked up on it. Opps

Empty house...

Now that all my Christmas stuff is put away my house feels so empty. I loved all my decorations this year, especially my tree. I really want to copy this mantle some how in my house. I love it. To bad we don't have a fire place. I guess I will scale it down and make it work somewhere else.

It only took me a year to find it...

I love this little Nalgene bottle I bought for Bode. My two nieces have/had one last year and I have been searching high and low for one since then. Just ask Jer. Every sporting goods store we would go in I would go looking for it. I had found it online but didn't want to have to pay shipping for it. But we went to Dicks in the mall on New Years Eve and yeah it was there! I have found pink and purple one but no boy ones, so we found this green one and I couldn't pass it up. Bode's old sippy cups are getting old and gross, so this one is a great replacement. Plus it doesn't leak, and it is a lot bigger than the typical sippy cup. I fill it up with ice and juice in the morning and he doesn't ask me to fill it up until bedtime. Much better than every hour like before.

Look, I have gain so much weight you can't even tell it's me. Poor Kate, being pregnant with 6 babies would kill me.

I have another appointment on Monday. Maybe there will be some kind of progress, probably not. The funny thing is that as much as I want her to be here I am not ready for her yet. I am not horribly uncomfortable...yet, probably tomorrow though :) But she can't come until my house is clean. And I am so procrastinating on getting it clean. The funny thing is that I am "nesting" but not in a productive way. I can't seem to get the living room clean, but having the stove spotless is way more important!?!

Jeremiah was planning on going snowboarding on Monday. But the crazy pregnant wife-that's me- has convinced him to stay home. I have this fear that if he were to leave that I would go into labor and have to scramble to get everything in order to get me to the hospital and Bode taken care of. Instead of going snowboarding he has volunteered to clean house. I am so lucky to be married to such a great guy! He even told me to get together a list of chores for him to do so he would know what his doom is. Hopefully he likes sweeping, mopping, scrubbing tubs, and folding laundry.

Bode is oh so lucky to have Grandpa Dave and Grandma Trish. My mom called last night to tell us they wanted to come see Bode. They came down this morning to visit and go out to lunch with us. I told him last night that they were coming and he was very excited. I am grateful that my parents are so willing to be a part of our lives. We love them so much!!
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