Sunday, January 18, 2009

I guess all that walking paid off...

She is here!! Our little daughter decided she couldn't wait until the 19th and made her grand arrival on the 17th instead. So here she is...
Delaine Jo Joncas (pronounced da-lay-ne)
7 lbs 13oz 19 1/2 inches

January 17, 2009

3:00 pm

So here is the story...

Friday night I was having some pretty good back pain. I really didn't think to much of it. When Jer got home around 1 am I was not sleeping well because of my back but again I didn't think to much of it. So by about 4 in the morning I thought hey maybe I should be timing how often these are coming. They were about 8-9 min apart. So I just tried to go back to sleep. Then my 6 am they were about 6 min apart. So I got up, still not thinking I was in labor. I kinda just walking around the house, checked my email and checked on Bode. By 7 I figured I should wake up Jer and tell him what was going on. I told him I thought maybe I was having contractions. He took one look at my face and said yep you are let's go to the hospital. I hadn't even packed a bag or anything. I also really wanted to take a shower before we left. Jer was very concerned that I was going to take a shower and do my hair before we left. He said he did not want to make the news becasue he had to deliver a baby in the car. But I did shower and do my hair before we left. Turns out Jer wanted to leave in time so we could hit up QT before we made it to the hospital.

We were shocked to be there.

We got to the hospital at about 9:15. They checked me and hooked me up to the monitor. I was having contractions every 4 mins and dilated to a 4. I was so relieved! I didn't want to have to tun around and go home. So after that we got put into a labor room. Then I got my epidural. My contractions were getting harder and longer so I was really quite ready to get it. But I was really nervous to get it this time. I was nearly in tears when the doctor was putting it in. I am so glad to have Jeremiah. He is so good and knew just what to say and where to hold me to comfort me.

After the epidural my contractions slowed down a lot. I was dilated to a 6 around noon. And had little or no progress after the epidural. So they broke my water and started pitocin. Then I was tired so the nurse rolled me on my side to help things progress. Then I took a nap. Around 2:45 the nurse came in to check me. She opened my legs, barely stuck her finger in, closed my leg and said page the doctor she is right there. So the doctor came in about 6 mins later. They got everything set up and told me to push. I pushed through one contraction and then half way through the second one they told me to stop. I was like why stop now, but I looked down and there she was! I was shocked that she came to fast. She didn't scream right away but she was grunting and looking around. They suctioned her out and she started waling. She came out so fast she really didn't even have a cone head. I was also shocked to see hair on her head.

I can not tell you how grateful I am for my husband. He has been so sweet. I loved watching him with Laine in the hospital. She is getting him wrapped around her finger more and more every second.

Bode got to come visit later in the evening. We have video of him walking in. It is really cute. He walked in looked at her and said. Whao! Then basically lost interest. I loved watching Jer. He is just glowing with pride.

Here is our first family photo. I can't believe we have two kids!

Lanie is doing great. She is a good little nurser. She is very alert, when she is awake she is constantly looking around. I don't have any milk in yet, so we are mixing it up and tossing in a bottle here and there. That makes her much happier. I am doing much better this time around than with Bode. I didn't tear as bad so it has been so much better. But still you can't go through labor with out any pain. Lets just say I am walking like a cowboy.

We got released on Sunday around 4 in the afternoon. It is nice to be home with my little family. We all spend the afternoon playing on our bed. It was great.

Oh yeah... can you believe the Cardinals won and they are going to the Superbowl!?!?!


  1. Congratulations Heidi! She is beautiful and I think looks a lot like you.

  2. Congrats! She is so cute. Cant wait to see her in person. I love the family picture of 4:) Good name choice too.

  3. Congrats! She really does look just like you! Glad to hear that things went well! :) I love the name as well - it is so cute - just like her!

  4. Congrats again you guys!! These pictures are much better then the one on our phone! :) She looks like you Heidi!! I have to wait 2 months to meet her... :( Keep the pictures coming, and get some rest!!

  5. Congratulations!!!
    Lanie is soooo cute we can't wait to see her! She looks like a sweetie!
    You and Jer look good with two kids...I think you could handle 2 more!
    love ya!

  6. She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats. Man, makes me want another one! Her name is so cute and I can't wait to see more pictures.

  7. Yay! I can't wait to see her you guys!! And I'm so happy your birth story was a lot easier and calm than your first (you deserved it after Bode!). She is so cute. Hopefully we can see you guys tomorrow because I really can't wait to hold her!

  8. Congratulation guys! How exciting. She looks like a "keeper". Love her name as well, especially the middle one! :) Enjoy her!!

  9. yeah! Congrats you guys! What a cute name and little girl.

  10. CONGRATS!!!!! She is so beautiful and I love the name! Good job on the labor, that is awesome!!!

  11. Yay Heidi! Congratulations! She is one adorable and beautiful little girl! :)

  12. Whoo hoo!! Great post. I love hearing delivery stories and sounds like yours went perfectly! She is soooo cute Heidi. I love those chubby cheeks. Can an up-coming post be about how you chose the name? It's so cute and unique. I'm curious where you got it from. Congrats!!!

  13. Congrats! You guys are an adorable family! Bode looks so much like Jerimiah in the family pic. I am glad that the labor went well.

  14. Congratulations you two!! She is a gorgeous little girl. Reading your post got me so excited for our second one. You will be an awesome mom to 2 kids!

  15. gosh i thought you didn't have her yet when i read your facebook. CONGRATS Joncas Family! How exciting. And Yay for you that she came so quickly. That is the nice thing about 2nd babies.. the way has already been "plowed".. hehe.

    Way cute name! I agree with Erin.. tell us how you chose it.

    Now comes the fun part! ;O)Get some rest!

  16. Congratulations!! What a cutie pie. I'm glad you are doing well and that you are already home. Little girls are so precious!! Have fun.

  17. Yay for baby girls! She looks like a little angel. We are very Happy for your family!

  18. Congratulations! I think she looks just like Bode. So cute!

  19. Oh she's so beautiful! How fun to have two kids! Congratulations!

  20. Awwww She is sooo cute! Congrats!

  21. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  22. YEAH!! How exciting! You look so good!! You baby is ADORABLE!! Wow, she is so cute! CONGRATS

  23. Congrats!! She is beautiful! You look great!

  24. Congratulations!!!!!! She is cute!! (Love that Jer wanted to stop at QT- that is SO something Jori would do!) Congrats again, LOVE the name!

  25. Congratulations!! We are so happy that she arrived happy and healthy!


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