Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A ticking time bomb...

That is how I am feeling these days. No baby yet. Oh well, just a few more days to go. I had an appointment on Monday. Bode and Jer got to come with me. Bode remembered that the noise of the heart beat was "baby sisder". I am dilated to a 2, again does that really mean anything? Our doctor asked us if we had any guesses on when she would come, I said my guess was on the 19th when you induce me. Although it would be nice if she decided to come before that. So until then I have just been a neurotic crazy pregnant lady getting everything in order. Cleaning every corner of my house until I can't move or bend over anymore. We even washed the dog. Doesn't he look sad. He actually enjoyed all the attention and smells so much better.

Bode was a good supervisor.

I feel like I haven't taken any pictures of Bode lately. He is turning into such a handsome little boy. He has learned to many words lately. Actually not just words, full on talking to me. It is great. He can now tell me things and our days have gone so much smoother. He is my little buddy.

He is perfecting his camera smile.

Bode got a ton of little cars for Christmas. He loves them. He likes to get them all out and line them up end to end making bumper to bumper traffic all through the house. Bode has taken to dressing himself in various outfits during the day. Hence the stripy socks, backwards shirt and no pant.
He thought he was such a cool kid for putting on Daddy's hoodie all by himself.

Jeremiah has been such a nice husband to me these last few days. Three days in a row I haven't had to get out of bed before 10:30. I have taken long baths and he even bought be bath soaps and toe nail polish to pamper me. He has kept Bode out of my way and done lots of chores for me. I love him so much and am so grateful for him. Thanks Jer for treating me like a queen!!

1 comment:

  1. my blogger thing didn't tell me you updated! :) Yay! I want to pinch those little Bode cheeks, send him over after the baby comes. Do you need anything from me before hand? I love you and I'm excited for a new baby!!! Baby girls...I love babies...


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