Tuesday, July 31, 2007

For my sisters benifit.

So I had to go to K-Mart today. I rarely go there to shop becasue it is on the other side of town. Anyway they were having a huge sale on all their clothes. And I got a bunch of clothes for Bode. Like 5 shirts 2 pants and a jacket for less than 20 bucks. I am all about the "steal" and finding a bargain, who cares where it came from. So I called my sister and I pick out clothes for Quinn and Parker too. So fun to shop for a girl. 5 boy shirts, 1 jacket, 1 pair of pants for Quinn. And three outfits and a jacket for Parker all for 35 dollars! You all don't have to be happy about it but I am.
I couldn't get am email to send to Jill so you have to suffer through a blog about it instead.

This is my favorite. The shirt is dang cute and the matching pants make it even better.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Serious post over load below!!!

My trip to California

Lee being "Elf"

I am Forest Gump.

Gold fire hydrants!?! We know what to do with those.

We are ridiculously really, really, good looking.
Don't worry I made this face on purpose.

Football star.
Milk maid.

Lee and me
All the volleyball girls and coach's daughter
With tour guide Perry. He love the girls in the brown shirts.
Cars for Back to the future. One of my favorite movie series.
The Grinch.

I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted but here are a few. Can you believe we went to the beach everyday and I didn't get one picture!?!

These pictures are from our volleyball camp trip. So I drove 6 girls and the other coach drove 6 girls to Oceanside, CA for the week. We stayed in a super nice house, literally two blocks for the beach. The week consisted of volleyball, beach fun, Universal Studios,(which meant LA freeways AHHHHH!!!) and even more volleyball. We really had such a fun time.

Random Bode pictures...

I guess he really doesn't like cake.

Baby thong!?! He was just running around like this I caught a glimpse and thought it was a good photo op.
I'm a climber!

This is a really good book!

Sad news

No new baby in the Joncas house. I guess somethings aren't meant to be. I wasn't feeling all that pregnant and was having a little spotting last week. Then last Sunday I had enough bleeding to know that I couldn't be pregnant anymore. I really was not that far along so something must have been wrong so my body let it go. I am bumbed but life goes on. We will give it a little more time and then hopefully Bode will have a little sibling sometime late next year.

Jeremiah's Colorado Trip

Sweet orange jeep!!
Driving above the tree line.

This year is was just the boys going to Colorado. No girls or kids. That way they were able to take full advantage of all the trails. This was the first of two trips to Colorado. This one was a Thursday to Sunday. Then he turned around and made the same trip with the priests in our ward on Monday. But the trip with church was a backpacking trip. Hopefully I can get the video to load cause those are pretty cool.

All the grand-babies

Quinn and Parker

Megan, Quinn, Mel, Abbey, Bode and Parker
Cute Abbey

Playing in bubbles

Here are all the grand-kido's on the Merrill side. Starting at the left Abey, Mel, Megan, Parker, Quinn and a not to happy Bode. We were all together the week of my birthday. All the girls anyway. No husbands allowed. It was nice to hang out together. We when to the temple and took all the kids swimming.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello from sunny California....

Long time not blog. We have been so busy with vacations that there has been no time. Hopefully I can get all my posts in on Sunday before I have to leave for girls camp. AHHH crazy summer!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

For Sale!!!

I went yard selling with my mom today and found a great find. The table that matches all my other furniture! So I bought it, but I need to sell my old one now. So if anyone is interested in it please let me know. It is really beautiful and I love my old one but this new one is a little bit more me. It has 6 matching chairs, counter height, and is a dark choco brown. I would be willing to give discount to friends and family. I just need to sell it. Thanks.

I will write a bit more on my newly found pregnant-ness in a later post. Have a good Saturday everyone.

Friday, July 13, 2007

You connect the dots...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thoughts in my head today...

I am so bad at making Rice-a-Roni. Seriously. I really do like it so it is a shame. I never had it growing up and I can remember the first time I had it I thought it was so good. But when ever I make it the little things that are supposed to be "golden brown" end up almost black, and the rice never gets fully cooked. So it ends up with that nice crunchy texture. Made some tonight, came out like normal, good but not cooked the right way, and Jeremiah says something to the effect of "you can't cook from a box". Oh well. I like cooking from scratch better anyway.
Laundry is my down fall. I am so bad at keeping up with it. It always seems to over-run me. Maybe I should spend more time with the washed and dryer and less on the computer.
My car is always a mess. I clean it out and say to myself "self, this is the day, from now on the car stays clean!!!" Never happens.
That's all that has been floating in my head today. Hope you all are well.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Four things...

4 jobs I've had
1. Maintenance worker at Pinetop Country Club Rec. Center
2. Sandwich Artist at Subway
3. Ice cream Scooper in Silverton Colorado
4. Nanny for 5 boys

4 Movies I can watch over and over
1. I know it is not a movie but I watch Friends on DVD over and over
2. Zoolander
3. Nacho Libre
4. Napoleon Dynamite

4 Places I have lived
1. Pinetop, AZ
2. Thatcher,AZ
3. Silverton. CO
4. Lakeside, AZ (same thing as Pinetop, but how boring am I?)

4 Guilty Pleasures
1. Staying in jammies all day
2. Taking way too long showers
3. Shopping
4. Eating way too much

4 TV shows I watch (...like I get to watch anything...)
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. King of the Hill
4. Friends

4 Places I have been on vacation
1. Colorado
2. Mexico
3. California
4. Missouri

4 Favorite Foods
1. Burritos. Doesn't matter what it's made from because I probably like it. Absolute fav-Filberto's pintos & cheese with sour cream.
2. Pizza
3. Chips & Salsa/Dip
4. Boneless Buffalo Wings from Applebees or Chilis.
(didn't even change anything from Jill's list of favorite foods)

4 websites I visit
1. Blogger
2. Chase
3. Gmail
4. MSN homepage

4 Places I'd rather be right now
1. Sleeping I am exhausted
2. On vacation
3. Colorado
4. California

Consider yourself tagged.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Fourth

Hope everyone had a fun holiday. We did. Although we didn't do too much it was just nice to sit back, relax and enjoy a day off. We decided that Bode couldn't handle a parade, so we skipped that. I did feel a little bad though, it has always been a tradition to go. We just went to my parents and Bode played in the pool. Later we had a BBQ then it was off so the fireworks. Bode really liked them...for about 20 minuets. Then he had had it. At first he was all smiles, clapping and pointing. But then he got bored and cried so we went home early. All and all we had a good day.
Notice that in this picture Bode is going commando (aka no diaper). That was Jeremiah's idea. I told him that if he poos then he gets to clean it up. So about half way through pool fun Bode starts running around. We all get this whiff of something awful. He pooped his pants. In the process of trying to clean him up, we found little poopy treasures the side walk and the grass. Just for the record I did clean up the mess not Jer. He did clean up the sidewalk though.
P.S. that is Stat in the background isn't he getting big!

Bode knows that these cups hold Pepsi. When the office door is open he is on a mission to find the soda pop that my dad or Jer left unattended. Bode also knows that there is a drawer in my dad's office that has candy in it. He hears the office door open, scans for Pepsi then heads to the drawer. If there isn't any he open all the other drawers just in case.

What lady can't resist a man that plays the piano!?!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July everyone. I love this holiday. I love that no matter what your beliefs, religious or political beliefs, we can all ban together and celebrate our country. I always love July Sunday's becasue we sing patriotic songs. I get goose bumps when I hear congregations of people singing our nations' anthem. I am so grateful for all the freedoms I have. And I am truly grateful for the sacrifice that others have made to protect my freedoms. Don't think that I am all cheesy for saying these things becasue I think they are important. I feel that a lot of my patriotic ways come from my mother. Every fourth of July she blasts patriotic music for the whole neighborhood to hear. A little embarrassing but still it was ok. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys this holiday.
Happy 4th of July!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

What a mess!!!

What a week! I feel like I have been so busy, but I haven't really gotten anything done. I had work in the mornings, volleyball in the afternoons and I got all my visit teaching done this week. Boy, my house has really suffered. There is literally a mound of clothes ready to be folded laying on our bed room floor. Bode room looks like a tornado hit it and a hurricane swept through the rest of our house. I wont even mention our bed room, lets just say it could be declared a national disaster area and the red cross should be stopping by any minute now to give us some relief.

I am normally a good house keeper. I like to have and orderly house but man it was bad today. There was a volleyball tourney all day Friday and Saturday. ( Got to see a few friends, sorry I couldn't sit and chat but I was busy.) So that means no weekend for us. Jeremiah has been such a good sport. He took care of Bode and was great with picking up things here and there. He says he can live with a bit of a mess but then is gets too much for him and he starts to pick up a bit. What a great guy. Volleyball takes so much of my time and he becomes super dad and husband for me.

Sometimes I look at these blogs and think everyone is perfect. But then you realize that we only put the good stuff down and leave all the not so perfect things out. So I decided to show everyone my messy house. Maybe you don't think it is that bad but for me it is too messy. The floors in the kitchen are all covered in puppy paw prints and Bode's little feet prints. I don't really like to clean my house on Sunday but this was and emergency!

So since this week was so darned busy I have missed Bode too much. I have been working at a preschool for like a month and have decided the money is not worth missing Bode. I thought it wouldn't even bother me but it does. I have liked having a little extra spending money but I don't need to work so I want to stay home with Bode. Volleyball starts soon and it keeps me really busy and I don't want to do both. So I am going to work for a few more weeks (to save a little money for my trip to California!) then I am done!

Love this little picture! He is like "Look at all my messes!"

Lee and my dad came over to pick up some stuff and then they came to have ice cream. They didn't say anything about the mess but when they came back Lee was like "wow, looks a lot better now!"
Here is Jeremiah great garden! He has put a ton of work into it. And I must say is has really been paying off. Don't mind all the weeds. The back yard is a work in progress. Soon we will have fresh tomatoes, lettuce, corn, cucumbers, peppers, and cilantro. We have all ready had some fresh radishes. Hopefully I can made some really good salsa with all the fresh veggies. All I have to buy is some onions. Good job Jer!! It is looking so good. Way to follow the prophet and grow a garden.
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