Sunday, July 1, 2007

What a mess!!!

What a week! I feel like I have been so busy, but I haven't really gotten anything done. I had work in the mornings, volleyball in the afternoons and I got all my visit teaching done this week. Boy, my house has really suffered. There is literally a mound of clothes ready to be folded laying on our bed room floor. Bode room looks like a tornado hit it and a hurricane swept through the rest of our house. I wont even mention our bed room, lets just say it could be declared a national disaster area and the red cross should be stopping by any minute now to give us some relief.

I am normally a good house keeper. I like to have and orderly house but man it was bad today. There was a volleyball tourney all day Friday and Saturday. ( Got to see a few friends, sorry I couldn't sit and chat but I was busy.) So that means no weekend for us. Jeremiah has been such a good sport. He took care of Bode and was great with picking up things here and there. He says he can live with a bit of a mess but then is gets too much for him and he starts to pick up a bit. What a great guy. Volleyball takes so much of my time and he becomes super dad and husband for me.

Sometimes I look at these blogs and think everyone is perfect. But then you realize that we only put the good stuff down and leave all the not so perfect things out. So I decided to show everyone my messy house. Maybe you don't think it is that bad but for me it is too messy. The floors in the kitchen are all covered in puppy paw prints and Bode's little feet prints. I don't really like to clean my house on Sunday but this was and emergency!

So since this week was so darned busy I have missed Bode too much. I have been working at a preschool for like a month and have decided the money is not worth missing Bode. I thought it wouldn't even bother me but it does. I have liked having a little extra spending money but I don't need to work so I want to stay home with Bode. Volleyball starts soon and it keeps me really busy and I don't want to do both. So I am going to work for a few more weeks (to save a little money for my trip to California!) then I am done!

Love this little picture! He is like "Look at all my messes!"

Lee and my dad came over to pick up some stuff and then they came to have ice cream. They didn't say anything about the mess but when they came back Lee was like "wow, looks a lot better now!"
Here is Jeremiah great garden! He has put a ton of work into it. And I must say is has really been paying off. Don't mind all the weeds. The back yard is a work in progress. Soon we will have fresh tomatoes, lettuce, corn, cucumbers, peppers, and cilantro. We have all ready had some fresh radishes. Hopefully I can made some really good salsa with all the fresh veggies. All I have to buy is some onions. Good job Jer!! It is looking so good. Way to follow the prophet and grow a garden.


  1. You are too funny..your house isn't THAT bad! I knew you wouldn't stay working that long. I don't like being away from my family either..not worth it! The garden looks great! Tell "Uncle Miah" that we are super impressed. :) You are right about the "every blog is perfect" and all pictures posted are of smiles and big,clean houses...not always true..but I do like being able to write about good things..helps to forget about the bad! Talk to you when we get home from Cali!

  2. I loved that there was a George Foreman Grill out on the counter! Your garden looks great. Mine is hurting (and is quite a bit smaller). The only thing that will seem to grow is my tomatoes. We will have to come up and eat out of your garden. Every thing still looks pretty "perfect" to me!!

  3. Your house isnt messy! If it werent for Rena being here and being a god-send on helping I dont even want to know what my house would look like!

  4. I love love love that you posted pictures of you "messy" house... (mine's usually a lot worse!) But it's so true that everyone can come across as 'Having It All'. But the funny thing is that NONE OF US DO!! We all have our little struggles... messy houses, mood swings, getting stressed out or frustrated with our families. It was fun to see you this weekend, even though you were so busy. Your sister kicked Thatchers butts!! She's AMAZING!

  5. I have been at home, and my house still isn't as clean as it should be. It's okay that we didn't get to visit much, you were coaching, I totally understand. By the way, your site is SO cute! Where did you find the layout? I want to change mine now.

  6. My eyes passed right over the messy house and onto Jeremiah's garden. It is a great looking garden. Nothing like putting a seed in the ground and getting the results.

  7. I can't even see the mess... your house is FREAKING ADORABLE! Honey.. you want mess?! I'll show you mess!!! ;)


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