Saturday, July 14, 2007

For Sale!!!

I went yard selling with my mom today and found a great find. The table that matches all my other furniture! So I bought it, but I need to sell my old one now. So if anyone is interested in it please let me know. It is really beautiful and I love my old one but this new one is a little bit more me. It has 6 matching chairs, counter height, and is a dark choco brown. I would be willing to give discount to friends and family. I just need to sell it. Thanks.

I will write a bit more on my newly found pregnant-ness in a later post. Have a good Saturday everyone.


  1. we changed from our old address to

  2. I LOVE those high tables! I saw one like that over a year ago and I've wanted one ever since. Too bad we already have a table and my husband doesn't see the need to replace it :(

    I'm excited for details on the pregnancy... so don't want too long to post!

  3. Hope your having a great day!! Jer better do something fun with you! Happy Birthday!

  4. Hi my name is Tara and I am a friend of Brittany's. I was wondering how much you are asking for your table??? If you go to Brittany's blog and click on the link for Seth and Tara... thats me. Just let me know! ;) Thanks!


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