Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't you wish...

your husband is as awesome as mine?
(Ok maybe you caught a good one too)

I am so very grateful for my husband these days. Not just because he can steam clean my carpets while watching the Suns game, what a good multi tasker. But because he really is a great guy. I am so very thankful that we get to spend time together I thoroughly enjoy his company. Jer is a great friend, provider, husband and father. And I love him : )

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why you ask...

Well, I guess for a few reasons really.

  • Jer has a job with a lot of confrontation with angry people. These crazy angry people can very easily find out his name and when you google it our blog appears. Nothing has ever happened but why risk it?
  • I am a bit paranoid about bad people stealing pictures off my blog and using them.
  • I use google analytics and have noticed that people I don't know at all are looking at my blog a lot. I don't mind friends of friends or I knew you when kind of people. But google analytics had people from China and Indonesia peaking in. I am not a fan of that.
Those are a few reasons why we decided to go private. Plus it feels nice to know exactly who looks at our little families blog. Thanks for accepting my invite :)

Please click here to learn how you can help Officer Murphy's family.
He left behind a wife, 2 year old daughter and a 2 week old son.
Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Preschools out for the summer...

Bode had such a fun year at preschool. He loved everyday of it.
He would ask me everyday if it was preschool and was always super excited when I said yes.
He loved Mrs. Tracy and all the little kids in his class.
Bode got an award for being the most patient helper.

Here is the whole class.
One of the girls was a bit shy and didn't want to be in the picture.
Bode-Braden-Breckan-Cade-Rylin-Jayden(in Tracy's arms)
Bode has made some good little buddies in preschool.
Every time I ask him who his best friend is it is one of these boys.
(or Kolsen, Quinn... he has many best friends)
Thank you Mrs. Tracy!

Bode isn't one for singing and gets easily distracted.
In this case the puddle got in the way of singing.
He does however tap his foot to the beat and around 1:07 in the clip he gets everyone else to turn in circles.

Monday, May 24, 2010

What's in a name...

I was looking back at old posts and comments for a bit today. Someone asked me where we came up with the name Delaine. So her is goes... How the Joncas's got their names.

Jeremiah James

Jeremiah name is obviously a bible name. It was given to him by his birth mother along with a different middle and last name. The bad memory that I have I cannot remember what his middle name was and I can't spell the last name. But when he was adopted by the Joncas Family they asked him if her wanted to change his name. He thought it would be to have he initials JJJ.

Heidi Elyse

My dad used to joke that I was named after the newscasters on the news the day I was born. Heidi Foglesong and Elsye the weather girl. My mom said she always like the name Heidi. She grew up with a girl named Heidi Hughsow. According to my grandma Heidi Hughsow was not all there in the mind and she didn't want my mom to name me Heidi. Mom, did I get this story right?

Bode James

We for the longest time had picked out the name Zachary all picked out. I had even make a little name hanging thing to go over his crib and had birth announcements printed out. But a few weeks before my due date we were watching the winter Olympics and Bode Miller was a US skier. I knew when I heard the name Bode that was it. But I kept trying to tell myself that that was dumb and we had already printed the announcement. When he was born he was definitely not a Zack but most definitely a Bode. James is Jer's middle name we kept that one going.

Delaine Jo

Picking out Laine's name was hard! We looked for months. Through books, online, all over. One day close to my due date my sisters called me and told me we should name her Delaine. I liked it, but Jer said he hated it. If you ask Jer about this story he denies it ever happened. He had the great idea that we needed to look in family genealogy books for the name. We kept coming across Delaine. I guess it grew on him because obviously we decided to name our sweet girl Delaine Jo. Jo just because it is cute.

So there you go. Our names.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What about me Mom...

I know I am not the only person that this happens to but just the same... don't ya hate it? Every time I sit down to get on the computer this is what happens. Laine Jo (or Bode) feel the need to get right in what I am doing. Laine loves to get the mouse and click away.
I don't know about you but I find it much easier to see the screen without a cute little head to block my view.      

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Letters make words...

I have been working so hard with Bode to learn how to count that I forgot to mention how good he is at his letters and writing letters. He likes to write all the letters he has learned but today he learned that when you put letters together they make words. So this summer hopefully he will learn to not only count to 10 but write it out too.

Friday, May 21, 2010

This is just cool...

Laine has taken a big interest in babies and dolls these days. So I have been wanting to find her some new dolls to play with seeing as we have one. So I was at Goodwill the other day and found a 2 of the Disney princess dolls for $1 apiece. Now normally I do not buy plush toys second hand. Who knows what germs luck in their insides. But these dolls were in great shape. They were barely even touched so after a quick Lysol and antibacterial bath they were nearly as good as new. Like typical doll hair it was all matted and frizzy. So I googled how to fix doll hair, got the "recipe" for it and decided to see if it would work.

To fix synthetic doll hair you first spray with water, then windex and let it sit for a minute or two. The spray again with water then windex. Then coat all the hair with conditioner and let it sit for 5 minutes. Once the time has passed get a comb and start brushing it out. Then rinse thoroughly with water and let it dry. Occasionally combing the hair. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that it worked! It took a long time to dry and I was impatient so the "after" pictures are still wet.

Bode was very happy to have the little mermaid. He has a mad crush on her.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Late 20's...

27 years ago this handsome guy was born.

Happy Birthday Jeremiah!!!
You are the best friend, husband and father anyone could ask for.
I love you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

A wicked sense of style...

Laine got dressed all by herself today.

It was worth a ton of pictures. She is too silly!

2 little piggies...

Too cute!! Need I say more!?!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


These pictures do not give justice to the black eye Laine is sporting these days. Last Thursday the kids were out in the front helping Dad wash the car. I was inside when I heard Laine screaming. I went out to check on her and she had a red bump under her eye. Jer isn't exactly sure what she was doing but she was either running and hit her eye on the side of a bucket or she was looking in the bucket, lost her balance, and hit her eye on the side of the bucket. Either way it has left a pretty good shiner. On Sunday it was green, the same color of her dress. I can't tell you how many people will stop you an comment on a little ones black eye. Poor girl.

PS you see the horrible quality of these pictures!!! I don't know what happened but it is back to taking horrible pictures again. Grrrr.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What a mystery...

Every Saturday morning Bode watches "Busy-town Mysteries". If follows all these little animals as they solve mysteries in their town. Bode gets way into it and tries to solve the mysteries first. Today we had a little mystery of our own. Here is our mystery...

M: Bode you need to get a pull up on so you can go to bed.

B:  Ok mom!
     Bode proceeds to run down the hall stripping naked. Taking an unusually long time to get a pull up.

B: Mom!!! There is a mystery in the hall!!

M: Oh really? What kind of mystery?

B: Look mom! There are clues all the way to the bathroom!
     Mom get up to check on the mystery. Notices little puddles all the way down the hall leading to the      bathroom cupboard.

M: Bode! What the heck is all over the floor?

B: It is the clues to the missing pull ups!
     On closer inspection the "clues" are little a trails of pee leading me to the pull ups.

M: Bode did you pee all over the hall!?!!

B: Yes mom. Those are the clues to find the pull ups.

What a kid. I completely resisted the urge to laugh out loud at my mystery to solve. I made Bode clean up his clues wipe paper towels and Clorox wipes. Thank goodness for tile floors! We had a good talk about what kid of clues are appropriate and pee pee is not a good clue. Oh man. What am I going to do with this kids. As gross as this was, he finds a new way to make me laugh everyday. Love that little boy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is wrong with this picture...

If you thought the "wrong" in this picture was the fact that my house is a bit messy {looks like this everyday}, the lamp is missing from the table by the chair {seriously, why is it not there} or that the tv is babysitting my baby {who doesn't do this occasionally} you are all wrong.  It is my little bug. Her new favorite place to watch her morning show is right there, in my coffee table drawer. I however am not a fan of this seating arrangement and am constantly getting her out and closing the drawer.

This has been an eventful week for us. And yes I am aware that it is only Wednesday. I am positive my husband won't want me to share this story but it was part of our lives this week. Sunday we headed over to Mesa for the newest Merrill grand baby blessing. My brother did a great job and it is always fun to be around family. Jer was able to come for the morning before work and then leave in the afternoon to go to work. We left mid afternoon to go home. Around 8:00 that evening Jer called me to tell me he was ok but he was in a car accident at work and was going to the hospital to get x rays and all checked out because he might have broke his arm. I tried, unsuccessfully, to keep my head together on the phone. I admit although I knew he was ok I was pretty freaked out. He didn't want me to come, he said he was fine. I was like if it was me I would have wanted him there and he wouldn't have even listened to me saying I was fine and didn't need him. So I hung up the phone called Lee and she came over to watch the kids. I got to the hospital around 9:30. Thankfully Jer is fine. No broken arm just bruised and sore. He told me he was on the way to back up another officer. He was clearing an intersection with lights and sirens on going about 5mph when someone in a big pickup truck didn't see him and t-boned him on the passenger side going about 55mph. It totalled both cars. We finally got out of the ER around 12:00am, went back to the station to grab his stuff, dropped off prescriptions, got some dinner and went home. I didn't end up going to sleep until like 2:00 am. Thankfully I have good friends (thank Natalie) that watched the kids so we could catch up on sleep. Since then Jer has been sleeping and resting. He is pretty darn sore but good. I am so SO grateful he is ok. No matter what the circumstance's it is hard to see your loved ones hurt. I talked to one of Jer's officer friends on the phone and he asked me how I was doing, then said that wife's always take it harder than the husbands. So true. I love my husband and am very  grateful for his job. I am glad he gets to do something he loves, even if it makes me a nervouse wreck somedays.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My desktop crashed, yes again, last week. I am glad that we were still under warranty. Now it is all fixed and things can get back to "bloggy" normal. :)
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