Wednesday, May 12, 2010


These pictures do not give justice to the black eye Laine is sporting these days. Last Thursday the kids were out in the front helping Dad wash the car. I was inside when I heard Laine screaming. I went out to check on her and she had a red bump under her eye. Jer isn't exactly sure what she was doing but she was either running and hit her eye on the side of a bucket or she was looking in the bucket, lost her balance, and hit her eye on the side of the bucket. Either way it has left a pretty good shiner. On Sunday it was green, the same color of her dress. I can't tell you how many people will stop you an comment on a little ones black eye. Poor girl.

PS you see the horrible quality of these pictures!!! I don't know what happened but it is back to taking horrible pictures again. Grrrr.


  1. Poor Laine, at least the pain was short term!

  2. is your camera a sony? if so.. i hate mine too.. the pic quality sucks. that or the cool pix? i tried that one too. ugh!!!

    hope her eye is back to normal soon. i have had some serious shiner stories for our little ones too.

  3. Heidi, that looks like you when you were that age.


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