Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is wrong with this picture...

If you thought the "wrong" in this picture was the fact that my house is a bit messy {looks like this everyday}, the lamp is missing from the table by the chair {seriously, why is it not there} or that the tv is babysitting my baby {who doesn't do this occasionally} you are all wrong.  It is my little bug. Her new favorite place to watch her morning show is right there, in my coffee table drawer. I however am not a fan of this seating arrangement and am constantly getting her out and closing the drawer.

This has been an eventful week for us. And yes I am aware that it is only Wednesday. I am positive my husband won't want me to share this story but it was part of our lives this week. Sunday we headed over to Mesa for the newest Merrill grand baby blessing. My brother did a great job and it is always fun to be around family. Jer was able to come for the morning before work and then leave in the afternoon to go to work. We left mid afternoon to go home. Around 8:00 that evening Jer called me to tell me he was ok but he was in a car accident at work and was going to the hospital to get x rays and all checked out because he might have broke his arm. I tried, unsuccessfully, to keep my head together on the phone. I admit although I knew he was ok I was pretty freaked out. He didn't want me to come, he said he was fine. I was like if it was me I would have wanted him there and he wouldn't have even listened to me saying I was fine and didn't need him. So I hung up the phone called Lee and she came over to watch the kids. I got to the hospital around 9:30. Thankfully Jer is fine. No broken arm just bruised and sore. He told me he was on the way to back up another officer. He was clearing an intersection with lights and sirens on going about 5mph when someone in a big pickup truck didn't see him and t-boned him on the passenger side going about 55mph. It totalled both cars. We finally got out of the ER around 12:00am, went back to the station to grab his stuff, dropped off prescriptions, got some dinner and went home. I didn't end up going to sleep until like 2:00 am. Thankfully I have good friends (thank Natalie) that watched the kids so we could catch up on sleep. Since then Jer has been sleeping and resting. He is pretty darn sore but good. I am so SO grateful he is ok. No matter what the circumstance's it is hard to see your loved ones hurt. I talked to one of Jer's officer friends on the phone and he asked me how I was doing, then said that wife's always take it harder than the husbands. So true. I love my husband and am very  grateful for his job. I am glad he gets to do something he loves, even if it makes me a nervouse wreck somedays.


  1. Glad to hear that he is okay!

  2. Me too.
    And Love that Laine bug. What a girl.

  3. Yikes! That would be scary! Thank goodness all he got was a bruise.

    Laine is pretty funny in that table :)

  4. That is scary! I'm so glad he's ok! Dannon was in a car accident at work (he drives all day for his job), I know what a nervous wreck I was when he called afterwards, I can imagine your fear. PS, your little girl is too cute.

  5. Laine is SO cute! Glad to hear your husband is okay, what a crazy day.

  6. i'm glad jeremiah is ok. and i LOVE the drawer...but, you never knew it was a chair!


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