Sunday, April 25, 2010

What keeps you sane...

for me these days it has been a couple of gates that keep my kids out of the kitchen and dining room. (thanks Ashley for letting me borrow this one, hope you don't need it back anytime soon) This keeps Bode out of the fridge and Laine off the table. It gives me one spot in the house that I can walk without tripping over a toy or skirting around a child. Well "I lock the door but they still get in" well kind of...

*you can't tell by this picture but he is stuck under there. He got his whole body under but his head got stuck.

Then there is this sweet-pea. She has taken on a less then desirable trait. She is now a drama queen. This video was taken Friday morning. You would think the world just ended but no, her shoe fell off.

My Mom's pretty cool...

She ran a 1/2 marathon.
We think it was pretty amazing...

35 years...

Opps I found a bunch of old posts that I forgot to put on here...

My parents celebrated their 35 wedding anniversary on the 21st of March.

To celebrate we threw then a surprise party.
Everyone came
(except the 2 son in laws that had to work)

60 cars...
1 house for 30 years...
6 children...
11 soon to be 12 grandchildren...
35 years still going strong...

Love you Dad and Mom!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I promise....

I won't do this all the time but I love the way my little project turned out today. Check out my blog for more pictures.

Click on this button :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I guess he was hungry...

Our favorite Easter candy is Reese's eggs. I always buy a bag for Jer. He buys himself a few bags. We keep them in the freezer because that makes them extra yummy. Well a few days after Easter all the eggs were gone. I thought Jer really ate a lot of eggs, he thought I ate a lot of eggs. Well it turns out neither of us ate the eggs. I was making Bode's bed the other morning and this is what I found...

8 Milk Chocolate Reese's
4 White Chocolate Reeses
4 slices of American Cheese
When asked about all the wrappers he said " I eat them in the morning and when you are in the shower". Sneaky kid. I guess I am going  to have to put a lock on the freezer too.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Toot! Toot!

Please excuse me while I toot my horn for a second.

The DIY Show Off

So if you read my blog regularly you might notice a little something, I LOVE crafts, sewing, home decorating and  anything that I can create and make beautiful with my hands.

I have been wanting to make my own little crafty blog for awhile and I finally got up the courage to really do it.  Thank you DIY Showoff for giving me some courage! I was featured in the DIY Project Parade.

So here she it is, my blog...

*You will notice a lot of my projects are in this blog and my craft blog. But my plan is to fill Cut Once Measure Twice with fun easy to do projects that you can do to beautify your home.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dear Laundry,

I hate your stinking guts.
You make me vomit.
You're the scum between my toes.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dad in boot...

There are few things that would make Jeremiah make this face.
The death of the beloved x-box

Or this...

A boot or as Bode would call it "a boob". Jer was having a lot of pain in his foot. So after x-rays, talking to my bro (who is a podiatrist), going to a doctor and then an MRI we found out that he has 3 bone contusions in his foot. So for the past few weeks he has been gimping along in this boot. He hurt his foot playing basketball. We were worried that if it was torn ligaments then surgery would be necessary. Luckily with the injury he has a few weeks in the boot has done the trick and he can go back to full duty work. We are very happy all around that Jer can ditch the boot and get back to being himself. He is very happy not to be on light duty behind the desk. No more dad in "boob".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dining room re-do...

It all started with the table.
When I bought the table I was always very aware that the chairs didn't match the table. Not a huge deal. The chairs are a cream with a bit of a glaze over them. The table was just plain white. It always bothered me. I know that is crazy, most people didn't even notice, but just the same it bothered me. So after I finished painting my hutch I have a bunch of red paint left over and the table was just calling its name. So my plan was to just paint the white part red. That was it, a quick coat of paint or two and it was done...

Yeah, not so much. My dear hubby and I hauled out the table and set it up in the garage. My new toy was a paint sprayer and I was itching to use it. We sanded it a bit and then painted it. It took all of 30 min to do the whole project. BUT the next morning I went to check on it and my heart dropped, the paint was peeling and bubbly, plus with the slightest scratch the paint would peel right off.

So I decided to scrap the whole red idea and start over. It took DAYS and DAYS to get off all the red paint. Thank goodness for an electric sander and sharp razor blades. It took for ever to get it all off. During all that sanding and scraping I decided that I was going to redo the whole table. So I decided to re stain the top and match the bottom piece to the chairs. I am really glad the red didn't work out. The re stained top looks so much better!

This is how it sat in the garage for a few weeks. Then I moved it inside because I was sick of not having a table. So again it sat like this covered by a table cloth for a few weeks. I was so worn out by so much sanding I couldn't bring myself to finish the table. Which is so not like me. I like to get stuff done quick. But since this gets used so much I knew it needed to be done the right was which meant I needed to take my time and do it the right way.

Here it is today! I love it!

So much better. I love the dark stain on top and the antique white on the bottom to match the chairs.
So since the table got a beautiful redo the whole room needed an up date too.
Here is how it looks now.

New paint color (good bye yellow-hello Gobi desert)
I love the new curtains.(or should I say mistreatment's seeing as they are an old table cloth pieced together with no sew tape and staples)
Changed the placement of the table to allow room for the hutch.
I moved the red hutch into the dining room to make room for the new piano :)
It fit perfectly into the little nook.

Some new vinyl and some sweet cast-iron stars from Goodwill.

So again here is the before...

And after ...

(please excuse the unpainted wall to the right and brushes to the left... always a work in progress)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Watch out for this kid...

Bode came out of his room from quiet time this afternoon and proclaimed "I'm fast, I'm tricky and I kick way hard". He then did some kind of karate kid action and went back in to his room without saying another word.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Magic Jelly Seeds...

On Saturday night the Easter Bunny left some magic jelly eggs on our door step.

So we dug a hole...

and planted them in the back yard in hope that they would grow something great!

Then the dog ate them.

Luckily for us Boo didn't get all our magic beans and the next morning our magical jelly seeds grew into yummy lollipops.

*After planting our seeds Bode and Boo (my Mom's labradoodle) decided to play in the back yard. Soon after I went in Bode came in and told us all that Boo ate the beans. I then had this dilemma; do the magical lollipops grow where we planted the seeds or do they grow where the dog magicaly drops them?

The eggs...

What would Easter be without eggs?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt...

This year we {me, Bode and Laine, dad had to work} traveled up to Pinetop to celebrate Easter with my parents. We have not been up there since December. Bode was SO excited to go see Grandma Trish and Grandpa Dave. Laine on the other hand did not like the car and cried almost the whole way, it is nearly a 4 hour drive.

The city has their annual Easter Egg Hunt at the park. I can remember going to these almost every year growing up. I always wanted to find the "golden egg" and get a prize. Never did. My mom doesn't remember going to 1 hunt at the park. I wonder what she did while all of us were at the park?

On the way over Bode was dragging his feet behind me walking with my mom. I had to keep telling him to hurry up to keep up with us. Once we started seeing people his excitement must have boiled over. He just started running. We hadn't even made it across the road into the park.

This year there were SO many people. They were parked clear down my parents street, down Woodland Road and just all over. Bode was a bit nervous at first. I had to convince him that this was going to be fun.

He got brave and worked his way up to the front of the line.

There were so many eggs scattered all over the park. Once the whistle blew the kids went running. Bode just took off. Good thing he did too. It was about a 30 second hunt. All the eggs were gone so fast.

Bode and his loot. Eggs full of toys and candy.
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