Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dad in boot...

There are few things that would make Jeremiah make this face.
The death of the beloved x-box

Or this...

A boot or as Bode would call it "a boob". Jer was having a lot of pain in his foot. So after x-rays, talking to my bro (who is a podiatrist), going to a doctor and then an MRI we found out that he has 3 bone contusions in his foot. So for the past few weeks he has been gimping along in this boot. He hurt his foot playing basketball. We were worried that if it was torn ligaments then surgery would be necessary. Luckily with the injury he has a few weeks in the boot has done the trick and he can go back to full duty work. We are very happy all around that Jer can ditch the boot and get back to being himself. He is very happy not to be on light duty behind the desk. No more dad in "boob".


  1. I bet he's happy to get out of the "boob" (hehehe) just before the super heated summer arrives too. I know I would be. Can you imagine? Yuck!

    Glad he is on the mend. ;)

  2. I thought most husbands liked being in the boob. {or boobies}

  3. I'm sitting here laughing right now about "boobs". That was like Beavis and butthead talking, "uhh-huh boobs" clean it up ladies.


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