Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dining room re-do...

It all started with the table.
When I bought the table I was always very aware that the chairs didn't match the table. Not a huge deal. The chairs are a cream with a bit of a glaze over them. The table was just plain white. It always bothered me. I know that is crazy, most people didn't even notice, but just the same it bothered me. So after I finished painting my hutch I have a bunch of red paint left over and the table was just calling its name. So my plan was to just paint the white part red. That was it, a quick coat of paint or two and it was done...

Yeah, not so much. My dear hubby and I hauled out the table and set it up in the garage. My new toy was a paint sprayer and I was itching to use it. We sanded it a bit and then painted it. It took all of 30 min to do the whole project. BUT the next morning I went to check on it and my heart dropped, the paint was peeling and bubbly, plus with the slightest scratch the paint would peel right off.

So I decided to scrap the whole red idea and start over. It took DAYS and DAYS to get off all the red paint. Thank goodness for an electric sander and sharp razor blades. It took for ever to get it all off. During all that sanding and scraping I decided that I was going to redo the whole table. So I decided to re stain the top and match the bottom piece to the chairs. I am really glad the red didn't work out. The re stained top looks so much better!

This is how it sat in the garage for a few weeks. Then I moved it inside because I was sick of not having a table. So again it sat like this covered by a table cloth for a few weeks. I was so worn out by so much sanding I couldn't bring myself to finish the table. Which is so not like me. I like to get stuff done quick. But since this gets used so much I knew it needed to be done the right was which meant I needed to take my time and do it the right way.

Here it is today! I love it!

So much better. I love the dark stain on top and the antique white on the bottom to match the chairs.
So since the table got a beautiful redo the whole room needed an up date too.
Here is how it looks now.

New paint color (good bye yellow-hello Gobi desert)
I love the new curtains.(or should I say mistreatment's seeing as they are an old table cloth pieced together with no sew tape and staples)
Changed the placement of the table to allow room for the hutch.
I moved the red hutch into the dining room to make room for the new piano :)
It fit perfectly into the little nook.

Some new vinyl and some sweet cast-iron stars from Goodwill.

So again here is the before...

And after ...

(please excuse the unpainted wall to the right and brushes to the left... always a work in progress)


  1. I LOVE it! So cute and jealous of your cute dining room! I can't wait to have a house to decorate!

  2. Wow, that looks incredible, great job!!

  3. I really like it. You need to invite somebody over for dinner :).The table turned out so nice.

  4. whoa, heidi! it looks great! I am going to pull up all of your projects & copy them. :)

  5. beautiful! you are amazingly talented!

  6. Love it! Love it! Love it! Heidi, you have amazing talents, I am so jealous! hehe. :)

  7. OOOhhhhh boy that's a lot of sanding! The final project is soo beautiful and worth it! (easy for me to say...)

  8. I LOVE the table!! You do AMAZING work!!!! I need you to come visit my house for a week and fix it up!! We've lived here for 18 months and still haven't decorated!

  9. I love it! You did a great job with the whole room!!!

  10. Heidi, you could seriously do this professionally if you wanted to. I just wish my brain worked like yours when it comes to decorating!

  11. I love your whole house and I haven't even been there before. I was garage sale-ing this last weekend and saw the cutest wooden bird decorations. I just turned to my mom and sister and was like "this would look so cute in Heidi Joncas' house". We all agreed! How funny is that!

  12. That table is beautiful!!! What a difference in your dining room!

    I LOVE your header too, btw!

  13. I really like the new dark stain on top. Very nice! Way to go!

  14. It's beautiful! You are so talented!

  15. Be careful Heidi! Redecorating is an addictive hobby. Good thing you are a do it yourselfer, frugal girl. LOOKS AMAZING!!


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