Sunday, April 25, 2010

What keeps you sane...

for me these days it has been a couple of gates that keep my kids out of the kitchen and dining room. (thanks Ashley for letting me borrow this one, hope you don't need it back anytime soon) This keeps Bode out of the fridge and Laine off the table. It gives me one spot in the house that I can walk without tripping over a toy or skirting around a child. Well "I lock the door but they still get in" well kind of...

*you can't tell by this picture but he is stuck under there. He got his whole body under but his head got stuck.

Then there is this sweet-pea. She has taken on a less then desirable trait. She is now a drama queen. This video was taken Friday morning. You would think the world just ended but no, her shoe fell off.


  1. Laine and Callie will be best friends for sure...Or they will have screaming matches like you've never seen. Either way it will be quite interesting!

  2. Oh my word, If I didn't know better I would have thought I was watching a video of Payton. She used to FLIP out if her shoe fell off. She too can be a little drama queen!

  3. heidi,

    that is EXACTLY elora's tantrum. LOL big surprise!

  4. Oh the drama is never-ending!! Awesome video!

  5. Funny video! I got a good laugh.

  6. I love that pic of Bode stuck under the gate! Ha!! Hysterical...why are they always pushing the limits??

  7. Oh the joys of motherhood! When I went visiting teaching yesterday, you would have thought that something truly tragic had just happened to this poor 4-year-old at one house, but no. It was just his sister's turn to shut the microwave not his! I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone when it comes to kids throwing fits!
    -And that picture of Bode stuck is too funny!

  8. This is ultra hilarious! I had gates in my house for about 2 years and I always thought one day this would happen.....


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