Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh how we love the rain!!!

So much water everywhere!!
Our makeshift ponchos. Wow I can really pull off the nasty bag lady look.
Bode loves to explore in the woods.

This is how sweet Bode took a nap. Who needs a rocker when you have a quad?

Bode thought he was big stuff with this helmet on.

I am ready to ride!!

So we went swimming...oops I mean camping this weekend. It rained so much. We got to Bear Canyon Lake campground around 6 or so Friday night. Set up tents and waited for the Mandile's to come. We were all grumpy and sleepy by the time everyone got there that we just went to sleep. Another family was supposed to get there around midnight, but they got lost and ended up at camp around 4 in the morning. Yuck! Then Shanna and Shane and their three girls got to camp around 3 in the afternoon, they thought they would get there around 10:00 am, who's husband gave all the bad directions?

Anyways to make a really long story short, it started raining and by 7:30 we were all in our own tents. Tents that were not made to hold up against Noah's ark type rain coming down. The Mandile's tent had a good inch of water on the floor and they ended up sleeping in their car. We we a bit more lucky and didn't have standing water but we defiantly were not completely dry. We all got up and took down everything in the rain. Luckily we didn't have to bad of a ride home. unlike others who got stuck in traffic for literally hours.

We took Stat with us and he did good. Except that he wasn't supposed to get his paw wet so we had a fun time working around that.

Bode was a stinker. But much better than the last time we went camping. HE got in big trouble for hiding from us behind the trees.

Poor Jeremiah was sick the whole time, but he tried to have fun. Jessica will know what I am taking about when I say I am glad the I have a husband that is willing to get wet and work a little. Man I am grateful for that!

No camping for us for a long while!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh how I wish I could go outside...

Is this not the saddest picture ever!?! Stat it doing so good. He got the drain out of his front leg and now has a purple wrap on his leg. I think it is purple becasue a couple of the tech's kept calling him a "her." Oh well. He is still on pain medication and antibiotic's for like 6 more days. He must have thought he was good yesterday becasue he played hard and woke up this morning with a pretty swollen paw so he had laid low all day. He can go outside, but not for long periods of time, just to keep everything clean. He is mostly an inside dog but when I am gone at practice and Jer is at work he loves to play outside in our backyard. So I guess he misses it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just singn' along

I was in the living room when I heard Bode just going "la la la" really loud. So I decided to see what he was doing. (Pause the music player for full effect.) And this is what I found...

He was just singing along to some good old Tim McGraw.

Hold me close you Disney Dancer (maybe a Friends fan will get my title or Lee will)

Couldn't get the video to work on the blog so click the link below.

I know this isn't laugh out loud funny but for those of you who have been to Disneyland there are always a few of these kind of people there. 2 words spandex and fannypack.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Poor Stat!

So here is our story of the week~
Last Thursday night I was taking Stat out to go to the potty in the front yard. Normally he does his business and come right back in with one call. But there were people across the street and he was getting close to the road and barking at them. So I couldn't get him to come back to me and it was dark to I turned around to get Jer to try to bet him back in. Right when I turned around I saw a truck flying down our street. It screeched on its breaks and all I heard was Stat yelling. Jer ran out and got him, I just started bawling. He looked pretty bad, his paw looked all mangled and he wasn't moving much. So I called the emergency vet and they were swamped and couldn't see him until like 4am so they gave us some instructions to help him through the night. We wrapped him in gauze and kept him warm. Jer took the night shift, what a great guy.
He looked tons better in the morning. We called the vet and they told us to bring him in right away. They did a full exam and took a bunch of x rays. And the miracle is that he didn't even break a bone!!!! He got pretty banged up. He got surgery to fix his left front paw. The skin was torn off from his writs to the elbow. We got to take him home last night. And he is doing so good. I am going to have to be patient was the potty issue. He gets so embarrassed to have accidents in the house. But he is up and walking around and eating. We are so darn lucky!!!! The pictures aren't the greatest.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Boys will be boys...

Well so much for the vinyl in Bode's room. It was supposed to say "play:to make a big mess with toys" Not anymore!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Who did this study? (copy and paste into web browser)

Ok, so who is the idiot who funded this. Obviously a man. Because all shall we say full figured women are aware of the "bouncing" problem. I can just see it... two men at the gym "man that girls boobs sure bounce a lot when she runs, what like 6 inches?" My particular favorite is the story at the end about the girl who couldn't play basketball because she couldn't find the right bra. I know that once people get into the double alphabet letter sizes there is pain involved, but come on. Wear a sports bra, two if you have to. Just a thought for the day, sorry if it makes no sense, I just thought it was kinda funny.

Monday, September 10, 2007

This always makes me laugh!!!

Why does this bring me so much joy?

Crash and Burn!!!

Ok, don't judge me for watching Brittney Spears opening performance at he VMA's last night, but I did. And it was awful. I was, key word "was", a fan in high school. But have since then gotten way over that. But I was curious to see if she could pull off a comeback. An the answer is no. It was only like 3 minutes long and it was pathetic. She was off on her dancing, and she poorly lip-synced the whole thing. Someone needs to tell this girl that it is OK to wear more than underwear especially out in public. I was embarrassed watching it and I think she was embarrassed to preform. Better luck next time...if she can book a show.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What a kid...

Bode is turning into such a little boy. After going to the volleyball game with Dad, he must have been all tuckered out. Jeremiah said he just came in crawled up in the chair got comfy and wanted to watch a movie. He is to much fun...most of the time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Put your white away...

What a blurr of a weekend.

Friday up at 4:30 to get on the bus to go to the Payson tourney. All day at the gym, late night then another day at the gym.
Our team did really good. Our pool was a really stacked one and we were hoping to get in the top three. We came out 1st! Then we ended up getting second over all. The girls did so good. My little sister, Lee, got MVP of the whole tournament!! We are so proud of her! She is flat out awesome. Don't let it go to your head Bean ;)
Saturday evening we went out to camp with the Brooks and Davis's for their family reunion. It was pretty cool, and fun to see everyone. Bode is such a terror. He has no fear or the concept of a boundary. So we spend more of our time running after him. I guess it was the Flemming Family Reunion. It was really neat to see so much family gathered together. I want to do something like that with my family someday.
We got back Sunday night. On Monday morning Jer and I decided to get a new entertainment center. Our old one had seen better days. We didn't want to but a big really nice one, if you have ever been to our house there is really only one corner where a tv can go, and there isn't space for a big one. I want to wait until we are in a place where there can be a whole wall dedicated to an entertainment center. So anyway there was wal-mart I had wanted and when we went there was only one left and it was 1/2 off. Yeah! So even though it isn't the best quality, it is definitely an upgrade.
I forgot my camera when we went camping so I missed out on some good pictures. I know the Brooks took a few... I would love to have a copy! So here are some random Bode pictures. I was making the bed and he wouldn't move so I made it around him. He thought it was great and just sat there and watched a movie in all the pillows.

Yummy corn on the cob!!!

High School

Fill this out about your years in high school!

1. Who were your best friends? I had a lot of friends, and sometimes who I hung out with depended on if they were doing the same thing I was at the moment. Typical high school....
2. What sports did you play? VOLLEYBALL and Track
3. What kind of car did you drive? A white 1987 Toyota 4x4 I loved it to death!!
4. On a Friday nights what were you doing? Not much.
5. Were you a party animal? Nope, I am a homebody
6. Were you considered a flirt?Not that I know of
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Never
8. Were you a nerd? I wasn't a nerd, nor was I "popular" I was just me
9. Did you get suspended/expelled?No, The only time I got in trouble was because my shorts were to short
10. Can you still sing the fight song? Yeah
11. Who was your favorite teacher? My seminary teacher Bro. Moon, he was amazing!!
12. Where did you sit during lunch? I went off campus. My senior year I just went home every day for lunch. Maybe I was a nerd!?!
13. Name the school full name? Blue Ridge High School
14. School mascot? A Yellow Jacket
15. School Colors?Purple & Gold
16. Rival high school? Show Low & Snowflake
17. Did you go to Prom?Yes, three times.
18. If you could go back and do it again, would you? There is no way is heck I would ever go back. Live, Love and move on.
19. What do you remember most about graduation? Some of my friends we hysterically cry becasue they were so sad to graduate. It was funny and I couldn't help but laugh. I was so excited to get out of there.
20. Where did you go senior skip day? I don't think we had one of those, and I never ditched becasue I could check myself out.
21. Favorite memory? I don't remember just one.
22. Were you in any clubs?Nope.
23. Where did you go most often for lunch?When we did go out it was KFC, Burger King or Taco Bell for kids meals.
24. Have you gained some weight since then?This is a stupid question, but actually I have gained, lost, gained, lost & right now I'm about the same size I was back then minus any muscle tone. I'm all flab.
25. Who was your Senior prom date? I went with Cory Jarman.
26. Are you planning on going to your 10-year reunion?More than likely
27. Who was your home room teacher?We didn't have home room.
28. Who will re-post this after you?Blogging buddies
29. Who was your high school sweetheart? I dated two guys in high school. And other than that I just have friends.
30. Do you still talk to people from high school? A couple. I do see people around town that I went to school with and always end up chatting.
31.Did you win prom queen or king?HA HA HA! Not me, never even nominated, I am beginning to think I was a nerd :)
32. Where did you work in high school? I only worked during the summer
33. what were your grades?I was an A/B student.
34. What was your dress style?Whatever fit and was comfy
35. What year did you graduate? 2003
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